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Source wog native dialogs
1. Hi igrik ! I love your plugin Spells Description very much, though I have difficulties on adding Chinese localization to it without replacing English. Will you kindly consider update the plugin with ERA json support? Thanks!

2. This is another request about WoG Native Dialog plugin:

Image: cZZhAat.jpg

So far I believe that the comma I show from the pic above does not appear in WogNDlg.txt. It is handled internally, which frustrates me.
In some languages ​​(Chinese for example), there is an alternative style of comma. Using an English comma does not make sense to those languages.
I wish this comma can be added to WogNDlg.txt for better localization experience of ERA.

Hope that igrik will respond to my request. Thank you in advanced. 96-copy
Archer30, how do you write comma in Chinese?
Berserker, It's ",". Comparing to English comma, just slightly different in style and wider to match up with Chinese characters.
(31.07.2020 00:20)Archer30 Wrote: [ -> ]1. Hi igrik ! I love your plugin Spells Description very much, though I have difficulties on adding Chinese localization to it without replacing English. Will you kindly consider update the plugin with ERA json support? Thanks!

2. This is another request about WoG Native Dialog plugin
1. Ok. I'll do it. But later, not now.

2. Comma added to txt file. Download
Correct the text file yourself:
", kills:" (line 22)

PS: show me what a comma looks like in Chinese, please.
igrik, в посте выше китайская запятая.
igrik, thank you so much!
My request 1# was submitted 1 month ago. Now I've already got used to the current spell description structure. There is no big deal creating another language file for the plugin. It's up to you to place the request to a low priority Sm

So the Chinese comma is "," comparing to English comma "," only minor difference there. Let me show you in action.
Image: BoCS5es.jpg

Blue line: Chinese comma
Red line: English comma
Asking for more help from igrik

igrik, appologize for failing to notice this before I submitted my last request. I'm in need of your help again about WoG Native Dialogs.

New Request: Moving the spacebar marked below from the plugin to WoGNDlg.txt (end of line 22).
Image: 2knLiPq.jpg

Reason: Spacebar in sentences must be removed in Asian languages.

The current line 22 from WoGNDlg.txt is
, kills:
The actual sentence in battle will become
, kills: %killcount%
While in Chinese, the more native way of speaking would be
The difference is, there is no space needed after "kills:".
igrik, тож спрошу по WoG Native Dialog плагину...

В области ввода текста ограничение в 31 символ?
Я не знаю сколько было в базовой реализации WoG, использую щас обновлённый диалог...
Image: 0f1af60a1c81t.jpg
Another new request of WoG Native Dialogs...

Request: Can igrik make a switch of whether or not enabling input dialogs of WoG Native Dialogs please?

Reason: The current input dialogs from WoG Native Dialogs has an shortcoming for Asian language user as it does not support local IME (Input method).

Here's an example explaining how IME works with Chinese input (with WoG Native Dialogs disabled):
Image: bi3cy1p.jpg
When typing "haha" with Chinese IME enabled, "haha" does not instantly appear in the game, instead it's stored in the IME. As "haha" was typed, IME will pop up possible Chinese words with the letter combination "haha". Unitil pressing "1, 2 or 3" from the keyboard to select the actual Chinese words, nothing will be input to the game.

If "1" was pressed after "haha", then
Image: rAqgEDl.jpg
“哈哈” would be input in the game dialogs.

But, with WoG Native Dialogs Enabled, this becomes impossible. Here's another example explain how WoG Native Dialogs behaves with Chinese IME enabled.
Image: UnEWkjP.jpg
So basically the Chinese IME still stores the keyboard input, but WoG Native Dialogs won't write anything from IME. With "haha" + "1" now gets only "haha1" in the dialog.

Conclusion: WoG Native Dialogs does not support Chinese Chinese input while the original WoG dialogs handles it quite well.

I understand that it might be very complex to add local IME support to WND, thus my request is making a switch of the dialog.

I'm looking forward to your response to this one, as well as the request here, igrik. Thank you in advanced Sm
Image: image.png

Do these input fields support Asian characters?
igrik, they do not, even the official Chinese HoMM3 does not supports any kind of Chinese character input. That's the main reason I believe this could takes many effort of research.

The only dialogs supports Chinese are WoG's, which is essential for objects like living skull.
(21.08.2020 13:37)Archer30 Wrote: [ -> ]igrik, they do not, even the official Chinese HoMM3 does not supports any kind of Chinese character input. That's the main reason I believe this could takes many effort of research.

The only dialogs supports Chinese are WoG's, which is essential for objects like living skull.
Very bad. We will decide with Berserker what to do.

Berserker, что будем делать? Выпиливать этот диалог ввода (полностью или через ini файл с параметром)?
Или есть другие предложения? Просто я не вижу способа добавить поддержку азиатских символов в это поле ввода. Я уже много чего перепробовал - всё бестолку.
igrik, воговский диалог ввода — обычный элемент управления Windows, который умеет выделять/копировать текст, понимает сообщение вставки из буфера обмена.
К сожалению, азиатский способ ввода будет не применим к большинству игровых диалогов. Потому давай вынесем замену поля ввода в heroes3.ini (есть команда на чтение из ini в era sdk). При UseWindowsInputControl="1" (не 0, не пустом) для диалогов, где присутствуют поле ввода, использовать воговский вариант.
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