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(13.09.2023 12:50)daemon_n Wrote: [ -> ]В разных вариантах указывает разный сбойный модуль, но всё крутится вокруг артов для ИИ - откат плагина решал все проблемы.

Вот Прима без хука: https://vk.com/s/v1/doc/ZAq265d81PtmuK8m...z3r9d-DFKU

Дебаг-отчёт от HD-мода мне больше нравится, от ЭРЫ не очень ясно на какой функции происходит вылет, поэтому отследить ошибку не получилось.
Guest, у тебя случаем не сохранились ли исходники патча на 32-bit color mode? А то что-то я не могу никак нагуглить
(21.11.2023 20:17)igrik Wrote: [ -> ]Guest, у тебя случаем не сохранились ли исходники патча на 32-bit color mode? А то что-то я не могу никак нагуглить

Думаю нет) я даже не уверен где это. Это из HD мода? В общем, я в этом нуб.
(21.11.2023 20:17)igrik Wrote: [ -> ]XEPOMAHT, у тебя случаем не сохранились ли исходники патча на 32-bit color mode? А то что-то я не могу никак нагуглить

; НАЗВАНИЕ: Оконный 32-битный цветовой режим
; ВЕРСИЯ: 1.0
; АВТОР: Bourn
; ОПИСАНИЕ: Позволяет играть в оконном режиме при глубине цвета в 32 бита
; StatFree = YES

; DATA "DDRAW.dll" => "ZDRAW.dll"
;25C7D8 5A

;25C7B6 6D; smackw32.dll -> mmackw32.dll (обновлённая библиотека для проигрывания видеозаставки)
XEPOMAHT, спасибо.
Bugs of ChooseAttack.dll by igrik and temporary fixes
Bug of game bug fixes extended by igrik

This plugin prevents a hero from learning a banned spell from artifacts, for example, a hero can no longer learn Scuttle Boat from Sea Captain's Hat when Scuttle Boat is banned in map.
This might not be wrong logically, yet it breaks the compatibility of custom maps. Many maps on "artifact gives banned spells" mechanism to work. A certain spell usually cannot be obtained anywhere except after getting the particular artifact in a trial.

I would recommend reverting the changes in game bug fixes extended.dll.
Archer30, I haven't seen your bug reports. I'll fix it in a few days.
igrik, hi! I think this is the first time I have reported them. If you need more info, please just let me know.
(27.11.2023 20:33)Archer30 Wrote: [ -> ]Bug of game bug fixes extended by igrik

This plugin prevents a hero from learning a banned spell from artifacts ...

(27.11.2023 20:33)Archer30 Wrote: [ -> ]Fixed losing Double Strike/Strike all around after the commander learns shooting with ChooseAttack plugin
This contradicts the course of the game. Shooting monsters cannot attack twice in melee. See 0x441BAA. But I can allow an exception for commanders.
Image: image.png

(27.11.2023 20:33)Archer30 Wrote: [ -> ]Fixed losing Strike all around after the commander learns shooting with ChooseAttack plugin
Refused. I was unable to reproduce this bug. Need a save game.

(27.11.2023 20:33)Archer30 Wrote: [ -> ]Fixed sometimes Enchanters lose the ability to cast with ChooseAttack plugin
Can be reproduced if Enchanters act after shooters' turn (For example, after Sharpshooters, Titans)
Refused. I was unable to reproduce this bug. Need a save game.
Quote:This contradicts the course of the game. Shooting monsters cannot attack twice in melee.
In WoG and ERA, commanders are the exception to this rule. They can attack twice even if they learn shooting.

Here are the save games for the two problems. I wrote the attacker and defender should be used for reproducing the bug in their filenames.

If you use the latest launcher build, it should be noted that in a previous update, I put my fix for Double Strike/Strike all around problem in ...\Mods\Game Enhancement Mod\Data\s\79 wog - igrik.erm. You will need to search for "Fixed losing Double Strike/Strike all around" and remove the related script before testing.

In the save game for checking Commander loses Strike All Around, you might need to spam "Q + battlereplay" before the two stacks of Thunder Birds could move closed like in this pic.
In the save game for checking Enchanters lose the chance to cast, if you make Enchanters the first acting unit by putting them in a slot earlier than Sharpshooters, their ability to cast will be recovered. Like this:
Archer30, thanks for the detailed bug report! Such reports are really important, it's easy to look for a error.
All fixes are available on GitHub

game bug fixes extended.dll
[-] фикс: двуклеточные монстры в бою могут сделать 1 шаг назад
[-] фикс: командиры, имеющие флаг стрельбы и двойной атаки, в рукопашной теперь атакуют дважды.

choose attack.dll
[+] Плагин залит на репозиторий
[-] фикс: стрелки с флагом "Круговая атака" и артефактом "Лук снайпера" не атаковали всех вокруг. Исправлено.
[-] фикс: Чародеи (монстр 136) не могли кастовать после хода более быстрых существ в своей армии.
igrik, thanks! All reported issues are fixed. Yet I had a crash before battle when I was testing with the save Gelu vs Thunderbirds. Judging by the log, it has a strong chance related to game bug fixes extended. There was another report earlier with the same bug. However that save requires Third Upgrade Mod Reborn (a Third Upgrade Mod variant I made) to load. If you need that mod, I will send it to you.

The crash doesn't reproduce with 100% chance. I believe it's rather rare like lower than 3%.

Here are the save games and debug of the two crashes.
exception context
Quote:> Callstack
Game bug fixes extended.1818 (?getAIValue_NPC@@YA_JH@Z + 104)
Archer30, unfortunately, I do not know and cannot find the reason for the departure. But just in case, I added a check for a null pointer to the commander's structure in plugin game bug fixes extended.dll
igrik, thanks for your work!
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