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Full Version: Third Upgrade Mod [Amethyst Edition] v2.18.2
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(25.10.2022 19:14)daemon_n Wrote: [ -> ]Nevemor, только ты можешь это сделать)

Сказал переводчик АСМ)))
Nevemor, я перевел то, вот что играл сам118
Здравствуйте. Будет ли русский перевод для последней версии мода 2.16? Я скачал лаунчер 3-тьих героев, установил Эру 3, затем поставил мод. В папку с эрой установил русификатор версии 2.15, и игра перестала запускаться.
Да, и ещё. WOG скрипт "автопреобразование существ 7 уровня" не работает. Включил скрипт, но Титаны не улучшились.
(30.10.2022 13:31)Mr. Adams Wrote: [ -> ]Да, и ещё. WOG скрипт "автопреобразование существ 7 уровня" не работает. Включил скрипт, но Титаны не улучшились.

It's disabled by default, it's not compatible with the mod.
Third Upgrade Mod version 2.16.1


-Updated TUM Manual.
-Added "msvcp140.dll" and "vcruntime140.dll". (As a test to find out if the error disappears when starting TUM without Visual C++ Runtime).
-Temporarily disabled SS Bonus Agent.dll (suspected to be the cause of Dragons with lack of immunities).
-Fixed Dragonheart artifact spawns Lord of Thunder instead of Blood Dragon.
-Removed Dragonling Nests from naturally spawning on Random Map due to too many spawning on the map.
    -Due to the aforementioned, the possibility of replacement in Dragonling Nests was increased again.
-Changed Rust Dragon for Sulfide Dragon in Ultimate Dragon Utopia.
-Improved Fire and Ice Dragon Castle (Can be visited after 28 days, it has different sizes and now gives mithril).
-Now Dragonlings can growth in its mature form when they reach Ace Rank. (Thanks to PerryR!)
V_Maiko, спасибо за мод. Превосходная игра. Но у меня периодически возникают ошибки. Игра вылетает после нескольких часов игры. Как правило, при нападении на город, монстра или героя. Как и где мне лучше оставить отчет об ошибке? В этой теме или в теме "ошибки, баги и недочеты WOG"? Прислать карту и сохранение, или лог?
Если играешь с модом TUM, то только в этой теме или в канале мода в дискорде.
Здравствуйте. Third Upgrades Mod несовместим с плагином "новые заклинания". http://wforum.heroes35.net/showthread.php?tid=6388
Во время игры за некроманта Септиенна. Пожиратель душ (командир) пытается воскресить скелетов, игра вылетает. Отключил плагин, вылеты прекратились. Вообще, я использую одновременно следующие моды: XXL-mod, Random wallpaper, Человекоподобный ИИ, Смешанные нейтралы, Улучшенные оруженосцы, 10SSkills, Era Scripts, TrainerX, Difficulty Mod version: 1.033, Wog graphics Fix, Game Enchacement Mod, BattleSpeed, Wog скрипты, Unleashed Editor, Spells Description, Era Erm Framework, WoG (основа). Какие из них совместимы/несовместимы с вашим модом? Или друг с другом? (Я совсем не разбираюсь в скриптах).
TUM совместим с какой-либо версией HD-мода?

UPD. Неактуально. Старая версия перевода крашила игру.
V_Maiko Здравствуйте. Спасибо за обновление. Будет ли русский перевод для последней версии мода 2.16.2?
ссылка не рабоотает
Google says

wrong URL or file is deleted
Hi Heroes of the Forum! It's been a while since I was here, last year I was very busy and I didn't have time to publish my mod everywhere, today I come with version 1.18.1, maybe thanks to Liso from the Heroes3wog net portal you guys stayed updated. As compensation I come to provide you with all the changes that have occurred from version 1.17.0 to version 1.18.0


New feature!: Now Catherine Ironfist can upgrade Crusaders and Inquisitors into Swordmasters! (Beta phase)
- Fixed wrong description from Pure Diamond Dragon and other creatures.
- Ritual Dagger works now on Supreme Arch Mage but better.
- Fixed passibility from Order of Ice dwelling.

The following changes were made by Archer30:

Deleted individual files written in the main code for better management:
...Datas81 wog - disable options.erm
...DatasAura of Bravery.erm
...DatasKongsuni Artifact.erm
...EraPluginsAfterWoGchange wog options selection type.bin
...LangKongsuni Artifact.json
...Langunlimited music themes.json

New effect of artifacts:
- Lightning Rod: This rod increases your Attack, Defense, Knowledge skills by 3 and your Power skill by 6. It gives the hero Lightning Bolt and Chain Lighnigs spells and makes all units vulnerable to these spells (only artifact immunity works). Chain lighting can be cast on all enemy units without damaging ally creatures. Each stack hit by the Chain Lightning spell gets an additional hit by Lightning Bolt.
- Amulet of the return of Samsara: When casting Resurrection and Animate Undaed, the spells will also be cast on all the ally creatures with 30% of the hero's power. Transform different skeletons into their living forms.
- Implosion Amplifying Bracelet: When casting implosion, the spell will also be cast on all the other enemy creatures with 30% of the hero's power.
- Exchange Cloak: When worn, the Attack and Defense of the allied hero and enemy hero are reversed.

Other improvement of fixes:
- New Pandora now works only in random maps (for securing the compatibiliy with custom maps).
- Several options from WoG Scripts and Era Scripts now also work on third upgrade of the effetive creatures.
- A + LMB on the position of the garrison hero/visiting hero's portrait from the town screen upgrades all the avaialbe creatures.
- Fixed greying out WoG option menu.
- Fixed changing the name of Portal of Summoning even when 8th creature is not enabled.
- Fixed Wayfarer's Boots.
- Fixed Helm of the Hydra Queen.
- Added the missing level 8 and commander portraits graphics in png format for the future compatibility with Era Assembly.
- Fixed Ingham's specialty not working on High Priest.
- Other minor fixes and optimizations for Assembly.


#General Changes:

-Disabled Emerald by default due to serious optimization/performance problems. (You can still enable it in Mod Manager -> Right Click on the mod -> Plugins)

-Removed legendmenueng.rar from Data folder.
+Updated Amethyst and Amedit.
+Updated more_anims.era and AmeEfect.pac
+Fixed error messages each time a map is loaded.
+Fixed cannot upgrade Rust Dragon into Sulfied Dragon in Hill Fort.
+Increased the number of enemies and changes to regular units for upgrades in Sorceress Castle as well as a greater reward for greater challenge and entertainment.
+Now all CBs can give mithril as a reward but in exchange they will be harder to face each week, except Lv7 Creature Banks and Dwelling Banks which remain the same. This is intended to provide greater challenge and motivation to visit the new CBs of the mod.

> Added AmeEfect.snd *(New creature spellcasting have sound now!)*

> Added new creature: New Halfling from HotA Factory included to TUM with its Upgrade and dwelling *(replaced Thatched Hut by Halfling Adobe)*.

#CB Templates:

+Updated CB templates for Custom Creatures Banks, these are the most relevant changes:
+Added option to set both exponentail and linear growth for the CB.
+Added terrain replacement option, if selected the CB will only be placed on allowed terrain. For example only snow or lava.
+Fix AI will not receive reward when defeated at the CB.
+Fix AI will always fight reduced number of guards.

#Due to these changes, certain creature banks no longer appear on certain terrains:

-Regular Churchyard will no longer appear on snow or grass terrain.
-Regular Ivory Tower will no longer appear on snow terrain.
-Regular Experimental Workshop will no longer appear on snow terrain.
-Spit will no longer appear in any other terrain except Grass and Swamp.
-Magical Utopia no longer appear in any other terrain except Grass.
-Rotten Dragons Valley no longer appear in any other terrain except Dirt, Rough and Subterranean.
-Fire Dragon Castle will only appear in Lava terrain, while Ice Dragon Castle will only appear in Snow terrain, which will further reduce the chances of finding them and increase the balance of the game.
Third Upgrade Mod v2.18.2


+Renabled Emerald plugin, therefore the artifacts work again because the stability was improved.
+Now the Prismatic Eye only needs 4 Dragon Eyes instead of 5 to be assembled (Faerie Dragon Eye was excluded).
-Fixed passability of Volcanic Well, will no longer be able to block roads.
-Fixed combo artifact assembly being disabled.
-Fixed Colosseum of the Magi, AI no longer revisits it indefinitely.
-Removed "theoretical battle ai vs ai" and "BattleAIvsAIFix" from modfolder which they were empty plugins that disabled its function for performance reasons.
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