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Full Version: Third Upgrade Mod [Amethyst Edition] v2.18.2
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THIRD UPGRADE MOD v.2.8.5 changelog

-Critical Bug about Warehouses was fixed.
-Soul Eater commander casts was Fixed.
-Fixed name of the some creatures.
-Reclassified combos artifacts, they will no longer appear on the map or in rewards.
-Most CBs can now be revisited, most in 14 days, others in 28 days.
-Fixed Diamond Dragon/Darkness Dragon has no spell resistance.
-The unnecessary double attack of Stack Experience on Seraphs has now been changed to "No retaliation".
-Windmill was be removed from the replacement list of warehouse.
-Fixed damage on Dryads.
-Orb of Chaos and Compendium of the Magic had a rebalance.
-Ultimate Dragon Utopia was Balanced.
-Small balance in the rebirth of Divine Phoenix.
-Primal Faerie Dragon now has Expert "Magic Mirror "and Basic "Anti Magic".
-Mod priority increased by +2.
-Optimized the magic damage of Primal Faerie Dragon.
-Optimized all my creature banks for battle replay.
-Dragon Treasury has been replaced by Dragon City.
-One new compound dwelling: Black Tower (it's not manageable in Map Editor due to a limitation in its object naming)
-Add new soundtracks in the mod.
-NEW!: Added Mysterious Cave. (It's a cave with the events of the mod "Adventure Pillars").
-3 new artifacts now have effects and are now available in the game.
-Fixed crash when ghosts appear in death chamber.
-Fixed Troll Hag and Troll Witch don't shoot correctly in animation.
-The crash caused by right clicking on an empty slot in the backpack has been fixed.
-Fixed backpack button in wrong position.
-Changed the object replacement of some CBs for better passability.
-Redesigned Forbidden Cliffs (Old design was very unsightly).
-Removed automatic enablement of "New Artifacts" script.
Quote:-Most CBs can now be revisited, most in 14 days, others in 28 days.
Valuable decision.
Updated to version 2.8.7

-Fixed new skeletons are affected by morale.
-Fixed Darkness Dragon and Diamond Dragon lose breath attack.
-Removed startup info of Mysterious Cave.
-Creature portrait and battle def were updated.
-Deleted many Mp3, now there are only a few soundtracks left from The Tides of War.
-Removed zport01.def from RMG.

-Fixed Archangels resurrects all the fallen stack.
-Fixed shooting adjacent/shoot close ability, now it works again.
-Added Colisseum of The Magi. (it is not generated in Random Map, in the next update it is expected to do so).
-Reduced the replacement rate of all objects on the map.
-Fixed Cloak of the Undead King resurrect pikeman.
-Sun Emperor Chainmail and Crown of the Fire King were balanced.
-Creature spawn has been completely fixed, now everything works as it should.
Nice fix update!
Keep it going Yes
V_Maiko, will it be ok, if generated Colisseums will have the same animation as normal Arenas? Rolleyes Sorry, I still can not fix it...
Raistlin, what do you mean by animation? I can change the graphics and the loop sound myself, it is enough for me that it is possible to change the name as if it were a new type of object in game with Arena.ini
V_Maiko, the generator places new arenas with the def of the default one... It does not use new def even if a new defname is set in zo- and zabjets.txt.
Raistlin, ok, that is a serious problem in the generation of subtypes, or does it generate the new Arena without requiring zaobjcts.txt? if it's the second, I prefer it not to be like that.
V_Maiko, yes, right now it is the second... I will try to find a solution.
(29.03.2021 21:50)Raistlin Wrote: [ -> ]V_Maiko, yes, right now it is the second... I will try to find a solution.

Take your time, it is the first time you do this and it is not easy to familiarize an object with text objects, the more hero experience you have, the more objects can be added in the future easily 174
Yes, you are right 96-copy
(30.03.2021 03:38)V_Maiko Wrote: [ -> ]
(29.03.2021 21:50)Raistlin Wrote: [ -> ]V_Maiko, yes, right now it is the second... I will try to find a solution.

Take your time, it is the first time you do this and it is not easy to familiarize an object with text objects, the more hero experience you have, the more objects can be added in the future easily 174

Is it possible to add a 3-level creature upgrade option for the Neutral City faction (instead of Conflux)?
Сделал перевод данного замечательного мода версии 2.8.7
Возможны некоторые неточности/недочёты, прошу уведомлять меня об этом.

В мод-менеджере должен стоять выше мода-оригинала.

Пожалуйста, разместите в главном постуSm
Nevemor, добро пожаловать на форум! Большое спасибо за перевод, размещаем.
переименуй, пожалуйста, файлы

Pandora en.json
Third Upgrade.json


Pandora ru.json
Third Upgrade ru.json

А файлы


скорее всего нужно поместить в pac-архив через MMArchive. Скажем, third upgrade rus.pac
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