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Full Version: Third Upgrade Mod [Amethyst Edition] v2.18.2
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Serg, попробуй отключить 16-2way teleports. Да и просто запусти только вог и тум - если не сработает, то перекачай и переустанови мод
Если не поможет, поставь последние библиотеки c++
Пробовал на другом компьютере - все так же. Выяснил, что не работает с двумя модами Game Enhancement Mod и Third Upgrades Mod. Если их отключить все остальное запускается нормально. С Third Upgrades Mod вообще не запускается даже если все отключить кроме базового Wake of Gods.
Third Upgrade Mod v2.11.6


- Fixed outpost of souls giving spell book as a reward.
- Fixed option Monster are half priced on Sunday reducing prices every day.
- Now Antichrists are also able to cast sacrifice with the option Devilish Sacrifice enabled.
-Completely rewritten 8th creatures in Town script (in order to eliminate issues of outdated syntax).
-Now you can press D for building 8th dwelling/recruiting 8th creatures from town screen.
-Fixed Crossbowman, had innate shot close ability with amethyst, now the ability with stack experience is progressive again.
-Removed WF Fonts.pac in data folder.
Update version 2.11.7


- Fixed dwelling names of 8th creatures after the third upgrade building is built.
- Fixed the speciality strings of Charna and Ballista Specialists.
- Fixed Ghosts not appearing in Blacksmiths after demolishing towns.
- Improved some codes of Archer's scripts by Archer.
- No Melee Penalty ability for Centaurs in stack experiece was removed.
- Fixed Plural name of Troll Witch.
- Mimic Armageddon's Blade of Divine Phoenix was removed.
- Balanced Spectre, no longer has attract soul ability.
- Removed arena.dll.
- Change Elder Ogre cast Slayer for Frenzy.
- Rebalaced Seraphim, removed Attack Twice and Attack and Return in Stack Experience.
- Balanced Spellwaver, no longer attacks twice (now only in stack experience) nor does it cast Magic Arrow.
- Balanced Monstrous Eyes, now has a lower chance to cast hypnotize.
- Ring of the Snake Eyesight now is Relic class.
- Fixed the passability of Dragon City creature bank.
- Added Horn of the Abyss artifact and Cape of Silence.
But, a little about sad:
There are some serious bugs that I found, playing in the mod:
1. The maps are not sorting, during the re-entering the "New Game" menu - the map is dropping, which (someone) created the last time.
The same in the "Load Game" menu - the sorting does not work properly (it would have been sorted by the last saved game, and now - on the last loaded) - sometimes it is very annoying when you want to quickly load the last saving.
Without a MOD, the map is displayed that you chose before. And the downloads are sorting as needed - on the last saving.
"New Game" - not depending on the time of creation of the map.
If you remove from the game folder HD_WOG.DLL - everything is sorting as it should, but sometimes the game crashes with an error. Why is that? Can you fix it?
2. Treasure chest - gives a negative value of experience! I see this first. It was already 2 times, on different cards. What - the experience of the hero is not adding, and on the turn, - takes away!
Not a treasure chest - and a curse chest, some kind of ...
Image: Chest2.jpg + Image: Chest2.jpg
3. UKR FONT PROBLEM- I play at HOMM3 ERA HD with the Ukrainian interface. So - with font - obvious problems. He does not see "і", "є", "ї" - replacing them with technical symbols ... Can You somehow solve this problem?
Image: UKR-font-problem.jpg
4. When hiring the creatures of the 8th order - sometimes number of creatures  is showing like this:
Image: dtyoi.jpg
5. Where and how to see the full list of new artifacts, creatures (with all the abilities and parameters), buildings, etc., which adds Tum to the game?
6. Hero bag pack in the English version - the inscription is not displayed correctly.
Image: image.jpg
7. After the last update (by the way - thanks for Horn of Abbys!) - Some factions are confused by the names of the heroes and their avatars (see Screenshots).
Image: Yog.jpg and Image: Kilgor.jpg
8. Is it possible to somehow implement the hiring of all upgraded creatures with one button? Or key combination? Every time you go and hire everyone separately — is not very convenient.

And for the last - my Wish: Is it possible to somehow organize an automatic update of the Fashion - what could modify how to update how it happens in ERA HD? The game independently checks * (if you find) downloads and installs updates. Very convenient.
FIRE, Игра установлена через Heroes 3 Launcher или какая-то старая сборка?
FIRE, before going through essential points to answer your feedback, first I suggest 3 things:
- Completely reinstall the launcher from scratch.
- Re-download the latest version of my mod.
- Do not overwrite anything in the mod.
What is happening to you are corruptions that have little to do with a development failure (because at least it has not happened to me or those of my team have reported).
(24.08.2021 21:43)V_Maiko Wrote: [ -> ]FIRE, before going through essential points to answer your feedback, first I suggest 3 things:
- Completely reinstall the launcher from scratch.
- Re-download the latest version of my mod.
- Do not overwrite anything in the mod.
What is happening to you are corruptions that have little to do with a development failure (because at least it has not happened to me or those of my team have reported).
Thank you for the answer!
About 3 points you have noted in your response:
1. I use only a compilation of Panda, with a standard set of mods.
2. Done! I use the latest version of the mod for today.
3. Of course, I did not change anything. Just tired, on the prompt, to remove 1 file. Then had to turn it back. This is it. The rest - remains as is. I have installed the latest version yesterday. Nothing changed at all!
So what about the questions I asked before?
Can anyone make a mod only with hota artifacts? Just to add all the artifacts from hota to era, nothing more.
FIRE, Ok, to solve these corruptions you will have to visit our Discord page where you will explain the problems in more detail and the technical support will be better.
Now I'm going to answer the questions you have:

Quote:Treasure chest - gives a negative value of experience! I see this first. It was already 2 times, on different cards. What - the experience of the hero is not adding, and on the turn, - takes away!

This is a bug that is supposed to have already been controlled, this bug has not been reported in a long time, you will have to explain what mods and scripts you have used to produce them again.

Quote:UKR FONT PROBLEM- I play at HOMM3 ERA HD with the Ukrainian interface. So - with font - obvious problems. He does not see "і", "є", "ї" - replacing them with technical symbols ... Can You somehow solve this problem?

The mod doesn't use any fonts of its own, but if there can be a Russian patch that possibly fixes this problem, and if not, as I mentioned before, you will have to visit the server for more help.

Quote:When hiring the creatures of the 8th order - sometimes number of creatures is showing like this

Archer30 is in charge of maintaining 8th dwelling, for now he has not detected that problem and neither have I, but it is possibly due to scripts that modify the cost of creatures, try to disable scripts that change parameters of creatures such as Battle Extender or experiment with the script "Monsters are half price on 7th day of week" with the latest version of the mod, which is supposed to have already solved that problem.

Quote:Where and how to see the full list of new artifacts, creatures (with all the abilities and parameters), buildings, etc., which adds Tum to the game?

There is still no TUM manual so everything is a surprise, except for the new artifacts, that just by right clicking on the backpack button in HD mod the list of artifacts and combos appears.

Quote:Hero bag pack in the English version - the inscription is not displayed correctly.

It's a font problem between the game and the native language one of your pc, are you playing in Russian or in English? If you're an English speaker and you use the game in the English version that would not happen.

Quote:After the last update. Some factions are confused by the names of the heroes and their avatars.

I resign, this doesn't have to do with my mod either, are you playing campaigns? In the campaign some heroes have different portraits so this problem is mostly from the assembly in which it doesn't have all the campaign files, it's rare that TUM modifies hero portraits because there are no overlays of it.

Quote:Is it possible to somehow implement the hiring of all upgraded creatures with one button? Or key combination? Every time you go and hire everyone separately — is not very convenient.

Of course it is possible, but it does not depend on me, but on my colleagues who write ERM.

Quote:And for the last - my Wish: Is it possible to somehow organize an automatic update of the Fashion - what could modify how to update how it happens in ERA HD? The game independently checks * (if you find) downloads and installs updates. Very convenient.

This is the decision of the author of the launcher, my mod can be included in the updates as ACM does, but there are requirements that I must meet but I do not do it as in the case of having my own HD_WOG.DLL embedded in TUM, that file is essential, please don't remove it or HD mod backpack will have crashes.
My mod might lose its dependency on HD_WOG.DLL if Baratorch collaborates with my mod, which is unfortunately not possible.
Добрый день

Вопрос по моду

установил - работает на рандомных картах без нареканий

при попытке запуска кампании в версии игры WOG - игра вылетает - кампания имеется в виду стандартная - освобождение эрафии и т д

возможно ли что-то в моде изменить для его работы в кампаниях?

ps - играю через лаунчер , переустанавливал , вылет на этапе загрузки карты до начала действия мода на продвинутые классы
ross1971, disable emerald3_3.era to be able to play the other campaigns besides SoD
Благодарю вас, все заработало Ab

Изумительный мод - побежал наслаждаться игрой
Image: Logo-2-12.png


*New feature:
- Added two new wog options to the 2nd page: Eighth Monster and Fourth Upgrades in Towns. (Thanks to Archer)
- Now all the TUM creature banks will replace objects only when wog option "Replace Objects During WoGification" is enabeld.
- TUM now requires wog option to work with all the features.
- Now you can upgrade 8th monsters if the third upgrade building have been built.
- Added 10 new creatures.
- Added 5 new dwellings.
- Added Ring of Oblivion, Plate of Dying Light, Charm of Eclipse and Seal of Sunset artifacts in map editor (no effect at the moment).

- Updated HD_WOG.DLL, fixed HD mod lobby compatibility (Thanks to Majaczek).
- Fixed an variable not correclty displayed on Pandora Box. (Thanks to Archer).
- Fixed incorrect eighth monsters growth for AI.
- Fixed occasional erm error at the start of a map.
- Fixed some objects not generating in random maps, including: Mysterious Cave, Warehouses, CBs of Emissaries, Coral Reef.
- Fixed pasability on Sacred Temple.
- Fixed a crash with Astral Spirit casting.
- Fixed pasability of Volcanic Well.
- Fixed Treehouse dwelling which had a 100% chance to appear.
- Fixed Elder Ogre description.
- Fixed description of Land Mine.
- Fixed Illithid/Alhoon can't cast Hypnotize (Unfortunately AI can't do it by itself).
- Fixed position of Crossbowman in adventure map.
- Fixed Churchyard, now has all 6 stacks of 15 zombies.
- Fixed The Sun Emperor Chainmail description.

- Improved Outpost of Souls, now the artifact reward will be random art with the same level if emerald plugin is disabled.
- Resized Dreadnought Tower and with better pasability.
- Now Rotten Dragons Valley gives you Shadow Dragon as a reward instead of Necross Dragons.
- Now Centaur general have Jousting bonus.
- Removed "Act First" from Black Minotaur.
- Improved portrait of Diamond Dragon.
- Improved Pure Diamond Dragon graphics.
- Balanced War Zealot.
- Balanced Centagnoll.
- Centagnoll is replaced by Gnoll Shaman as Third Upgrade which can cast curse (Unfortunately AI can't do it by itself).
- Mummy is replaced by Ghoul as Third Upgrade, Mommies are neutrals again.
- War Zealot is replaced by High Priest as Third Upgrade, War Zealot are neutrals again.
- Disabled 8th button interactions from allied town screens.
- Disabled AI casting in order to fix the incompatiblity with Amethyst plugin.
Thanks to all for major release!

Quote:Disabled AI casting in order to fix the incompatiblity with Amethyst plugin.
Poor AI will not use spells anymore? )
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