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(15.10.2014 22:29)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]But who set this key to Bios?
BIOS manufacturer, naturally.
F2 worked!
I knew it ))
Image: a4a3ca7d5b04t.jpg
как же я соскучился по таким окнам в системе Sorry
прям позитивная ностальгия обуяла...
У меня такие.
Bes, так поставь олдсукулл тему.
И у меня. Я даже темы не ставлю, наоборот, отключаю службу тем.
Anyone here is playing H3 on win7?

I can't make it, every 5-10 turns it hangs, then I hear some sound loop, then game freezes, have to use delete key to shut program...if it does same to you and found a solution, please share.
Tried tp turn off the sound/music at all?
Герои 3 (Дыхание) у меня работает нормально без проблем, а вот моды Феникс, Хота, Мегасборка от Гиппокамуса стабильно зависают / вылетают
Turned off sounds, same issue, game freezes every ~5 turns. A pity.
Strange indeed. Set compatibility mode with XP SP 3?
Already tried SP2/3, then windows 7. It looks like it makes no difference between, same issue. I will try HD mod to see, maybe he fixed something.

@Edit: not a single crash in 20 turns with HD. Strange, what he did? So will have to switch to HD from now, which is good and less good. Good because is great thing, bad because several era scripts are not compatible, and most of them are mine, haha. For example, it does not recognize color mode.
That's sad. Player see garbage texts?
No, codes are not displayed, just color is not applied.
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