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I know it crashed, just pointing to the obvious: should be able to disable redundant error messages.

What's the point of popping again and again if it can't find the reason?

I am a bit raged because I find the whole thing creepy.

Under the pretext to keep us safe (this is what ANTIVIRUSES are for), you go into dead ends where 1 billion windows open about next thing to do, suggesting you that the whole program is done do help you while I need only one thing: don't bother me, let the things I install to work as they are intended to.

I miss you, windows XP
(15.09.2014 16:48)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]I know it crashed, just pointing to the obvious: should be able to disable redundant error messages.
Let's point out the obvious together.
heh, thanks. Sorry for being an asshole, it usually lasts 1-2 days.
Valery, have You try to take ownership of a folder?
You should do this before permissions managing.

Да ладно тебе. Нет функционала - нет проблемы. Да и с семёркой это не пройдёт наверное уже.
Valery, we could try Team Viewer session, I'm quite familiar with Windows 7 now, but French interface...)))
I felt the same for quite a long time, not surprising.
I think now is ok, thanks for offer, will ask you if trouble again. As SYDR said, I was trying to get the option "read only" unchecked and panicked as I couldn't.

But it looks like you don't have to do that, just administrator rights.
Ok, so I broke my HD this morning when trying to connect the old one and transfer data. I went to store and they told me to buy another, is dead.

Installed new HD, installed windows 7, installed motherboard, graphic card. All god, but there is a thing I cant maage to get, is installing old HD to get old data from.

I connected it to motherboard, but my panel says I have only one disk connected. I guess I mist go in Bios then? I tried bios but it was chinese to me and didn't touch.
Oh Val! You're really hardware killer. The dark side is strong with you.
Does your old hard disk has SATA or IDE jack? For IDE you could try searching in bios something like Enable IDE emulation.
Well not my fault. Those thugs make economies on computer size, so when you try to open and connect something, you don't have any space left. So I had to push a bit to get things working, and seems I screwed the HD connection.

I have Sata. But I think I will pay them a visit tomorrow and ask them to install that old HD, it starts to be expensive to play McGiver.

This is great day. Managed to install everything, also downloaded clean tools, then I finally understood how to connect old disk so now all valuable data is on new HD. Including 100+ era mods! and all the porn too

Surprisingly, motherboard disk installed a driver for sound (realtek something) which made my computer 100% mute and after 2 hours of wtf is going and fu** win 7, I made it to unistall the driver, now sound ok.

After first shock, I am comfortable with win7, is took me a few days of headaches and google search (which is creepy as all good results are in english but computer installed in french, so find what is what...) and now settings look good, no more crashes. A bit stupid installation as it asks in which language to install WIN7 but there is only one proposed, french. I wanted in english to make searches easier. Games are a bit slow sometimes so thinking to buy tomorrow additional 2Go memory and set it to 6.

On the top or orgasms, I also could install windows essentials and I now have movie maker. And Heroes editor no longer crashes.

Thanks to all for being patient with me. (Click to View)
Valery, и пока ты не засорил буднями и вирусами с порно сайтов свою систему, сделай образ всего этого добра (системы) на отдельный DVD или ещё куда - мне кажется, это тебе точно не помешает... как и всем, впрочем 166
Congratulation, buddy, enjoy your life on full Ab
Ну ты оптимист, Бес. Образ системного диска на работе со свеженастроенной системой у меня съел 17 ГБ. А ты всё со своим DVD...

Val, my congrats!
Berserker, ну ты сравнил.. То на работе,а то базовая домашняя ОС (вин7+проги первой необходимости+утилиты и Драва железа). Вот у меня 10Гб будет слоговой. Это два DVD или один двухслойный. Игры и прочая развлекательная ерунда хранятся отдельно, естественно
Screwed again my win7.

I was checking HDD compatibility with old disk and such, so rebooted my computer. Instead of quick-rebooting, it starts to download windows updates and displays "do not stop computer".

I say ok, but a bit surprised it does this NOW when it could download the time I was online.

It shows 95 (!) updates to download.

I wait 10 min, 1 update downloaded.

I say screw this, will have to wait 5 hours for 95 updates if so slow. So stopped computer, thinking I will let it update when I sleep.

Well, when back, the fact that you stop updates will create a loop for trustedinstaller.exe, and this loop will take up to 100% of resources, and even Tetris was lagging.

So had to lose one more hour to download tools from microsoft to fix this. But now I have to completely disable updates as when enabled, something still wrong.

I think is rather idiot to set updates to run when you reboot computer. Moreover when it takes hours.
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