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I'm using Windows 8 both at home and at work. And don't have any problems (except that ui is stupid). Besides these changes, there is many other improvements (for example ISO mounting, improved FileCopy dialog and many more).

Anyway, it's up to choose OS. Both is a far better than XP (good old days when a BSOD can come out just from playing a bad video file).
Yes, my old HDD with win xp takes now 20-30 seconds to open a video file.
Then when read movie, I have freezes every 5 minutes. When playing games as Gothic 3 (2006!) I wait 3 minutes to reload a saved game.

It served me well, but now is dead.
(07.09.2014 17:42)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]too much graphical fuzz.
and too much space on HDD, and the all games are evil 108
(07.09.2014 17:48)Valery Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, my old HDD with win xp takes now 20-30 seconds to open a video file.
Then when read movie, I have freezes every 5 minutes. When playing games as Gothic 3 (2006!) I wait 3 minutes to reload a saved game.
That's HDD problem, not OS. Your HDD is dying. Move your data before it's too late.
It is OS as well I think. When I bought this disk, I wanted to move large files from previous to new one. Win xp can't handle larger than 3 Go files to transfer and I didn't know.

So during transfer I broke a lot of things inside, transfered files had holes in, then HD was slower from start.
I don't know what you are talking about. I can copy and move huge files just fine. You need NTFS to do it though.
I had folders larger than 3 Go. When moving them from one disk to the other, the transfer froze after a while then got multiple errors about HD. I asked on forums and they said larger than 3 Go files transfer provoke bugs when using xp.

I don't know more about. But since I did those operations, my HD was always a bit slow, then slower and slower.
4 GB for file is limitation of FAT32 system. It means that your logical drive (probably DSm was formatted in FAT32 file system. When you run OS installation disk you can format any drive in NTFS file system. It does not limit file size in fact.
Ok, got new computer, win 7.

And I HATE IT, can't find anything I could have before in 1 click. F**king hardware, always doing complicate when it could be so easy.

Now downloading games (H3 and others). I don't know where they go and how to find them later. In XP I had the option "save in". Here it goes automatically in computer ass I guess. Moral
Going from XP to 7 feels as awkward as going from XP to Linux (or from one Linux to another for that matter). You'll get used to it.
And don't blame OS for what is your own fault. From the sound of it, "save in" must be a browser feature you didn't care enough to customize.
I know, just complaining because I can. I am very conservative and I hate changes. Sorry
Who is not? But it's silly to complain about what depends entirely on yourself. Sm
Is it necessary to update video card drivers when buying a new computer?

I tried to find some option "update drivers" but can't get one.
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Quote:Is it necessary to update video card drivers when buying a new computer?
After installing OS you should install drivers for all hardware. Usually you'll be supplied with CD/DVD disk for each hardware type.
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