"Upgrade package"
"Install package"
"Bad package"
"This package cannot be installed or reinstalled"
"Can't upgrade from version %s. \nMinimum requried version to upgrade is %s"
"Recommended action... Muhahahaha!!!"
"Not need to upgrade from version %s to %s"
"Recommended action."
"Recommemded action: \nUpgrade from version %s to %s"
"Not recommended to leave older versions of mods. Upgrade from version %s to %s"
"Mod is not installed. Nothing to upgrade."
"Recommended action... Muhahahaha!!!"
"Upgrade from unknow to unknow version

"Recommended action... Or try to upgrade from unknow to unknow version"
"This package cannot be used as upgrade package"
"Recommemded action. \nNot need to install %s over %s."
"Reinstall this mod (version %s)"
"Not recommended to install older version of mods (current version is %s, package contains %s)"
"Recommemded action: \nReinstall from from version %s to %s"
"Not recommended to leave older versions of mods. Upgrade from version %s to %s"
"Recommemded action: \nInstall mod (packgae contains version %s)"
"Don't install"
"Not reccomended to install mods from bad packages"
"Recommemded action: this is a bad package file"
"No mod to upgrade"
"Not recommended to install unknow version (current version is %s)"
"Not recommended to upgrade unknow version (current version is %s)"
"Not recommended to install unknow version over unknow version

"Not recommended to upgrade from unknow version to unknow version

"Associate with .e2m files"
"Enable ModMaker Tools"
"Sync settings.dat with preset"