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Advanced Classes Mod 1.073

Image: acmodtxkfd.png

A Mod by Perry R, AlfWithCake, anti-victor, Sandris and Berserker

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Переведено Daemon_n

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We're happy to present you Advanced Classes Mod, a gameplay enhancing mod, that features revamped skill and spell systems, new artifacts and artifacts set, 2 dozens
of new and reworked specialities, 6 new subclasses with unique abilities and more. The idea of this mod was to create 2 new skill ranks — Master and Grandmaster, which are gained right after Expert rank,
as well as a completely new hero class — adventurer.

This mod offers:
- New Master and Grandmaster level for every secondary skill;
- New unique effects for every combat spell;
- One new main hero class — Adventurer, along with classic Warrior and Mage;
- 3 completely new hybrid subclasses (Battlemage, Hunter and Druid);
- New unique abilities for every class at Master and Grandmaster level;
- Reworked nearly all hero specializations, including creature, spell and skill specialists, new unique specialities, specialities for brand new Adventurer class;
- Reworked Primary and Secondary skill point chance at level up for each class;
- Completely reworked the magic system, now all spells scale with Spell Power and much more;
- Greatly improved usefulness of weaker skills;
- Reworked Commander abilities, they are now much more combat active;
- Most artifacts are improved and are part of a set with interesting bonuses;
- Added 3 new secret class sets;
- New settings for increased difficulty of neutrals and computer players (AI);
- Good compatibility with WoG options;
- Documentation with all changes!

All changes are very thoroughly described in .txt files in "Help and Readme files" folder. Here all changes are preserved to be as simple as possible.
All skills are divided between 3 groups: Adventurer skills, Mage skill and Warrior skills. Each skill gives class points which then will determine class
of the hero. Mastering skills earns you additional 2 class points in the respective class. Neutral skills can get Master rank and GM rank from any master/GM class, but mastering them doesn't give any additional points.
Image: FDc3Qjn.png
Below all skill effects that are separated by "/" sign lists bonuses for all 5 ranks. For example, 4/6/10/12/15% means that basic rank will be 4%,
advanced 6%, expert 10%, master 12% and grandmaster 15%.

Adventurer skills.

Mage skills.

Warrior skills.

Class bonuses and descriptions. You gain master class at 35 class points, grandmaster at 58 class points. You cannot If you get masters at 2 classes simultanneously you will become hybrid class. You can't get master at 3 classes or grandmaster one class and master another class.

Image: AKUWHnH.png
Warrior. Fight, destroy, conquer. Power is everything and strength is a must to achieve the state of power. And strength is not in numbers, but in fighting skill and willpower. You will have impossibly strong army, maiming enemies with a single blow while shaking off any hit taken like a scratch.
Master bonus:
- Master Training
- Critical Strike I
- 50% damage reduction for all Retaliations,
- Critical Strike II
- Elite Soldiers
- Commander

Image: gYaQDri.png
Mage. Weaken you enemies, bless your allies, blast to pieces anyone you want, everything is possible for a mage. Shock those who think they're brave, block those who think they're fast, curse those who think they're strong, explode those who're fool enough to flock. Alter the battlefield; with immense flexibility of magic you can be creative and it will pay off, or you can be straightforward and implode vitals of everything that moves.
- 1 extra cast
- Elemental Resistance
- Multicast
- Elemental Resistance
- Channeling
- Arcane Prophet (you may get one random damaging ability to deal bonus damage. You will get notified which is amplified.)

Image: bHvGBwn.png
Adventurer. What does strength mean when there're no people to fight for you? What does magic mean if you can't afford even a simple spell? Does it matter how strong you're if you get stuck in the swamp? For adventurers, simple rules do not apply. Locate resources where other will not, gather soldiers when others are not wise enought to do so, change your rules as you go, bind adventure map to your cause. Smother enemies with your numerous army before they have a chance to call to arms.
- Lord ability
- Plunder Ability (like in H5, removes movement cost of picking up resources, artifacts, capturing mines, attacking CB)
- Landlord ability
- Coordinated Attack
- Plunder II
- +3% creature growth per Week
We will note here, that adventurer class heroes have their own skill system, meaning that they have secondary skill chances, primary skill gains and starting secondary/primary skills unique to their class and faction. They can't be distinguished by class name, but can easily be distinguished by their speciality — their speciality is always associated with adventurer skill. Kyrre, classic logistics specialist, is now an adventurer. Fiona, that used to have cerberi speciality, now is a Scouting specialist and also an adventurer.

Image: MawFsR7.png
Battlemage. Those who can't ignore neither might nor magic will eventually learn how to use them both succefully. Decades of fighting made you realize how valuable it is to overwhelm your opponents and ways of doing so. Your magic will surprise, your warcry will make enemies falter.
- Warcry (reduce hp of enemies by 5-10%)
- Pre-Cast (casts 1 random damage ability when the fight starts)
- 1 extra cast
- Master Training

Image: fNxVctt.png
Hunter. Hunt down animals, hunt down enemies, everything is your prey. Long and numerous hunting sessions turned you into a quick and agile killer, merciless. You surrounded your prey, you negated any unusual moves, first strike is all that matters, wounded prey can't retaliate. And your results are surprising.
- First Shot Ability (your archers will act before everyone in first turn)
- Magic Block (prevents enemy spell casting at first turn)
- Plunder Ability
- 10% max Damage

Image: 4u5wIXL.png
Druid. You've used your wits, you've worked for brighter future, but you can't save them all. No amount of diplomacy can solve that, you were not quite stupid to believe that. Yet you always have searched for a way to protect everything what is precious to you. You were searching for years and found nothing; the answer always lied before you: Nature. It opened it's secrets to you, it taught you how to be as everlasting as it is, as durable, and it taught you magic. March with your immortal army to your dream: eternal peace.
- Natural Healer (resurrect 2 damage stacks after battles, First Aid skill is not required, but will increase the healing at Master and GM ranks)
- Hardened Skin (damage block equal to 5*HeroLevel)
- 1 extra cast
- Concentration

Specialists rework details.

Spell system.

Liso from Heroes 3 WoG was so kind to create a preview, you can check it out for some nice screens. Heroes 3.5 WoG

Thanks to Bersy for releasing a new ERA version with increased memory just in time to make this mod work together with ERA scripts. Igrik and Algor for providing essential code functions which without this mod would not be possible, Daemon for testing and complete Russian Translation, special thanks to AlfWithCake and anti-victor with which I have been chatting and emailing the last half-year nearly every day on discord, scripting/testing and repeat.

Dropbox Download
Download on ModDB

Image: classtablewhjfu.png Image: ellesharsck1v.png Image: gmairkujy4.png Image: gmanimatedeadgjkhg.png Image: lightningboltfikle.png Image: necrocommanderk1ktd.png Image: stoneskingm1qkyv.png Image: thaneprk8i.pngImage: druidtablea6j9h.png Image: firstaidxekv8.png Image: nobilityu7kam.png Image: tomeofearthk5jsj.pngImage: mastersorceryenj4r.png Image: aeniano0jzv.png Image: thunarcikg2.png Image: ainefzjxn.pngImage: difficultymod2xjy6.pngImage: rissa78j2e.png Image: towercommanderldj6u.png Image: additionaloptionscijv0.pngImage: commanderspenbkr1.png
PerryR, brilliant work, will share it in Russian social networks )
Thank you Sm
PerryR, fantastic - it's released! My congratulationsSm
When I'll find some time i'll try to do translation on russian language, if you don't mind.
There are some images with text, as i can see. Do you have them without words?)
daemon_n thank you Sm
oh wouah a translation would be awesome, we surely wouldn't mind. But I can already tell you it will be quite a task.
You would have to translate all skill text, all combat spells (twice), nearly all artifact and hero descriptions 116 166 Kap
so better take a second thought on this 96-copy
75% of text is located in .ert files (easy to find) the rest distributed in several different .erm files

Edit: you would of course get also all support from our side
daemon_n, если возьмёшься за перевод, дай знать, может быть смогу помочь с вычленением строк из ЕРМ в json автоматически.
PerryR, awesome! Thanks!
And also would to know - does this modification switch off standart wog option for neutral bonuses, sec. skill enchancement and artifacts boost and use it's own?

Berserker, да, возьмусь, но не буквально сейчас. Любую помощь приму - спасибо)
Однако еще не скоро я закончу с простыми .txt и .ert, так что можно не торопиться с .etm to .json, думаю.
(11.08.2019 14:52)daemon_n Wrote: [ -> ]PerryR, awesome! Thanks!
And also would to know - does this modification switch off standart wog option for neutral bonuses, sec. skill enchancement and artifacts boost and use it's own?

Yes it disables problematic WoG options and has its own. If you enable them nothing will happen. Some will work though.
We tried to preserve all "cool and good" things WoG gave us and recreated them. But some options were just overpowered eg: Hero Specialisation Boost, Enhanced Warmachines, some Artifacts boosts, certain skill improvements, some Commander abilities, thus had to be disabled to deliver a complete and coherent modification.

As example it makes no sense to script mana regeneration, when the Tower Commander just restores endless mana... or slightly increase the HP of First Aid tent when Hierophant just gives you 20 tents 108
Same for Diplomacy, broken in original H3 so it was redone, hopefully now you dont have to disable it every game.

If your favorite WoG option is disabled/replaced you can write and I enable it again.
(11.08.2019 15:11)PerryR Wrote: [ -> ]If your favorite WoG option is disabled/replaced you can write and I enable it again.

Thanks for answer)
I ve asked for evading some troubles and conflicts, cause you now i am usiang a lot of any scripts when playing Gamer1
Teammember Alf has done a great visual update of the opening post 36 I want to share here too. Enjoy Yes
Если не сложно,оформите спойлерами описание классов,уж больно длинный первый пост получился
"advanced_classes.txt" file in "Data" folder
New skill ac_q_uired ("q" is missed)

Coronius has wrong spec skill name and description
Could you place a version-less file in dropbox, so that we could link it as forever newest version?
[Gameplay] Advanced Classes [LATEST].exe or something like that.

Quote:{~Red}Advanced Wisdom{~}

Allows your hero to learn 4th level spells.

Gives chance to deal +50% damage with spells which is equal your Heroes level.

which are equal to your hero level?

I tried a bit automatic mod translation. Too heavy Capital Case usage may be odd sometimes, some descriptions are not clear.

If hero level is 9, spell of 9-th tier is needed?
I also strongly recomment to move away from inline language specific strings and ert files towards json translation files.
[*] *.ert/*.txt translations are DEPRECATED. New Lua/ERM scripts should not use it, unless there is a substantional necessity.
    Use SN:T for ERM, Era::tr for C++ Plugins instead.

[+] Added localization support for ERM scripts. All Lang\*.json files are loaded and merged into single dictionary of key => value pairs with language data.
Json files must be saved in UTF-8 encoding with preferably Unix line endings (#10 = 0x0A). The format is the following:

  "unique global key": "translation",
  "another key": "another translation"

During file loading text is converted from UTF-8 (Unicode, i.e Russian, Polish, Chinese and any other language is supported) into ANSI-encoding, used by player's operational system, ex. Windows-1251.
Thus you may ship the translation, other people may open and edit it without loss and characters, not representable on particular PC, will be replaced with "?".

Real example:

  "eqs.this_day_savegame_name": "@day@_@player@",
  "eqs.end_turn_autosave_name": "@day@_@player@_End",
  "eqs.quicksave_name":         "@day@_@player@_Quick",
  "eqs.saved_msg":              "Saved!",
  "eqs.quicksaved_msg":         "Quicksaved!"

It's recommended to prefix each key with string, unique for mod or author, like "pm." for "Phoenix Mod".

Translations may have parameters in the form of "@parameter name@". Those parameters are replaced with actual values during translation.
New ERM command !!SN:T is used to translate strings by key.
!!SN:T(key)/?(z-variable to place result to)/(parameter name 1)/(parameter value 1)/(parameter name 2)/(parameter value 2)...;


!!OW:R-1/6/?y1; y1 - player's gold amount
!!IF:M^%Z2^; prints "You have 12850 gold left. Not bad!"

my test.json:

  "test.gold_amount_report": "You have @gold@ gold left. Not bad!"

[+] Improved syntax of language json files (Mod\Lang\*.json, UTF-8 encoding). Nested objects are supported.
      "wogrev": {
        "no_gold_message": "The is no more gold, @name@!",
        "no_mercy":        "There will be no mercy!"

    The above mentioned document is treated the same as:
      "wogrev.no_gold_message": "The is no more gold, @name@!",
      "wogrev.no_mercy":        "There will be no mercy!"

    but allows to skip duplicating "messages." prefix.

    ERM example: !!SN:T^wogrev.no_gold_message^/?z2/^name^/^Geralt^; !!IF:M^%Z2^;
For translation, let me know if theres any help I can provide

In this case I agree with you, not clear. It should mean chance to crit is equal your current hero level.
Sometimes I write capital letters to stress the meaning of the word, which is just wrong, guess that's the influence of the German language or my lacking English skills

For download link I will make a permanent one, just have to find out how to do this.

Edit: I guess in order for automatic translation to work, the prerequisite would be that all englisch is written correct. I could double check that.
Or how would the automatic translation work? It just seraches for text to translate or it also uses an translation tool?
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