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PerryR, right, the better English text is, the better automatic translators (Google, Yandex, Bing, Prompt) do their job. Human can edit translation afterwards.
The mod is great and the total amount of work is awesome, thank you Ab
Я писал всю документацию к моду и переписывал многие описания, написанные Perry, поэтому, если что, писать мне Sm
Chaomen, так у вас интернациональная команда организована? )
А то! Собрались те, кому понравились моды перри и решили помочь ему
Chaomen, а он свои моды на каких-то ресурсах публиковал ранее?
Berserker, Да, у него много модов на дропбоксе, но по сути они все переделаны и упакованы в моде Adv. Classes, да ещё и с дополнительными скриптами.
PerryR, I have bug report for Advanced Classes mod from Russian social network user:
Max Weissheim writes, that from some moment all enemy hits always miss to his troops. Every enemy stack strike fails. Could you check?
This is most likely the Druids "Hardened Skin" ability. It absorbs any physical damage with 5*Hero level. This is to compensate the Druids lack of "Warrior" secondary skills.
So in this case Solmyr is level 27, this means any creature/attack that deals less than 135 damage will deal 0 Sm
The neutrals on this map are very weak (20-40) and the hero already very good developed (month 2), so currently invincible.
I advise to increase strength of neutrals next game, my guess is he skipped the options, otherwise the neutrals would be much stronger.
It is also possible to right click on System Options Menu on Adventure Map and set new difficulty settings during the game! So he can, if he wants, increase the stack size if he thinks the game is to easy Sm

Edit: I tested and if he sets difficulty to "Impossible" for stack size, the stacks will deal damage again ^^ (this step can be repeated several times during the game)

If this is not the source of the problem please report back
PerryR, thank you very much, reported!
Version 1.02 is ready

we have new difficulty options, better balance, changes to heroes starting skills, a new Nobility picture and several fixes!

The newest version of the mod can be found in the dropbox link and has the name Advanced Classes Mod [latest] older versions can be found in the backup folder.

It is now possible to bring back the classic tactic skill, just look in the mod folder for Advanced Classes Mod.ini

Further customizing of the game difficulty now possible with two options:
AI-Payday lets you set the gameday at which the AI player receives bonuses, this can be useful on very small maps or if the computer player starts very close to your location and could possibly rush you.

The second option is Progressive Difficulty this lets you set the gameday at which the game difficulty, from my AI mod, is increased. The reason is that you often start to outscale the computer opponent after several month and lose the challenge. With this option you can, for example, say that after 4 month game sets the difficulty from Hard to Expert, this will result in more bonuses to the AI player, making the game harder, keeping the challenge alive!

Together with Neutral difficulty mod, we now have all options to customize the game difficulty to your playstyle, enjoy!
I will also release these new options later in my Increased Neutral Difficulty Mod together with AI mod.

Anti-victor wielded the virtual brush and created a fantastic new secondary skill picture for the new Nobility skill, which fits much better than the old H4 icon. See the picture below.

Chaomen sat down and reworked many heroes starting skills, armies and specialties. Some heroes now start with extra class points which makes it possible for them to reach hybrid classes. Believe me, these are changes you always wanted in your heroes game but never had :D there are no more useless heroes now. We will continue this process and make heroes 3 even better. All changes can be found in a separate help file.

I would also like to point out changes to Xarfax and Coronius magic specialities, they are now even more unique, skill and play accordingly 118

Full Changelog

Version 1.0 -> 1.02

- added new icon for the secondary skill Nobility
- improved Coronius and Xarfax speciality, to make them even more unique
- changed Pathfinding speciality to reduce movement on rough terrain even more
- added Settings file (.ini) which lets players bring back tactics phase, disabled by default
- added Settings file (.ini) which lets players set AI Payday, default starts from day 1
- added an new option called progressive difficulty
- several Heroes have improved starting skills to better match their specialty, no more weak heroes! Sm see special readme for changes
- getting monsters event from scouting is now a better chance to match your town creatures
- on early levels, Diplomacy is now a bit more useful (will offer slightly more monsters to purchase)
- Mana artifacts now regenerate +2/4/6 spell points
- all lvl 4 creature specialists now start with 2-4 additional lvl4 creatures
- defeating battle commander now gives slightly better exp and resources reward
- casting with commander costs the Hero 1 Spell Point for each Magic-Level of the commander
- Brute Magic Arrow damage increased, Temple Guardian Lightning Bolt damage reduced
- increased Soul Eaters necro ability (from 10->20%), now also works when shooting
- Paladin and Brute "active" commander abilities are now only 50% effective when shooting (100% in Melee)
- the chance to gain gold instead of resources from Estate after the fight is doubled (22%) and new 11% chance to get nothing
- Plunder ability no longer works when attacking neutral stacks on the map
- in creature banks, only one battle commander will spawn (not two ^^)
- reduced First Aid tent heal slightly and now is not a fixed value anymore
- Necromancy Amplifiers and Artifacts effectiveness halved (thanks to Igrik for patch)
- Oger Leader and Artillery specialist damage to ballista cut in half, still very strong and fun to play
- reduced Ingissas starting army to compensate for her Firebird start
- Learning specialists chance to receive a second stat point when level up halved
- updated all Hero speciality descriptions for Random Maps Hero selection

- fix Hunters couldn't learn Nobility at Master rank
- fix Luck Battle Bonus was always Health
- fix Plunder ability now restores movement correct in all situations
- fix a bug in the option to grow beyond 4000, which could lead to stacks grew which should not, or it wasnt working at all
- fix monster would always fight and never join, even if set to join in map editor
- fix Wizards Well regeneration together with M/GM Intelligence
- fix Xyron and Inteus speciality picture (Now Inferno and Fireball)
- fix the right-click defend button
- fix Warfare picture
- fix bug when spells could have negative values
- fix frenzy description

Download Link (Dropbox):

Image: newnobility3rj2u.png
PerryR, great release, don't stop, guys! 132
Advanced Classes Mod.ert
- 189 554 line has
{~Red}Basic Scholar{~}

Basic Basic Scholar...

- 189 605 line has
{~Red}Navigation{~} instead {~Red}Nobility{~}, or im wrong?
- 199 760 - 199 768 lines
some of lists contens "tactics" instead "Warfare"

Blue texts is very bad for reading (( And green is too toxic
(06.10.2019 02:38)daemon_n Wrote: [ -> ]Advanced Classes Mod.ert
- 189 554 line has
{~Red}Basic Scholar{~}

Basic Basic Scholar...

- 189 605 line has
{~Red}Navigation{~} instead {~Red}Nobility{~}, or im wrong?
- 199 760 - 199 768 lines
some of lists contens "tactics" instead "Warfare"

Thanks, all fixed Mail1

(06.10.2019 02:38)daemon_n Wrote: [ -> ]Blue texts is very bad for reading (( And green is too toxic
With the colors I have experimented quite a bit and I'm okay with them. They are not perfect. If you find something more fitting we can discuss.

You can check here, not all work in ERA thou:
Lookslike Diplomacy (joing for free and for fee) doesnt work 105
Last time I played it worked very well, so if I havent screwed up, it should work.

To test:
place all three diplomacy artifacts on hero and learn the skill diplo to expert, also make sure you have enough money.
After a couple of fights vs neutrals, you should be offered creatures for money.

I can test when back home.
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