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I will start this thread for getting help without interfering with "question and answers" thread. Only for my use and for getting helpSm


StarGate Atlantis map.
Image: 57789228.jpg

Image: 28311964.jpgImage: 51135650.jpg

For those who did not see the show (200 episodes), here is the story:

The story of Stargate Atlantis follows the cliffhanger episode on Stargate SG-1's seventh season finale "Lost City", where SG-1 found an outpost made by the race known as the Ancients in Antarctica. After the events of Stargate SG-1 season eight premiere "New Order", the Stargate Command sends an international team to investigate the outpost. Soon, Dr. Daniel Jackson discovers the location of the greatest city created by the Ancients, Atlantis. The story unfolds when the members of the expedition encounters the Wraith, the race that defeated the Ancients ten thousand years ago.


SG team: Sheepard, Ronon, Teyla and McKey
Enemies: Wraith, replicators

SG team
(Sometimes the gifs from image shack does not show Fie


Aptitudes: shoot, launch bomb, place explosives on battlefield.
Image: 39360539.jpg
Image: sheepard.gif


Aptitudes: shoot, double damage on melee, fear
Image: 38428459.jpg
Image: ronon.gif


Aptitudes: shoot, heals one character/battle.Image: image2f.jpg
Image: 92988624.jpg
Image: teyla.gif


Aptitudes: shoot/melee =1 damage. Launch chain lighting and inferno and random funny dialogs during battles (wav from film)
Image: 21993601.jpg
Image: mckey.gif

Stargate SG sprite and Atlantis city (animated but not in the example to save space, got rid of the hero flags):

Image: 60227639.jpg
Image: 43952410.jpg
Image: 39300728.jpg
Image: 87764273.jpg



Aptitudes: drain HP on hit, regenerates every turn.
Image: 97488625.jpg
Image: wraith.gif


Aptitudes: machine, Phoenix abilityx6 (respawn)
Image: 41579892.jpg
Image: replicator.gif

Travel will be made through Stargates, by selecting 7 ancient symbols for each of nine destinations (script is ready). Gate inactive and active + console (DHD)+ 25 symbols.
Image: 91847134.jpg
So far a few ideas went bad, because not possible. Map is not yet drawn (only terrain/layout) and from now I finished the graphics, and starting on scripts. Have to redo the artefacts, not happy with the glow.
There will be a specific patch with <>100 new objects from all styles, one for each planet to visit. There will be no standard creatures, but only custom.

I am open to all ideas and suggestions 132
very nice Ab
I use all the technology from мутномода, notepad, calculator and the new 2 GB memory card. More than that, I have what мутномода will never have, a full support from muslim community in France. And it is huge!
Valery, cool post )))
Valery, DO you ever sleep?
кстати у меня была такая же идея. сделать мод но с боем как в final fantasy, чтобы в каждой клетке был только 1 уникальный персонаж с уникальной системой прокачки и своими артефактами.
imho, Corwin, u r obliged 2 take Valery in CoreWoG team Ab
Ehm...guys, you can also criticize if something looks awful. I am not sure I see the flaws, as it took me time to get on graphics. I know the artefacts look bad, and I will redo them. The scripting part will be easier than creating new graphics.

I have a hard time to see whats wrong with the Atlantis city. There are no good models on internet, so all I could find was to extract it from movie stills or bad 3D models. It looks a bit scarce, not sure what to do to improve.


Here are the remaining artefacts not yet done for effects, as I am not sure what to do. Any idea?
Image: 68763490.jpg

1) Grenade (if I keep the green, no need for effects, need to choose one)
2) Grenade (see above, smaller size if need effects)
3) Naquadah (resource replacing Mithril, maybe needs something like Armageddon blade)
4) Helm (opened inside)
5) Boots (I have already whites ones, but having a second is nice.)
6) Ammo (bullets)
7) AK-47 automated gun (you told me it is possible to create shoot effect?)

All the others look ok with glow alone but those bullets drive me crazy (catapult).
Image: 32306712.jpg
Quote:7) AK-47 automated gun (you told me it is possible to create shoot effect?)
As i can judge by the picture it isnt AK-47, but FN P90.
At least Forge and Varn now have someone to do Ab
Quote:you told me it is possible to create shoot effect?

It's over you can! But I think a strong effect does not work, because the small size of the image. But you can osdelat effects of smoke after the fire, I think it would not be very difficult. Write if you want

You're right. the Ak-47 was too long for a 44x44 pic so I switched to a more balanced size. and if you have some nice arties for me, would be great

I need a marine (gunner) sprite from Civilization. Could not find anything which fits in WOW. Can you help me one day?
Here is one example:
Modern marine


Sure I wantSm
Here are the "AK-47" and the helm. Tell me what would be the best effects for them.

Thanks (going to find a better pic for bullets)
Quote:going to find a better pic for bullets

The best way to find the image of bullets and a box for them
For AK-47, I think it could go something like this - a laser sight
Image: tUuX1fBwhL.jpg
And about the mask - I think you're nothing cut back ..
The best bullets I could find, 44x44 is so small for those things
Image: 28683871.jpg

What are you saying about the mask? I don't understand.
Under the mask I had in mind the helmet. I would say that you are cut out of nothing by the eye, instead, would be worth to hang on the helmet of some super glasses, with night vision or perhaps with the same laser sight

How do you effect for the AK-47 "? He'll do, or could something else?
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