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HMM.... English Thread n Information Please...
i was wondering if there was any progress with the corewog team, i've heard rumors on http://www.heroescommunity.com people say the corewog team is dead. mabe you can arrange an information transfer of a fusion with this rather promising project: http://antypika.aplus.pl/vcmi/forum/portal.php

succes with the corewog project!
Dikke koning Henk
CoreWog team is alive and kicking! Soon there will be the new site (not just the forum), new scripting facilities for team members and 'recruitement' of new members.

RamonXick, sorry, I don't understand your message.
RamonXick wants an Engleash thread (this category is almost empty) and information. Everything is quite clear Sm
good to hear that the corewog team is "alive and kicking"!!

i was wondering if you could give me some information about the state of completion of the project, how much is finished? how much work has yet to be done? i recommend to release a "beta" as soon as you reach the bug-testing fase. a lot of wog-players would like to do a little testing and report the bugs. in that way we can have a wog 3.59f out of 3.59 in no time!

what i mean to say is that your product don't have to be perfect,it has to be playable!



This is the best information I've ever heard about Wog. This means the Wog is still alive and going to be released, you guys, gave me hope. Thank you very much.

Good luck.

Maybe CoreWOG Team can post little information and little screeny to this forum, so we can see the WOG 3.59 progress.. ;-) and the beta bug-testing fase is a good idea...

Of cause, we will post the information about our work and achievements. In addition to forum, we now prepare our new WOG site to opening, where you can find all information about the project.
Will be the the page active until the end of the next week ?
please don't waste too much time on creating a sublime website with loads of stuff and screens, use your precious time to work on 3.59!!! Sm
Corwin Wrote:Of cause, we will post the information about our work and achievements. In addition to forum, we now prepare our new WOG site to opening, where you can find all information about the project.

In both languages.
@RamonXick: you can try google translate to read the russian pages.
So this means Wog transformated to CoreWog. Does it mean all the scripts which were developed and which were in progress moved with the team or you're making everything from the scratch ?

The official page will be ready till' the end of this week ? Because I've got so many questions and I don't know if I should write everything here or just wait for the page and read all the informations from there and then after I won't understand something I will come here and ask ?

Anyway, I'm so curious because I'm a fan of Wog for a long time (with my friends as well) and we're waiting like 3 years just to know ANY news from the Wog. I know there are tons of people like us but still I want to let you know that Wog will never loose it's fans and there are many people which love this "Datadisc" but are not online for internet or doesn't have any way to reply because of lack of language or any other reason.

In fact I'm so curious I just can't wait and I want to ask here few things. ( I already talked on ICQ with one of the members I guess I can't tell the name and anything else :P)

1.) There will be 2 commanders per town ?
a) that means one represents might and one magic ?
b) do you have got any concepts of how they'll look like ?
c) do you have got any concepts of they RPG system ?
d) the classic commanders will change I guess because of this system

2.) Sagamosas Advanced Levels - will it be implemented into the new Wog ?
a) you will have new towns, won't you ? -> that means if you will implement the Adv. Levels Sagamosa will have to research new "third" skills for them , did you plan anything like this ? Or did you think about it ?

3.) Will there be any new Campaigns ? Or at least the old ones finished ?
a) I'm really curious about this one because the campaign in last Wog was really enjoyable (and hard 96 ) and good on logical thinking
b) Did you make any new "single scenario" levels (maps) because in the last version of Wog there are no custom maps with WOG theme , I mean - no maps added with the Datadisc.
c) You could make a competition with map makers to make a nice pack of maps for the new version of Wog (CoreWog?) or you've got your own team-mapers ?
d) Or will you add the various maps from the internet ? Because there are many sources with maps for WOG but most of them are not really representative and they might be old if you compare them with the new possibilities of new WOG.

4.) Will you change some of the old Wog neutral creatures like - old commanders, emmisaries or 8th level creatures ?
a) Did you make any new creatures ? Neutral or for any town ? ( I mean neutral for town like Peasant is neutral-castle )
b) Will there be any new hero(s) ?

5.) I found a program upgrade for the map-maker, it got many new awesome functions like changing creature stats, changing the walk possibilities on obstacles etc. - it works with scripts I guess and with this it automaticly adds the scripts to the map without writing them manualy. -> will be this program released with the new Wog but with more functions ?

Ok, I guess this is enough for now. I'll post more questions after some time. I hope I'm not annoying you and I'll be glad if somebody responsible could answer me as much as he can.

Thank you very much and I wish you very good luck in your progress. Sm

Thank you for WOG.

Cheers. :->
First of all - thank you for good words about fans.Sm It really raises motivation.
Actually, you'll find answers to most of your questions on the site. The site should open maximum in one week. But I will answer some of the questions in short:
1. Yes, there will be 2 commanders per town - might and magic. We're planning a levelup system that would resemble one from Diablo 2
Here you can see sketch of the magic commander of inferno town:
Image: acolyte_s.jpg
And here - might commander:
Image: demonologist_s.jpg
Author - metalpiss
3. We're planning one big campaign, that will include main storyline of WOG 3.59 and three campaigns of three new towns.
4. most of WoG monsters would be remade from scratch, because their quality is too low

All additional and more detailed answers you will get on our site and here laterSm

Thank you for your interest to our projectSm
(and sorry for my English)
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