Posts: 2196
(This post was last modified: 05.02.2015 18:37 by Valery.)
05.02.2015 18:37 |
Posts: 1054
For site you can use any ftp client (like FileZilla). Name is, pass in PM. This is pretty easy way (i download bunch of mods this way). (Updates for MM uploaded trough ftp automatically  )
And why you use as second storage? Dropbox 100% allows same links on updated files and on OneDrive you always can share link to a folder.
05.02.2015 19:20 |
Posts: 2196
| also allows same link on updated files. But you have to select each mod to replace, then wait to upload. For I have no problems, as I said you upload all mods as zip then you unzip in, voila.
(This post was last modified: 05.02.2015 19:35 by Valery.)
05.02.2015 19:34 |
Posts: 5454
Valery, leave old sfx in Box, i agree with your "напряжением из-за перезаливки там"
05.02.2015 20:16 |
Posts: 1054
Remind me, why we ever need sfx?
05.02.2015 20:42 |
Posts: 5454
привычка (можно и иконку внедрять, и советы по установки) + удобство автоматич.установки для пользователя
05.02.2015 23:20 |
Posts: 2196
yeah sfx is nice, but on other side, it installs all mods then we get like this guy in HC who cries at me his Era refuses to start...with 90 mods enabled, including all scenarios at once.
Then he says "why it does not work, in Skyrim I have 189 mod enabled, why Era sucks?"
06.02.2015 01:43 |
Posts: 16720
06.02.2015 01:50 |
Posts: 2196
ok, all mods at are now in new format, the zip file (1.57 GB) contains all sfx, of you can download one by one. Added the 4 mods missing from bersy link, which makes the list go up to 120 mods. Will add them to the forum list tomorrow.
Big thanks to Sydr for automatic feature, it greatly simplifies updates. Just one request to Sydr or Bersy when they have time, can you link mods list from Right now clicking on Mods tag returns home page, should not be too much work.
(This post was last modified: 06.02.2015 07:21 by Valery.)
06.02.2015 07:17 |
Posts: 366
I actually wonder what category will be for Phoenix Mod, WarCraft Tribute and The Succession Wars Mod.
06.02.2015 09:45 |
Posts: 1054
"Gameplay" with compatibility class "none". As category tag is not actually used for anything - you can also set any value. If you want to add new category - you can even do this online (see my signature).
06.02.2015 09:54 |
Posts: 2196
Warcraft tribute is graphics. Phoenix and SW will be gameplay, because beside graphics, they also change the gameplay. Or you can suggest a new class, but better we keep it simple. For compatibility, is better to have a detailed read me explaining how it works, I don't think mod manager can do that.
(This post was last modified: 06.02.2015 10:00 by Valery.)
06.02.2015 09:56 |
Posts: 366
The trick is that H3SW changes everything since it's a total conversion and WoG-based mod at the same time. For example, the new artifact system.
Moreover, it's going to have another form of existence starting from the next release (but still supporting Era due to remaining as an Era portable mod).
In future it's also going to feature new campaigns, becoming a full-scale addon.
(This post was last modified: 06.02.2015 11:08 by orzie.)
06.02.2015 11:06 |
Posts: 2196
My friend, with the 50 screens you bombard us daily, i think we know already what SW will do :D
But from my experience, calling something "total conversion" or "another form of existence" is scaring the fans (as you see, Stargate is gameplay too, without a single graphic from original). Anyway, what about you finish it first, then you choose label.
"The super super existential alter universe SW"?
(This post was last modified: 06.02.2015 11:35 by Valery.)
06.02.2015 11:33 |
Posts: 366
That screen with artifact system is new and not presented anywhere yet except DF2 forum
Well, yeah, I don't mind anyway to call it gameplay mod (since it's also true) because it's good for people to have simple tags.
It will be still Era-based and 100% compatible with Era. We don't have time and desire to create a fully standalone platform.
Instead, the mod will become self-installable both over the clean Heroes and Heroes with ERA. So that people who have Era will be automatically able to use the mod as portable and use ERA Mod Manager to enable minimods over. So that I don't see a problem for the mod to be featured on the website, because all it will do except installing the portable mod in the Mods folder is creating new EXEs for the "clean mod" and "clean editor", with some independent data files.
06.02.2015 11:41 |