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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16719
Post: #271

Отлично. Приятного отпуска (если отпустят фанаты 118 )

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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03.09.2012 14:17
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baratorch Offline

Posts: 197
Post: #272

HoMM3 HD 3.03

Quote:3.02 -> 3.03 (14.09.2012)
   [-] баг: с включенными опциями ImprovedGameplay И TournamentExtensions при проигрыше в быстрой битве не показывалось окно с результатами

3.01 -> 3.02 (13.09.2012)
[-] баг: карта генерировалась без дорог и не сохранялись настройки RMG при игре хостом HD + TournamentExtensions против игрока без актуальной версии HD + TournamentExtensions
   [-] баг с ERA: с включенной опцией ImprovedGameplay ERA крашилась при попытке продать артефакт из рюкзака
  в WoG/ERA теперь работает [SHIFT]+click на все иконки в списках героев и городов в окне приключений (работало на 5 героев и 0 городов)
   [-] баг реализации запароленных сейвов: игра могла крашиться при старте/загрузке
[+] ImprovedGameplay: битва ИИ против ИИ теперь идентична быстрой битве Человека против ИИ (в оригинале алгоритмы/код - разные), что исключает ряд багов, включая тот, при котором артефакты получал проигравший герой.
   [+] добавлен полный перевод текста мода на польский от Rafał fergs
14.09.2012 00:27
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16719
Post: #273

Quote:баг с ERA: с включенной опцией ImprovedGameplay ERA крашилась при попытке продать артефакт из рюкзака
Старый artifact merchant fix.dll ещё актуален? По моим наблюдениям ничего он не исправляет, по крайней мере баг бесконечной продажи артефактов.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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14.09.2012 01:09
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #274

I had a weird problem both in HD and regular, a frozen game during AI turn. Usually I know what it triggers it, resource overflow, digging for grail, summon boat without water skill, multiple teleporters but here I ran several erm tests and could not find any reason. Win XP, Era 2.4, HD 3.1.

1) Resources ok
2) AI can't move, so can't cast or dig
3) Stats and spells ok, removed all spell points from AI, same
4) Removed all market places from town, same
5) Reloading 1-2 months ago did not change the fact that on 4.2.5 game will froze.
6) Reloading from 3 months ago did not froze when 4.2.5
7) Game seems to froze on green turn, when I killed all green heroes, it froze on blue, and so on.

The only thing which allowed next turn was when I killed all AI heroes with erm. If you want to investigate this strange issue, here is the save

The following mod is required to run this game:

(This post was last modified: 21.09.2012 15:02 by Valery.)
21.09.2012 14:58
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #275

Two issues with HD mod after some playing:

When using UN:L command (center view on coordinates) the screen is not centered.
We can not type numbers when we want to split a stack. Keyboard is not responding.
22.09.2012 18:28
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artu Offline

Posts: 14
Post: #276

In v3.0.6f, how do I disable free spell book after first battle without turning the tournament extensions off? Is this a bug or a feature?
08.10.2012 21:38
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GrayFace Offline
Forum Moderators

Posts: 1233
Post: #277

Valery, use this program to provoke a crash when the game hangs:
To do so run the program, then run the game in windowed mode, switch to the program when the game hangs, make sure the text box shows the title of Heroes window and press Crash.
Then send me the EIP it shows and WOGCRASHLOG.TXT.

Вся правда обо мне
09.10.2012 01:51
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #278


EIP: 42C7F3
09.10.2012 03:34
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GrayFace Offline
Forum Moderators

Posts: 1233
Post: #279

All I can say is that it gets stuck in battle AI. The savegame link doesn't work.

Вся правда обо мне
09.10.2012 07:02
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #280

In tew 3 AI heroes are 'stand still', can't move. If it was one hero, killing all heroes from that faction, as I did consecutively would solve the bug, but I had to kill them ALL to get next turn. Berserker suggested there is a problem with AI calculating pathfinding.

Save (needs tew 3 mod.)

There is only one who can move in a restricted radius but only to recruit from dwellings. I completed the map 6-7 times with same settings and once I got frozen game. Those bugs occur also in SoD or Complete, some are identifiable, but a few are a mystery for me too.
09.10.2012 07:27
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5454
Post: #281

Как можно убрать эти (Player1 & Player 2 vs компьютер)
(This post was last modified: 10.10.2012 00:27 by Bes.)
10.10.2012 00:27
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baratorch Offline

Posts: 197
Post: #282

заходим в папку random_maps и удаляем соответствующие файлы. Sm

чем название хуже rand_map? чем оно плохо? Если название не влезает, как в данном случае - не видно номер - райтклик на пункт в списке.
10.10.2012 00:38
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artu Offline

Posts: 14
Post: #283

baratorch, in v3.06f, how do I disable free spell book after first battle without turning the tournament extensions off? Is this a bug or a feature? Can you please answer, the free spell book really irritates me.
13.10.2012 21:27
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gamecreator Offline

Posts: 7107
Post: #284

(13.10.2012 21:27)artu Wrote:  Is this a bug or a feature?
afair, this is feature

When all gods have burnt to ashes in eternity of sorrow,
Demons gonna tear your soul because there is no tomorrow.
13.10.2012 21:53
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artu Offline

Posts: 14
Post: #285

Quote:afair, this is feature

how do we turn it off then? not the whole tournament extensions, only free book.
(This post was last modified: 13.10.2012 22:15 by artu.)
13.10.2012 22:14
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