In-package file outdated - contains too many unused strings
; Use a Unicode (UCS-2 Little Endian in Notepad++) encoding for this file
; Sections are ignored in this file
lang.code = en_US = English = Aliaksei SyDr Karalenka
main.title = Era II - Mod Manager %s
; %s for version
plugins.title = Plugins
group.modlist.title = Mod list
group.modlist.move_up = Move up
group.modlist.move_down = Move down
group.modlist.enable = Enable
group.modlist.disable = Disable
group.modlist.delete = Delete
group.modlist.remove = Remove
group.modlist.label_enabled = Enabled
group.modlist.label_enabled_p = Enabled (%+i)
group.modlist.label_disabled = Disabled
group.modlist.add_new = Add new
group.modlist.missing_mod = (missing mod)
group.modlist.delete_confirm = Do you really want to delete this mod? \n%s\n\n(The mod will be moved to recycle bin, if it's possible)
; %s used for mod name
group.modlist.button_more = More actions = Go to webpage
group.modlist.plugins = Plugins
group.modlist.settings = Settings
group.modlist.open_folder = Open folder
group.modlist.edit_modinfo = Edit info
group.modlist.edit_readme = Edit Readme
group.presets.title = Presets
group.presets.label_current = Current:
group.presets.none = None = Save
group.presets.load = Load
group.presets.delete = Delete
group.presets.dialog_save = Select file for save
group.presets.dialog_load = Select file for load
group.presets.dialog_delete = Select file to delete
group.presets.dialog_filter = Text files (*.txt)
[main_game] = Game = Exe to run = WoG options set = Run game = Create Shortcut = Shortcuts (*.lnk) = Era II with %s preset
group.modinfo.title = Mod info
group.modinfo.no_info = No info available
settings.title = Settings
settings.checkbox.display_version = Display versions in mod list
settings.checkbox.sync_preset = Sync "Game" with preset
settings.checkbox.sync_preset.hint = When you save preset, current selected exe and WoG options set are saved\nWhen you load preset, it will be restored
add_new.title = Mod install
add_new.filter = Era II Mods (*.emp; *emp; *.exe; *.rar; *.zip; *.7z)|All (*.*)
add_new.progress.title = Please wait... Unpacking files...
add_new.progress.scanned = Scanned (%i/%i)
add_new.progress.found = Found %i
add_new.no_mods = There is no mod in the specified file. \n\nThe possible reasons are: \n1) You use an out-of-date program version. \n2) You're trying to add not supported mod file (probably not a mod at all). \n\nTry to install the mod manually.
add_new.unpacking = Please wait... Unpacking files...
add_new.install = Install
add_new.reinstall = Reinstall
add_new.installed = Please wait... Installing...
add_new.dont_install = Don't install
add_new.next_mod = Next mod
add_new.close = Close
add_new.exit = Exit
add_new.version_installed = Mod is installed (version %s)
add_new.version_unknow = Mod is installed (unknow version)
add_new.package.install = Install package (version %s)
group.modlist.compatibility = Compatibility
message.compatibility.part1 = Mod %s is incompatible with following mods:
message.compatibility.part2 = Disable these mods to reduce amount of unexpected bugs

message.compatibility.launch = Launch anyway?
list.txt = Please ensure that you have enough rights for creation, deletion or editing "Mods\list.txt" file. The file should not have "read only" attribute. The last unsuccessful call: \n%s