Well, that was the point of view of the most pessimistic person.

He often write similar ideas, that "Atlantium has fallen, all is lost" and other tragical lamentations.

CoreWOG team do not share his opinion.
Now I will answer:
It takes so long with the site because there is some other things to do and some сircumstances in my private life. But eventually I will finish it

Soon - it is almost finished. It will not be fantastic or extremely perfect site

. Simple site with official information and other materials of WOG.
There is really no cooperation with HOTa team, but there is also no conflict. They have different aims and different plans. It is two different projects. But some local mutual help and interactions between some members of both teams periodically occurs.
We really do not have one leader. I just try to see an overall picture and to co-ordinate work, connect its parts together.
Yes, we have a lot of plans and powerful ideas. We work on code, graphics and scripts, but we trust in success. Otherwise, we wouldn't even take this mission.
Always there is someone who laments and grumbles, and others, who just does the work without paying attention to lamentation