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Era new site?
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #1

I could afford a era/wog advertising site if any of you is interested in designing it (Bes, Bersy?). Right now the total mods are about 2 gb max size, so I think a 5-10 gb maximum storage is ok?

We upload all mods there and it stays as long as I am alive (or I have a job). With advertisings, up to date versions, clickable links. Nude section on request!

I know nothing about creating paying sites, so if you have good ideas or examples, write here, show me some.
25.09.2014 22:09
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #2

Thank you very much, Val, for the proposal, but in fact the problem you try to solve consists of several parts:
1) Financial. Paying for hosting and domain name, site design development.
2) Time. Making a site is a lot of work. Same concerns site maintaining. I am simply lack of time for it, preferring to put efforts on code and improvements.

Even for implementing simple mods database one should have at least 3-4 free days. I'm working in a Web studio for two months already, seems like I'm right with terms.

We can order a hosting and install some file exchange scripts to allow file uploading. It should be simpler then WoGArchive, perhaps and without custom design, at least, for some time. What do you think?

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25.09.2014 22:58
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gamecreator Offline

Posts: 7107
Post: #3

What about WoG Archive? Why is it not good?

When all gods have burnt to ashes in eternity of sorrow,
Demons gonna tear your soul because there is no tomorrow.
25.09.2014 23:03
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #4

We do not need to design the site in the next 24 hours. I could just buy the space, then you design it when have time. More people can have access to administrator area if they can design parts of it. For now we can just upload all the mods.

But I need a link to some web doing such things, preferably good quality. And compare prices with quality, yet I am a noob in such areas.

I would also prefer not a russian host, those have the annoying habit to go often down or rip you off.

An example:

with videos, images, link to updates and to forums (here and HC)
(This post was last modified: 25.09.2014 23:22 by Valery.)
25.09.2014 23:13
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #5
CPU 1 Core
RAM 512 MB
HDD: 20 GB
Bandwidth: 2000 GB
IP: 1
Backups: 2
Control Panel: CPanel (monthly)
Billing cycle: perhaps 40$ for 3 months would be better then 21.5 for 1.

OS: Debian 7 x86.

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25.09.2014 23:37
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #6

(25.09.2014 23:37)Berserker Wrote:  OS: Debian 7 x86.

It proposes me centos 7 x86_64, is same? Also the increase of ram from 512 to 1024 is only 3$. Is about navigation speed?

@edit: ok debian is proposed in Chicago location, not in others. Is important?
(This post was last modified: 25.09.2014 23:50 by Valery.)
25.09.2014 23:47
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #7

This server will be enough to host CMS (Content management system) and File exchange service + any special Heroes 3 related servises like online ERM code knowledge database (collection of functions, hacks and snippets created by community).
If price hurts, drop the CPanel.

Scroll down to Debian-7-x86
You can adjust server settings any time. So if 512 Mb is not enough you enter control panel and set it to 1024 MB )
Yep, 1024 will be surely enough even for high loads.

Try Debian-7-x86_64 then and 1024 MB RAM for x64. Chicago will have a higher ping then Europe

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25.09.2014 23:49
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #8

Price is ok, but will be possible to design site there? Not only host mods, but also create some site with wog 3.58/era in link title, so can be googled fast. is taken(china...). is free.
(This post was last modified: 25.09.2014 23:57 by Valery.)
25.09.2014 23:52
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #9

Possible, of course. will be perfect

Consider also something like wog-era.* probably. Shorted and better for search crawlers.

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25.09.2014 23:59
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #10

I don't know about sites tags. Can a site named have the tag to show if wog or era is googled?

Because wog/era in site link is not likely, waiting for suggestions.
26.09.2014 00:03
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #11

Ok, take

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26.09.2014 00:15
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gamecreator Offline

Posts: 7107
Post: #12


When all gods have burnt to ashes in eternity of sorrow,
Demons gonna tear your soul because there is no tomorrow.
26.09.2014 01:03
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #13

I feel like is easier and more fair to have a subsection era than have a site called era but based on wog.

So wake-of-gods sounds better to me, then latest version: era with its huge part (mods/downloads/advertisings). Should also propose 3.58 in downloads because there are many maps designed only for it.

Is this correct?
26.09.2014 01:21
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #14

Why *.com? Maybe *.org? or *.net?

BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
26.09.2014 11:37
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #15

Agree. "org" or "net" will be better.

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26.09.2014 17:23
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