Works for me:
Results is not perfect for "Advanced Infos" because, caption from mod_info.ini is not changed (of course if caption for a mod set - then there shouldn't be changes... but why you put caption in it with same as folder name?)
"Various Pandora boxes" is not processed because directory named "[GRAPHICS] Various Pandora boxes" and not "GRAPHICS_Various Pandora boxes"
Quote:Right now, I renamed ~20 of them like this:
GRAPHICS_mod name
Second, why you still use mod_info.ini? Is "Mod edit" dialog too complicated or you simple don't want to use it? Did you know, that MM loads info from mod_info.ini only for compatibility with existing mods and you shouldn't use it as primary info file?
Besides, another update ready:
1) Info about "mod.json" available (you can find info in "doc\mod.json structure.rtf" file or by clicking button
"?" in mod edit dialog).
2) Modified mod_info.ini loading (old -> can load English part to any language; new -> only corresponding)
3) More bugfixes (for example you cannot delete mod with screenshots
