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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #301

It is not difficult for me to get the sounds or change the AF to elves. The difficulty is to make a non shooter a shooter. Any did it so can explain me whats the trick? (Not to mention that after modifying Cranim.txt values in /DATA my editor .exe was out of use and I had to reinstall all WOG + millions objects)

The experience bug, here it is:


It is a test map for tracking the bug. After Aeris fights five of the God creatures (quick combat to do), each of his four stacks of Lords of Thunder will be at level 10 experience, and if you then combine them into one stack, a negative experience overflow will result - which you can fix in the Hero screen by right-clicking on them.
(This is not a perfect solution - using the floating point e-variables in the script would be better - but I think it is "good enough".)

Apparently, during combination, the total experience of the combined stack is calculated as a 4-byte integer, by multiplying each stack experience by the number of troops in the stack, and adding the stack totals together.
When this number exceeds 2.14 billion (about 17,000 level-10 Power Liches), the total experience becomes a negative (4-byte) integer.
(This post was last modified: 13.12.2009 11:58 by Valery.)
13.12.2009 11:36
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #302

Back to shooting for non shooters:

There is this topic created by Chortos HERE

I translated it but still do not understand very well how it works, mostly because the first script did not work properly then he added commands, so everything is scattered through 4 pages.

If I understand well, the first step is to assign to x1 the type of projectile:

!!FU#:P0/<номер существа>/<тип снаряда>;

From the list here:

Типы снаряда соответствуют стандартным изображениям снарядов для следующих существ:

    * 0 — лучник (исключение: для существа № 196 — драколич);
    * 1 — монах;
    * 2 — эльф;
    * 3 — мастер‐гремлин;
    * 4 — маг;
    * 5 — титан;
    * 6 — гог;
    * 7 — лич;
    * 8 — медуза;
    * 9 — орк;
    * 10 — циклоп;
    * 11 — ящер;
    * 12 — ледяной элементаль;
    * 13 — полурослик;
    * 14 — катапульта;
    * 15 — баллиста.

But right after that he uses

!!FU#:P1/<номер существа>/?<тип снаряда>; (same)

to assign Color coded beam number (my translation sucks):

    * 0 — зеленый; 0 - green;
    * 1 — белый; 1 - white;
    * 2 — черный. 2 - Black. (what is it?)

After that my problem is the translation. He specifies that a sound 82M should be added, as well as shooting frames. But he also talks about a missile def (in that specific case--> for peasants)

The people write the script but not working. At the end Chortos comes up with a (?) final version (but everyone adds something, and I don't get it):

!#MA:N139 /16;



Make sure the creature number is valid

Get the correct address

Do what they ask us to do


from what I understand this time x1 is creature ID, x2 =3 (3 what is? number of shooting def? or color beam or...?)
but I don't understand most of additional comments. Anyone got this script working? Is there a need for a "PPEASX.def (?)" as well or simply the script assigns an existing projectile?
21.12.2009 14:21
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #303

I came along a exe (flash player) file which comes with a .swf file and both in same folder plays a flash movie. What I need is the sounds inside.

I used PE explorer to surf the exe and swf opener for the swf file, but it does not want to open. Is there a way to extract sounds from those? I suppose the wavs are in flash player file (the exe) right?

It has HIGH quality sounds which I couldn't find elsewhere.
(This post was last modified: 31.12.2009 01:36 by Valery.)
31.12.2009 01:34
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16720
Post: #304

SWF Decompiler, Flash Decompiler, SWF to Flex, SWF To FLA

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
Поддержать проект
31.12.2009 03:24
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #305

Thanks a lot, I could extract the first two sounds then it asked for keygen. Searching for one...132

@Edit: Got them all Ab
(This post was last modified: 31.12.2009 04:12 by Valery.)
31.12.2009 04:06
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #306

Mostly a question for GrayFace:

Do you know where is stored the "decorative object" description we get in game for a type 40 object, so I can change it to "hills" or whatever? I browsed all the txt files but could not find it.
02.01.2010 03:32
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #307

Is there anyway to disable a battle if conditions are not given, and re enable the monster after visiting it?

!?OB54; **monster
!!IF&v2013<1:Q1^Watch out! You don't have any bullets left! Still want to go?^;
!!OB998&-1:S; **until here works, monster group is disabled
!$OB998:R; **does not work, want to re-enable the monster after visit without triggering the battle. I tried to "wait" using:

!!VRv99:S0 T100; random number based on current time
!!VRy-1:S0 T100; random number based on current time
but still the battle is enabled if flag 1 is false
08.01.2010 14:45
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16720
Post: #308

You want in pre-trigger to disable the battle and in post-trigger to enable? Why?

!!IF&v2013<1:Q1^Watch out! You don't have any bullets left! Still want to go?^;

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
Поддержать проект
08.01.2010 18:02
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #309

Can't believe I did not see it. Thanks 132
08.01.2010 19:21
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #310

Those damnt res boxes drive me crazy. I tried all palettes possible, all colors and still I get the worse result I could imagine. Any knows what is the secret for replacing them? Also they do recognize only 3 colors.
Image: image2nv.jpg
13.01.2010 01:26
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #311

When testing my WoG maps I always use a "cheat" mode so I can change instantly every detail without restarting map. It changes everything, from bugged passability to neutrals stats/numbers, heroes stats, skills and spells in one click. But there is only one thing which I can't figure how to give, it is customized experience ranks to neutrals

Here is how it looks (part of it, it is huge)

!!CM:I?v1; [Area clicked: v1]
!!CM:F?v2;   [Control key]
!!FU&v1<>37/v2<>4:E; exit if not Ctrl+left click on adventure map

!!OBy1/y2/y3:T?y4 U?y5; Check type/subtype on square clicked
IF:M^Type is %Y4 and subtype is %Y5^;
!!TRy1/y2/y3:E?y6; Check square (yellow or red)
!!TRy1/y2/y3:P?y12; Check if passable
!!FU2222&y6=1/y4<>34/y4<>54/y12=0:Py1/y2/y3;   **if not yellow square/creature/hero change passability
!!FU2223&y4=34/v2=4:Py1/y2/y3;  Hero
!!FU2224&y4=54/v2=4:Py1/y2/y3; Creature

!?FU2222;   **change passability  x1, x2, x3 = coordinates
!!VRz988:S^Walk anywhere^;
!!VRz989:S^Click on any square where there is no Hero, Creature or Artefact to make it passable^;
!!UN:A90/9/988;  **change boots of levitation description
!!IF&v1=37/v2=4:Q1/8/90/2^Do you want to make this square passable?^;
!!UN:A90/9/0; ** restore boots of levitation description
!!TRx1/x2/x3:P1; square is passable now

!?FU2223; x1-x3 coordinates
!!HEx1/x2/x3:N?y-99; get number
!!HEy-99:C0/0/?y1/?y2 C0/1/?y3/?y4 C0/2/?y5/?y6 C0/3/?y7/?y8;
!!HEy-99:C0/4/?y9/?y10 C0/5/?y11/?y12 C0/6/?y13/?y14;
!!IF:M^Which slot you wish to change?^;
!!VRz2:S^Enter the slot number^;
!!IF:D25/2/2/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0;  [4]
!!VRz1:H5; **check if text entered, flag 5=1 if yes
!!VRv2002&5:Vz1; convert string to value
!!FU&v2002<0:E; [5]
!!IF:M^How many creatures you want in %V2002 slot?^;
!!VRz2:S^Enter the number^;
!!IF:D25/2/2/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0;  [4]
!!VRz1:H5; **check if text entered, flag 5=1 if yes
!!VRv2003&5:Vz1; convert string to value
!!FU&v2003<0:E; [5]
!!IF:M^What type of creatures you want in slot %V2002?^;
!!VRz2:S^Enter the number^;
!!IF:D25/2/2/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0;  [4]
!!VRz1:H5; **check if text entered, flag 5=1 if yes
!!VRv2004&5:Vz1; convert string to value
!!FU&v2004<0:E; [5]

!?FU2224;   [Change creature stats]
!!OBx1/x2/x3:T?y4 U?y5;
!!UN:N3/z3/y5/1; **get name at plural
!!MA:Ay5/?y6;  attack
!!MA:Dy5/?y7;  defense
!!MA:My5/?y8; low damage
!!MA:Ey5/?y9; high damage
!!MA:Py5/?y10; HP
!!MA:Sy5/?y11;  Speed
!!MA:Ny5/?y12; shots
!!MOx1/x2/x3:R?y14/1; Aggression
!!MOx1/x2/x3:G?y13; Number
!!VRz970:S^Choose which characteristics to change for %Z3^;
!!VRz971:S^Change Attack->current is %Y6^;      v1=1
!!VRz972:S^Change Defense->current is %Y7^;     v1=2
!!VRz973:S^Change Low damage->current is %Y8^;  v1=4
!!VRz974:S^Change High damage->current is %Y9^; v1=8
!!VRz975:S^Change Hit Points->current is %Y10^; v1=16
!!VRz976:S^Change Speed->current is %Y11^;      v1=32
!!VRz977:S^Change number of shots^;            v1=64
!!VRz978:S^Change monster stack's aggression->current is %Y14^;  v1=128
!!VRz979:S^Set the number of monsters->currently they are %Y13^;        v1=256
!!VRz980:S^Exit^;                              v1=512

!!FU2225&v1=1:Py5/y6;  x1=subtype, x2=attack
!!FU2226&v1=2:Py5/y7;  x1=subype, x2=defense
!!FU2227&v1=4:Py5/y8;  x1=subtype, x2=Low damage
!!FU2228&v1=8:Py5/y9;  x1=subtype, x2=High Damage
!!FU2229&v1=16:Py5/y10;x1=subtype, x2=HP
!!FU2230&v1=32:Py5/y11;x1=subtype, x2=speed
!!FU2231&v1=64:Py5/y12; x1=subtype, x2=shots
!!FU2232&v1=128:Px1/x2/x3/y14/y5;   x1,x2,x3=coordinates, x4=aggression, x5=subtype
!!FU2233&v1=256:Px1/x2/x3/y5/y13; x1,x2,x3=coordinates, x4=subtype, x5=number

I would like to introduce the option "give x experience rank" to monster on that square but could not figure how. Any ideas?
(This post was last modified: 27.02.2010 07:25 by Valery.)
27.02.2010 07:21
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #312

How do we remove all commands for Movie Maker from regedit? I think I lost the path where all the movies are stored, and any time I open Movie Maker, it show "invalid" path/crash and no way to reinstall it, it shows same each time.

The option remove application movie maker is not available in control panel. I am lost here.
04.03.2010 00:00
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DeJay Offline

Posts: 25
Post: #313

i have a question for the wog team: are u going to leave the shaman as a commander of fortress in 3.59? according to the lore the shamans should belong to the barbarians,stronghold.
29.06.2010 02:28
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #314

The name and description of one unit is their last trouble.
29.06.2010 04:44
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DeJay Offline

Posts: 25
Post: #315

a game without a correct lore is = 0 and u know it. details like this make the game better .
29.06.2010 04:48
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