Posts: 16720
30.10.2009 17:49 |
Posts: 94
Quote:Now I don't understand. Want me to make a separate thread for graphics?
I thought, but now think it would be superfluous
30.10.2009 20:13 |
Posts: 2196
Yes, opened StarGate thread, so all hints better go there, as here it gets off topic and I bore everyone with my questions.
30.10.2009 20:16 |
Posts: 2196
There are good and less good sides in all forums. Nothing is perfect because it is free and made by fans. I enjoy chinese forums because they are very passionate about WoG and very curious about what is being done with. I am sure that if your Phenix mod was translated in english, they would start translate it in chinese and you will get thousands replies about it. I have no problems translating it with Google. Language is often a barrier but with a bit of effort from both sides it can be aborted.
I would say actually there are 2 big active forums, the russian from and the chinese. Heroes community is an insult to WoG or Heroes. I enjoy too this one, however too little users registered.
06.11.2009 22:21 |
Posts: 16720
06.11.2009 23:12 |
Posts: 2196
(This post was last modified: 07.11.2009 00:24 by Valery.)
06.11.2009 23:22 |
Posts: 2196
I have a question about CM. As I see there is no code for digging box, so must be bring in another way. I tried to open adventure options box and then get the absolute position in pixels (A?y1/?y2) but there are too many values for the digging box and anyway it does not react to my left or right push (keeping bring me that big dialog box, ignoring debug messages and CM:R0 does not avoid the big box popping)
So, after I excluded all options possible I came up with the following solution, the best I could find, but I would like to know if there is another way to get a real dig (special mention- the player will have to dig for "grail" several times and get it several times):
!!CM:F?y1 I?y2;
!!FU99&y1=512/y2=9:P; If right click on adventure options (left click does not work as it brings big box, whatever I do, any way to disable?)
!!VRz2:S^Dig for treasure^;
!!IF&v1=1:M^You dig for treasure and rest for the whole day-temporary dialog^;
!!VRz10:S^DIGSOUND.wav^; external WAVE or 82M file
!!SN:Pz10; Play it now !
!!UN:Iy1/y2/y3/124/0; **place hole
Edit: solved with help of Berserker, kudos for adding checks for various situations
(This post was last modified: 17.11.2009 21:07 by Valery.)
17.11.2009 19:26 |
Posts: 2196
James Vogan sent me his updated version of the fixing experience overflow bug, you may want to use it in 3.59 or ERA or anything, as it fixes a very annoying bug. Here it is:
** script to prevent creature experience reduction due to overflow. JHV, 2/3/2009
** updated Dec. 1,2009 to correct experience overflow when creatures are
** combined (right-click on creatures in Hero screen to restore their exp.)
* uses v7090-v7105 to store troop & hero ranks @ start of battle
* uses v7106 to store commander status
* uses FU459-FU462
!?BA0&1000; start of (human) battle
!!BA:H0/?v1; get attacker hero #
!!BA:H1/?v2; get defender hero # (if any)
!!DO459/0/6/1&v1>-1/v1<156:Pv1; check stacks 0-6 for attacker
!!DO460/0/6/1&v2>-1/v2<156:Pv2; check stacks 0-6 for defender
!!HEv1&v1>-1/v1<156:E?v7104; get att. hero exp.
!!HEv2&v2>-1/v2<156:E?v7105; get def. hero exp.
**IF:M^attacker = %V1 defender = %V2^;
!?FU459; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, store in v[7090+x16)
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!?FU460; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, store in v[7097+x16)
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!#UN:P3/?v7106; v7106=0 if commanders enabled
!?BA1&1000; end of (human) battle
!!BA:H0/?v1; get attacker hero #
!!BA:H1/?v2; get defender hero # (if any)
!!VRv3:C-1/-1; set v3 & v4 to -1
!!HEv1&v1>-1/v1<156:O?v3; get attacker's Owner - will be 0-7 if attacker won
!!HEv2&v2>-1/v2<156:O?v4; get defender's Owner - will be 0-7 if defender won
!!DO461/0/6/1&v3>-1/v3<8:Pv1; check stacks 0-6 for attacker
!!DO462/0/6/1&v4>-1/v4<8:Pv2; check stacks 0-6 for defender
!!HEv1&v3>-1/v3<8:E?v5; get att. hero exp.after battle
!!HEv1&v3>-1/v3<8/v5<v7104:E18975933/50; set att. hero to level 50 if overflow
!!COv1&v7106=0/v3>-1/v3<8/v5<v7104:X1/18975933 X2/50; set att. commander to level 50 if overflow
!!HEv2&v4>-1/v4<8:E?v6; get def. hero exp.after battle
!!HEv2&v4>-1/v4<8/v6<v7105:E18975933/50; set def. hero to level 50 if overflow
!!COv2&v7106=0/v4>-1/v4<8/v6<v7105:X1/18975933 X2/50; set def. commander to level 50 if overflow
**IF:M^attacker = %V1 defender = %V2 OwnerA = %V3 OwnerD = %V4^;
!?FU461; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, vs. v[7090+x16)
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!!FU&y2<1:E; quit if no troops left in slot
!!HEx1&y4>y3:C0/x16/d/d/11/12; set rank to 11 if negative experience was gained (overflow occurred)
!?FU462; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, vs. v[7097+x16)
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!!FU&y2<1:E; quit if no troops left in slot
!!HEx1&y4>y3:C0/x16/d/d/11/12; set rank to 11 if negative experience was gained (overflow occurred)
!?CM2; click on Hero screen
!!CM:F?v1 I?v2; get flag and clicked object values
!!FU|v1<>512/v2<68/v2>74:E; exit if not right-click or not creature slot
!!VRv2:-68; now v2=slot # from 0 to 6
!!HE-1:C0/v2/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!!HE-1&y3<0:C0/v2/d/d/11/12; set rank to 11 if negative experience was gained (overflow occurred)
10.12.2009 00:38 |
Posts: 2196
What is needed to shoot with (let's say) gorgon? It has frames, I gave him 4 bits flag, it has ammo, but keeps saying missing "sprite" and sfx.
(This post was last modified: 17.01.2010 23:49 by Valery.)
12.12.2009 10:37 |
Posts: 16720
12.12.2009 16:20 |
Posts: 2196
Ok thanks:
I think it requires a .82m sound file for shooting, not sure what name to give, and also surely needs to be linked to a projectile frame, my first time doing this so not sure, sorry.
Gorgon kinda
I have also a hard time to replace elves and grand elves. Any other shooter can be replaced easily but those two keep crashing the game on shoot, they have a specific attack frame which I am not able to reproduce.
(This post was last modified: 12.12.2009 16:48 by Valery.)
12.12.2009 16:36 |
Posts: 2196
My thoughts are that it may have to do with missile settings in Cranim.
I modified the gorgons settings to similar to lizards, cyclops, archers but still crashes. Mainly because I get an error message before the battle:
I already created a cgorshot.82M so the sound is not a problem anymore.
I am particularly interested by the columns right-adjacent to "upper/right/lower-missile" as the number are never the same:
G elves:55
Any knows the technical aspects of Cranim.txt? Or maybe both CRtrait and cranim must be modified in a similar way? I have a CRTRAIT0.txt and a CRTRAIT.txt, have no ideaz which is the right one.
(This post was last modified: 13.12.2009 07:57 by Valery.)
13.12.2009 07:52 |