Posts: 94
I am always glad to help! if you need something, then you can contact!
23.10.2009 02:37 |
Posts: 1233
(20.10.2009 18:19)Valery Wrote: Thanks for the tool, if you could just paste here the russian read me would be great, so I can copy/traduce it. The text I downloaded does not recognize cyrilic thus I can't translate it.
Версия 1.1
- Добавлена возможность запуска без Эры
- Добавлена поддержка перевёрнутых изображений(например монстры которые идут влево)
- Названия файлов в папке replace теперь нечуствительны к регистру
- Если размер нового изображения не соответствует исходному то оно будет расположено по центру и при необходимости обрезано
- Добавлена поддержка цвета игрока и обводки монстров
- Исправлено несколько багов
1. Извлеките архив в папку с героями
2. Создайте ярлык навроде этого:
C:\Heroes3\inject_dll.exe h3wog.exe alpha.dll
Вместо h3wog.exe можно указать другой экзешник
Если имя экзешника содержит пробелы или нужно передать игре параметры при запуске используйте кавычки. Например:
C:\Heroes3\inject_dll.exe "Era 1.5.exe -alpha-console -alpha-print" alpha.dll
С этого ярлыка можно запускать игру. Экзешник при запуске никак не изменяется.
При запуске игре можно передать параметры:
-alpha-console - показать консоль и писать туда всякую ерунду
-alpha-print - печатать в консоль все показываемые изображения
Для замены изображений нужно класть в папку replace файлы
в формате .png с альфа-каналом с именем заменяемого изображения.
Имена изображений обычно(но не всегда) соответствуют таковым в дефах.
Если в дефе имя изображения длинее 12 символов, то нужно использовать
только первые 12.
AVXmc20.pcx.png - замена накладных облаков
AVCnecx0.pcx.png - замена некрополиса
Цвет 255 255 0 в новых изображениях изменяется на цвет игрока или на обводку монстра. The main purpose of this thing is to display semi-transparent pictures.
(21.10.2009 23:00)Valery Wrote: Now: how should I script this to CANCEL shooting ability if v100>=0? I mean, the cursor shows shooting but the action is canceled and the creature can only attack melee.
I think setting creature Shoots value to 0 should work. Use the DO receiver to change shoots count for all monsters. You can update them after each shot, so that the player can see bullets count by just clicking on monsters.
23.10.2009 04:12 |
Posts: 2196
Thats very interesting, I did not think of. So setup the shoots value to 100 (why zero? and visible when clicking on) and update after each shoot action. The only problem would be storing the remaining shoots between battles, as there are not 100 shoots/battle, but for all battles. But this can be done by decreasing v99 (AMMO value) with every shoot and store it at the end, moving the result to next battle as creature shoots value.
Thanks. I will post my beta script as soon as it will be ready, as for now I am stucked in photoshop graphics (there is so much to do..)
(This post was last modified: 23.10.2009 06:57 by Valery.)
23.10.2009 06:54 |
Posts: 2196
I have a problem: I created a sound txt file and compiled it to a wog file, with some wavs to change some creatures attacks. The update went well, but in battle the sounds are the same, even if I changed the right ones.
Is there an additional step for this which I am not aware of?
Example: changed PLCHSHOT.WAV. This is the shooting sound for power lich, right? I have uploaded a new one to Heroes.snd but it is still the same inside. What are the steps for uploading a new wav? Placing it in data does nothing, it does not work as battle1-10.wavs or Horse20-30.wavs, which are readed from data if changed.
(This post was last modified: 25.10.2009 04:04 by Valery.)
25.10.2009 03:57 |
Posts: 7107
25.10.2009 11:58 |
Posts: 2196
@Gamecreator: this is what I have done, but could not import them (update says ok, but still the old wav in side)
@Grayface: you are the man. It worked!
Any idea why battle wav. works but creatures sounds not when wav? My initial idea was to create an empty wav in snd then use various 82m from data regarding the creature actions. More than actual.
(This post was last modified: 25.10.2009 17:18 by Valery.)
25.10.2009 17:15 |
Posts: 7107
25.10.2009 23:32 |
Posts: 2196
I see. You did that because there is no way to import and replace wavs or it was a personal choice? Because if someone choose to do like you, he has to put in upload the whole new snd. and this is huge...
25.10.2009 23:55 |
Posts: 7107
26.10.2009 00:11 |
Posts: 7107
26.10.2009 00:30 |
Posts: 2196
I am a bit confused. I did a test and placed empty sound for one unit in data (PLCHSHOT.82m). Then added the code:
!!BG:A?v4; action shoot
!!SN&v4=7:Pz10; Play it now !
When Powerlich shoots I hear the new sound. When other units shoot I hear only the new sound too (normal) but I should hear both sounds, the original and the new one, as I did not placed their respective empty shoot snd in data.
So far, it seems useless to place an empty attack sound in data. The new 82m replace the original even with different name. Maybe thats how it should work, I was not sure. The good thing is that we can play a different custom sound for each action (defend, move, shoot, wait) but surely you all already know this. The only problem I have is for !!BG:A6; (walk and attack) as I added walk sound compiled with attack sound but the attack sound comes either too early or too late, regardless how far the unit moves...
I will try to remove walk sound from A6, maybe it should have only attack, despite the ERM name.
(This post was last modified: 26.10.2009 07:28 by Valery.)
26.10.2009 07:21 |
Posts: 16720
26.10.2009 16:21 |
Posts: 2196
Thank you Efrit, I know how to assign a sound to a specific creature in BG (see page 17 with BG commands). I was only asking if we have to place an empty PLCHSHOT.wav in data before assigning newshoot.82m to replace it (I was thinking the game will read both sounds). But it seems not, it reads only the .82m from data.
(This post was last modified: 26.10.2009 19:49 by Valery.)
26.10.2009 19:31 |