Berserker, congratulation on fixing the commander carryover feature in campaign! That's a long-wated fix I have been dreaming for years!
I'm getting greedy here hehe. When I tested the campaign these days, I notice that H3 campaign has a very out-dated mechanisom of unlokcing campaign scenario. It requires a single savegame to save all the unlocks (instead of saving in the game files). This is different from all the modern games and is confusing somtimes.
For example, when I beat some scenarios of SoD, I have access to all the scenarios from the campaign page.
However, these unlocks are only avaialbe when I load my
savegame. When I start a campaign with "New Game", all the unlocks are gone.
My wish:
Save all the unlocks in ERA game files (wog.ini for example). When you unlock a scenario, you have it permanently unless ERA is uninstalled
Alternatively, if there is a bin patch for unlocking all the scenarios, that would be very handy too.
How do you like the idea?