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Third Upgrade Mod [Amethyst Edition] v2.18.2
» Third Upgrade creatures, additional units in town and lots of additional content.
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Raistlin Away

Posts: 1351
Post: #166

(30.11.2020 00:06)V_Maiko Wrote:  Raistlin, yes, is what you think, it was a surprise even for me, but it was nothing secret, everything was exposed in Discord.
Cool! Dance3Dance3Dance3

Создал новый глобальный мод: WoG Ultra Edition
30.11.2020 02:39
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Str1g0 Offline

Posts: 7
Post: #167

(30.11.2020 00:45)XEPOMAHT Wrote:  
(30.11.2020 00:00)V_Maiko Wrote:  Any feedback about the loopsounds, contact to Strigo via Discord.
Any unknown crash with another unofficial assembly, contact to Panda.
Everything else can be contacted by me.

Чего вперёд паровоза бежите? Дождитесь, когда сделают на самой Эре, раз Берсеркер обещал поддержку пользовательских лупов.

(30.11.2020 00:06)V_Maiko Wrote:  it was a surprise even for me, but it was nothing secret, everything was exposed in Discord.

Думаю, что такие вещи рекомендуется всё же добавлять централизованно. А не как придётся. Патч на лупы - 33 места в коде игры для лимита лупов = 115, если лупов необходимо больше - потребуется расширить всю функцию (её выкладывал в разобранном виде Берсеркер, если кому-то интересно). Если у Strigo меньше, значит его плагин просто не доделан, был выложен сырым и будет опрокидывать игру при возврате на карту приключений из любых диалогов.


The plugin doesn't just patch the sound table, it rewrites a bit of functionality. Some functions have been rewritten almost completely. The sounds are no longer stored in the AdventureManager and both the wav and the sound name tables are now dynamic. It also modifies how it gets object sounds.

Patching bounds everywhere is a fool's errand, it's not viable, it's prone to errors and it's static. Sometimes you have to do it, but I don't consider this one to be such a case.

Yes, it's a beta plugin, there may be bugs or crashes, but i already fixed quite a bit thanks to VMaiko's testing.

Also, it is by no way an era plugin, it's a SoD one, I've released it just because there are people that need it and I happened to have it handy, so I recommend changing it when era finally supports loopsounds. But for now, it's serviceable.
(This post was last modified: 01.12.2020 17:15 by Str1g0.)
01.12.2020 17:11
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Posts: 2385
Post: #168

(01.12.2020 17:11)Str1g0 Wrote:  Some functions have been rewritten almost completely. The sounds are no longer stored in the AdventureManager and both the wav and the sound name tables are now dynamic. It also modifies how it gets object sounds.

OK, it is commendable that you have completely changed the code for receiving sounds from objects, which solves the compatibility problems. For me personally, this is too deep a change. For ERA this is the best solution, the main thing is that it is written correctly and the replacement of functions does not lead to errors.

(01.12.2020 17:11)Str1g0 Wrote:  Patching bounds everywhere is a fool's errand, it's not viable, it's prone to errors and it's static. Sometimes you have to do it, but I don't consider this one to be such a case.

I'm tested this old-old-old patch for MoP, it is worked without errors. In HoA this pach for loops is worked without errors too.
(This post was last modified: 01.12.2020 17:43 by XEPOMAHT.)
01.12.2020 17:39
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #169

New Update! v2.6.0


-Fixed with the problems with Avernum Magogs, I finally gave up and they only attack with fireballs.
-Fixed issue with friendly spellcasters that could only cast bloodlust instead of other spells.
-Fixed ReduceTargetDefense% parameter in which was not detected in AmeEdit.
-Fixed the Beholders' Sanctuary loop sound in which its sound was missing.
-Banned "Enhanced Artifacts II" from my mod by users who reported that this is the problem with some artifacts that crash in my mod.
-Fixed some abilities in Stack Experience.
-Updated creature specialty in heroes.
-Optimized monster replacer script.
-5 new artifacts were added (please test the effectiveness of Tiara of knowledge, which increases learning skills 10%, it has not been fully tested so there may be bugs).
(This post was last modified: 22.12.2020 02:14 by V_Maiko.)
22.12.2020 02:13
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Raistlin Away

Posts: 1351
Post: #170

V_Maiko, you finally gave up? What do you want to say? What is wrong with the Magogs?

Создал новый глобальный мод: WoG Ultra Edition
22.12.2020 02:28
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #171

Raistlin, nothing important, I couldn't make it balanced enough as I wanted.
22.12.2020 02:43
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Raistlin Away

Posts: 1351
Post: #172

V_Maiko, I thought you can't make them shoot like usual Magogs, and I new how to do it without plugins... So, I wanted to help you, if it was the problem Ab

Создал новый глобальный мод: WoG Ultra Edition
22.12.2020 14:09
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #173

Update v2.7.0


-Amethyst and Emerald updated.
--New Amethyst feature "isAimedCaster" now the creatures that attack with spells from large areas (like fireball, inferno, frost ring), can be selected the exact place where they want to cast by pressing F just like Faeries Dragon.
-Updated list of banned scripts for TUM, and "option 730 - single-slot composite artifacts" has been completely nullified from the mod.
-Removed extra "%" from Third Upgrade.json.
-Blocked AI effect from ET (Thanks to Archer).
-Fixed the problem that Pit Master couldn't raise demons due to lack of cast.
-The problem with the Necromancy has been resolved, it can now be used again in TUM. Now all I have to do is improve team's diplomacy so that the TUM Necromancy is no longer overshadowed.
-Improved Arctic Sharpshooters and Lava Sharpshooters.
-The first CB with variants has been released (it has 4 tiers of which once a certain tier is cleared, you will get an artifact of the same type but better). Content officially released previously in The Tides of War.
-An additional artifact added.
-Fixed the descriptions of some artifacts.
-The problem with OP Fire Shield has been fixed once again. I will do everything possible so that it does not happen again.
-Added 2 new def variants for WoG chests (the first one that is green was extracted from WoG fix, and the second one I did it myself merging both chests, the green one and the original red one).

There will be no more updates in a while because I fulfilled another of my goals which is to add all the ToW content to TUM.
The next update will focus on another content implementation.
10.01.2021 22:43
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #174

Thanks for update. What was the issue with necromancy?

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
Поддержать проект
10.01.2021 23:45
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #175

Berserker, There were some conflicts with ACM, but it has already been resolved. Ab
10.01.2021 23:46
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Astranzen Offline

Posts: 9
Post: #176

V_Maiko, Does this mod work on ERA 3.2+? Because I installed it but I don't see any changes.
13.01.2021 03:44
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #177

Astranzen, yes it works, make sure you have installed it correctly, you will notice the most drastic changes in a game if you play a random map.


The micro update v2.7.3 is here, there are only 3 changes to consider:

1. Hates have been organized and fixed, both in stack experience and .cfg files.

2. Made slight changes to two creatures, Terrible Hydras's regeneration was nerfed, due to him being nearly invincible in 1v1 combat. Fire Paladin's fire shield was put in .cfg, it no longer has a different fire shield than the others.

3. The immunities of the third upgrade elementals was fixed just like their predecessors.
(This post was last modified: 13.01.2021 04:29 by V_Maiko.)
13.01.2021 04:28
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Astranzen Offline

Posts: 9
Post: #178

V_Maiko, there was an error at startup "!!UN:A"-wrong combo artifact number.
!#UN:A31/179/115/116/117;               [Combi Artifact ID 31 (Golden Goose 179) consists of]
;115 Endless Sack of Gold
;116 Endless Bag of Gold
;117 Endless Purse of Gold

!#UN:A30/180/66/67/68;                  [Combi Artifact ID 30 (Diplomat's Cloak 180) consists of]
;66  Statesman's Medal
;67  Diplomat's Ring
;68  Ambassador's Sash

!#UN:A29/181/57/58/59;                  [Combi Artifact ID 29 (Pendant of Reflection 181) consists of]
;57  Garniture of Interference
;58  Surcoat of Counterpoise
;59  Boots of Polarity

!#UN:A25/219/86/87/88/89;               [Combi Artifact ID 28 (Compendium of Magic 219) consists of]
;86 Tome of Fire Magic
;87 Tome of Air Magic
;88 Tome of Water Magic
;89 Tome of Earth Magic
14.01.2021 01:29
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #179

Astranzen, That only happens if you have the "emerald" plugin disabled, make sure you have it enabled, that should only be disabled when playing RoE and AB campaigns, or else you get crash because my artifact plugin only works with SoD expansion.
14.01.2021 04:27
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Astranzen Offline

Posts: 9
Post: #180

V_Maiko, Thank you. It works. One more question. How could I combine this mod with WoG Fix Rus? The new fonts that he adds are important to me. But when I turn on your mod, the fonts are reset to the original ones. And if possible, then I could somehow leave the names and descriptions of the creatures of the original HoMM3 in Russian as it was before the installation of the mod, leaving the new creatures in English, of course.
(This post was last modified: 16.01.2021 03:18 by Astranzen.)
16.01.2021 03:10
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