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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1175
Post: #361

A few fixes I make recently to WoG Scripts based on igrik's latest

23 wog - enhanced war machines 2
Now correctly limits the maximum First Aid Tents to 2 with First Aid II option enabled.

30 wog - enhanced secondary skills
Resources bar would be refreshed after gaining resources from scouting II events.

31 wog - creature relationships
No more erm error msg.

75 wog - secondary skills boost
Tactic enhancement now gives 0 speed bonus to Catapult from non-siege battle (Warmachine Enhancement II) as it should.

Note that These fixes are based on igrik's. Edits by Panda might not be included in my files (yet?102 ).

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 23.11.2020 12:13 by Archer30.)
22.11.2020 21:30
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16657
Post: #362

Archer30, thank you for your endless efforts and testing.

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22.11.2020 21:45
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Panda Away

Posts: 1005
Post: #363

Archer30, Thanks for corrections! Included in the latest build.

Тот, кто просыпается рано - жаворонок, поздно - сова. А тот, кто плохо спит и ходит с черными кругами под глазами - панда!
24.11.2020 07:44
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1175
Post: #364

An update to the script that received quite a few complaints:
40 wog - karmic battles
Fixed the occasional crash upon entering the battlefield.

Also, corrected my update to
23 wog - enhanced war machines 2
(I invented the "BR0" trigger. For some reasons, it still works 96-copy Removed to prevent issues anyway)

for WoG Scripts
for Diff Mod/ACM

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 16.12.2020 16:02 by Archer30.)
28.11.2020 21:46
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16657
Post: #365

!?BR = !?FU(OnBattleRound) = !?FU(OnCombatRound) in Era 3.3, so it must work )

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29.11.2020 01:36
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1175
Post: #366

I know this part, but !?BR0 = !?FU(OnBattleRound)&v997=0 as well? 96-copy Did you make it legal or did I invent it out of nowhere

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
29.11.2020 06:17
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16657
Post: #367

!?BR0 does not mean first round. It does not mean anything. !?BR without 0 is the same as !?BR0, because ERM assumes 0 as the first parameter.

!?FU(OnBattleRound)&v997=0; use Era approach

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29.11.2020 06:28
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1175
Post: #368

So I must have made the Warmachine set up each round instead of the first. Luckily it did not take me too long to find out )

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
29.11.2020 08:51
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saneok Offline

Posts: 2
Post: #369

Добрый день!. Заметил такой баг с разведкой 2. К примеру я-красный, мой оппонент-синий. Ход красного. Синий получает уведомление о событии разведки красного, которое даже не произошло у красного. В таком случае ничего не меняется у игроков, мана не дается никому, ресурсы тоже, армия тоже. Но по наблюдениям процент выпадения событий ходящего игрока героем с разведкой меньше, чем должен быть по описанию навыка. Думаю это связано с тем, что часть моих событий отображается оппоненту и никак не влияют на игровой процесс.
01.12.2020 19:11
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16657
Post: #370

Если в одиночной игре, то пропущена проверка на игрока-человека.

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01.12.2020 19:46
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4343
Post: #371

Berserker, нет, в мультиплеере.

Image: widget.png?style=banner2

Новейший Heroes Launcher
01.12.2020 20:13
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16657
Post: #372

Тогда пропущена проверка на то, что активный игрок — за текущим компом. Точнее, скрипты писались без учёта мультиплеера.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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01.12.2020 21:51
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4343
Post: #373

Я бы сказал, вся игра делалась без учёта мультиплеера (искл хот-сит105)

Image: widget.png?style=banner2

Новейший Heroes Launcher
01.12.2020 21:57
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1175
Post: #374

Fix to 40 wog - Karmic Battles
A few players reported that this scripts still resulted in crashes. It can be resolved by disabling SN:D (refreshing battlefield). Without this line, everything works just as they should.

for WoG Scripts
for Diff Mod/Advanced Classes Mod

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 23.12.2020 21:56 by Archer30.)
23.12.2020 17:44
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #375

What happened to "Split Decision" script? I can't find it anywhere
24.12.2020 21:13
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