First you need to get the bank coordinates X,Y,L, and then it will be possible to set up guards and rewards like this:
!!CBx/y/l:G#1/$2/$3 - set a guard creature in slot #1 (0...6), to type $2 and number $3.
You may have to configure all 7 guards slots.
For a missing slots 5,6, use type -1 and qty 0.
!!CBx/y/l:M$1/$2 - set/get/check a bonus creature type $1 and number $2.
!!CBx/y/l:R#1/$2 - set/get/check a resource bonus. Resource type #1 and amount $2. You may set all 7 resources simultaneously.
I will try to write a complete script now.
Something like this:
I have not tested this script, and it requires script 78 wog - wogify.erm to work.
Can I find out how to make such a bank using Typhon?