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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #16

I see no problem to have updated graphics and dialogs in translation.

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08.11.2011 15:20
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #17

A few questions:

Image: 94780586.jpg

If I understand right, casting astral magic on a target (friendly or not) will change its nature from living->undead and vice-versa and immune to mind spells.
The first item I translated as
"the creature will become undead" (or alive in the other txt)
The second item should be:
" the creature will become immune to mind spells"?

Asking because the creature hint does not change so hard to keep track.

Image: 81077483.jpg

What is about this "order"? How can I translate this? I could not find any special info on ghost dragons or whatever creature is.

Image: 83500862.jpg

How to translate n? creatures?

Image: 46136142.jpg

What is E? I could not change it in game from zero.

Image: 20993466.jpg

How to translate "worth protection"? What is?

Question about inspiration:

{Expert {Inspiration}
Increases the life, attack, defense and speed for the selected unit by 21% and {Blesses} it for (99 rounds) + {Cure} + {Exp. {Bloodlust} (3 rounds, all army).

3 rounds is about cure and bloodlust only, right? what cure does in this case if it lasts 3 rounds? Not clear for me.
(This post was last modified: 08.11.2011 16:17 by Valery.)
08.11.2011 16:11
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #18

199292 Stack cannot shoot
199293 Stack is alive
199294 Stack is undead
199295 Stack is astral (or "has astral nature")

199014 Details on stack

FATALITY = %V10 blood mana

199211 Est (from Estates)
199212 Eco (from Econom)

{In defense state} or {Defends}

3 rounds only for bloodlust

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08.11.2011 16:34
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #19

The remaining items:

# Name Comment

199150 199150The end
199160 199160{View improved monsters}
199163 199163There is no
199229 199229View improved monster stats
199230 199230Fast
199232 199232(it will be used later automatically)
199242 199242How nice! And all without the owners...already {8)}
199245 199245It is what your pesky army really needs in
199255 199255only affects living creatures!
199273 199273Confirm you wish to study the selected skill?
199274 199274Cancel confirmation to learn selected skill?
199281 199281View stats of regular monster
199282 199282Arrows.
199285 199285The hero owns {~LightGrey} Dark Magic {~}!
199297 199297
199300 199300If only attacked in town, a hero is capable to cast a
199301 199301%Z1 inflicts to all enemies {%Y5} damage
199319 199319
199320 199320Killed
199336 199336
199340 199340%Z2 protects %Z4
199341 199341%Z4 is imune to %Z2
199342 199342
199365 199365Multi bonus ...
199462 199462Luck:
199463 199463Moral:
199464 199464
199465 199465
199475 199475Click on city screen to display "Creatures in dwellings" menu
199476 199476{~gold} Caravan %Z10 has arrived!{~}

If any can give me infos about how to trigger some of them, it will help me.

Other issues:
Image: 54279287.jpg

Why the z var about earthquake gets into ballistic skill? ok?

Image: 57480561.jpg

I had some 500 archangels in reserve slots, and no army. I got one rogue when battle started and asked for surrender. The hints are confusing. Surrendering cost me 56 gold in the end.
(This post was last modified: 08.11.2011 21:00 by Valery.)
08.11.2011 19:10
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #20

Quote:Why the z var about earthquake gets into ballistic skill? ok?
Yes, but i would omit: "Maximum damage'"

Quote:I had some 500 archangels in reserve slots, and no army. I got one rogue when battle started and asked for surrender.
Of course. Troops in reserve slot do not participate in battles.

Smth wrong with hint, agree.

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08.11.2011 19:40
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #21

Found most of them, those last I find but not 100% sure what they do, so I need hints on. Empty ones remain empty, right? Are they empty also in russian version?

199160 199160{View improved monsters}**
199163 199163There is no**
199229 199229View improved monster stats**
199242 199242How nice! And all without the owners...already {8)}**
199245 199245It is what your pesky army really needs in**
199285 199285The hero owns {~LightGrey} Dark Magic {~}!**
199297 199297
199319 199319
199336 199336
199340 199340%Z2 protects %Z4**
199342 199342
199464 199464
199465 199465
199476 199476{~gold} Caravan %Z10 has arrived!{~}


In learn skill dialog, I am not sure cancel/confirm works as intended. When I click lean a skill, the skill gets an OK icon on left, then "confirm or cancel" does nothing, when close and go in hero screen, the skill is there.
(This post was last modified: 09.11.2011 00:00 by Valery.)
08.11.2011 23:20
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #22

Remaining problems:

Gold required for surrender if any reserve units is wrong calculated.
The cancel/confirm skill learn button seems to not work at all.
There is no upgrade option in stack setup IF:G dialog.

Phew, almost ready!
(This post was last modified: 11.11.2011 01:16 by Valery.)
11.11.2011 01:15
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5459
Post: #23

(11.11.2011 01:15)Valery Wrote:  Remaining problems:

Gold required for surrender if any reserve units is wrong calculated.

it's my bug Sorry

there is FIX:
I'm in a good mood!
The surrender of reserve units will cost you a total of %V601 gold! Will you pay the ransom for the reserve units?
12.11.2011 15:55
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #24

The cost displayed is not deducted from surrender cost. My 3 reserve stacks cost is over 1 million, I click ok and surrender with all for 50 gold.
12.11.2011 18:33
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #25

Валерий говорит, что с него ещё и деньги не берутся.

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12.11.2011 19:02
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #26

Yes, v601 fixes the right cost display. However the script does not exit when we don't have the gold, and we don't lose the reserve stacks. Then the surrendering cost deducted remains regular, we keep the reserve stacks as well.
12.11.2011 19:38
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #27

Gold should go to minus.

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12.11.2011 19:42
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #28


Check your reserve stacks, attack the defender and surrender. You keep the reserve stacks.
12.11.2011 19:43
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #29

В руководстве и Ф1 неверное поисание удачи.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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13.11.2011 23:53
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #30

When release new skin, I will add those changes.
14.11.2011 00:42
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