Posts: 16657
30.07.2009 20:03 |
Posts: 25
Now that Bianor left the team and you cant use his graphics (anubis and priestesses) and u kinda have to start over, i have some questions: is Bastion supposed to be a good aligment town? because as lvl 7 it has Anubis Servant/Warrior. Isnt Anubis a God of death? an evil one?
01.08.2009 00:27 |
Posts: 16657
01.08.2009 13:53 |
Posts: 2196
What is more beautiful than a russian song?
Another russian song
Your servitor at the piano.
05.08.2009 11:36 |
Posts: 246
Абонент временно недоступен...
06.08.2009 01:02 |
Posts: 1233
(30.07.2009 13:16)Valery Wrote: I want to prohibit to a might hero to gain any expert magic school.
Here's my suggestion:
1) On !?HL set levels of skills to Expert. They won't be offered on level up.
2) Unfortunately, there's no post-trigger for HL. Instead, you can use mouse click triggers and BA to set the skills back to Advanced.
06.08.2009 23:32 |
Posts: 2196
I can't find a way to understand how the HL is working in timeline:
!!FU&y1=14/y2<2:E; **if he has Fire basic, exit
!!HE-1:S14/3; **set to fire expert so the skill is not offered.
How to restore to fire advanced from now, as I can't see how to post trigger the HL?
Your second option is the best and the easiest to script. But the player will complaint that he invested one level into a expert skill which is not working at expert. So, maybe use HL to automatically advance the skill to expert when he reached advanced. And limit it with BA.
(This post was last modified: 07.08.2009 19:19 by Valery.)
07.08.2009 19:14 |
Posts: 2196
Now this is possible also to trigger the advanced mastery as soon as the hero moves, so the skill is not offered, and is remaining advanced, combining HM.
07.08.2009 19:36 |
Posts: 16657
07.08.2009 20:18 |
Posts: 2196
It was only an example. I should expose the whole idea from the beginning, as all heroes will be triggered:
My idea is to create a mod to restore Might&Magic real settings. A mod where might heroes can't understand mass spell concepts and magic heroes can't understand armorer/offense concepts. Exactly as in MM series. This will be combined with spells doing double damage if used by magic heroes also.
Recent heroes tournaments shows that the game has a big flaw: might is way better than magic. It seems to me this was skipped by 3DO and they could not imagine the consequences. Nobody is playing today with a magic hero, ann everyone is aiming for Tazar/mephala and during combats only a few spells (slow, haste and shield) are used, out from 67.
So, in my mod mights will not be able to cast mass spells, and rely on offense/armorer. Magic heros will not be able to rely on melee combat, but use instead mass spells to avoid it as much as possible. Maybe in this way, people will consider more variants when choosing a main, and not only taking the first specialist available.
The code is only incomplete. Of course, it will be triggered only if the Hero has mastered a magic school.
(This post was last modified: 07.08.2009 20:34 by Valery.)
07.08.2009 20:31 |
Posts: 2196
Thank you, now it works. Can I ask why S0 -1 instead S-1?
Now I want to limit this script to only might heroes. I have two choices, using B2 or a loop command through Heroes IDs. The first one seems to work well:
!!HE-1:B2/?v234; **check for class
!!FU|v234=1/v234=3/v234=5/v234=7/v234=9/v234=11/v234=13/v234=15:E; **if magic class, exit
!!HE-1:S14/3 N?v123;
Are there any flaws?
Also can anyone link me to a script which doubles the spells damage (if cast at EXPERT level) and the right damage number shown in the magic book when opened? So far I can modify the damage but the real damage will not be shown before cast. Is it possible?
After looking at last BAD's script, he choose the class using other:
!!HE-1:B2/?y-7 Ed/?y-8;
!!VRy-99:Sy-7 %2; // only for casters
!!FU&y-99=0:E; // exit the function, if it is a fighter class
I am not sure I understand the Sy-7 %2 part.
Also he increased the spells damage but using 3.59 !!SS command. Does this means 3.58 is unable atm to do it?
!!SS:P?y-2; **can be replaced with !?MG?
!!VRy-4:Sy3:4; 25% din spellpower
!!VRy-5:Sy4:4; 25% din knowledge
!!VRy-6:Sy-8*10:33; 30% din nivelul eroului
!!VRy-2:Sy-3+y-4+y-5+y-6; 25% din spellpower+25% din knowledge+30% din nivelul eroului
!!SS15:Py-2; Magic Arrow
(This post was last modified: 08.08.2009 09:35 by Valery.)
08.08.2009 08:50 |
Posts: 1233
(08.08.2009 08:50)Valery Wrote: Thank you, now it works. Can I ask why S0 -1 instead S-1?
I didn't remember whether S-1 works or not.
(08.08.2009 08:50)Valery Wrote: !!HE-1:S?y1/?y2;
This is wrong of course. It should be
(08.08.2009 08:50)Valery Wrote: After looking at last BAD's script, he choose the class using other:
!!HE-1:B2/?y-7 Ed/?y-8;
!!VRy-99:Sy-7 %2; // only for casters
!!FU&y-99=0:E; // exit the function, if it is a fighter class
I am not sure I understand the Sy-7 %2 part.
He did it right. % is division reminder. So, if it is 0, the number is even, otherwise it's odd. Spellcasters classes are odd.This way is better because it would work if new character classes are added.
(08.08.2009 08:50)Valery Wrote: Also he increased the spells damage but using 3.59 !!SS command. Does this means 3.58 is unable atm to do it?
This can be done by editing memory in 3.58f. You need this only during battle, so it can be done in a clear way.
09.08.2009 16:04 |
Posts: 2196
Thank you Grayface.
I have another question, but keep in mind I never studied any programming so I would need more of a detailed explanation and I am sorry if this bothers you. Anyway, if someone is kind and patient, I need some advices on the next code:
[Store hero's coordinates in y11/y12/y13]
[Calculate distance to object - store in y15]
!!VRy14:Sy11 -y1; [(x1-x2)]
!!VRy14:*y14; [* (x1-x2)]
!!VRy15:Sy12 -y2; [(y1-y2)]
!!VRy15:*y15; [* (y1-y2)]
!!VRy15:+y14; [(x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (y1-y2)*(y1-y2)]
This is a code from sorcery II script. I am pretty familiar with variables within a function, except with x1, x2 and so on.
From where are they coming on? How Fnord is implying that :
!!VRy14:Sy11 -y1;
has inside the x1-x2 body?
Basically how he calculate the distance from hero to the object.
Thank you for patience :)
ALso: GrayFace or Berserker, there is that patch for making bigger or smaller maps. I was able to create 18x18 and 9000x9000 maps with it. However there are many visual glitches with the minimap, and maps can be played, but not open. Maybe one of you is enough skilled to have a look into it? It would be a huge step if it would work.
(This post was last modified: 15.08.2009 22:45 by Valery.)
15.08.2009 22:12 |
Posts: 2196
Can I ask a loop solution to replace this? !!EA*ID* does not work with BA, but only stack ID
If Serena in battle, all archimages (35) will cast berserk on hit
!?BA0; (when battle starts)
!!FU&y8<>42:E; exit if not Serena
!!BM0:T?y1; **check every stack type
I know there should be a loop command for this but I am blind.
(This post was last modified: 02.10.2009 18:54 by Valery.)
02.10.2009 18:53 |