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ERA BattleQueue
» Move order for combat / очерёдность хода в битве
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RoseKavalier Offline

Posts: 118
Post: #1

[current version = 1.03]

Image: cJqNmKd.png Image: lR432pa.png

Download sfx from above links and install to ERA root folder.

Creates an initiative panel on the right side of the combat dialog to show upcoming creatures' turn and the matching round number.
Provides additional information on cursor interaction.

Turret towers language available in English and Russian, with automatic detection based on presence of WoG Rus mod.

For the mod to work, your game resolution must be at least 1076x630 pixels wide.
If you do not meet this requirement, the mod will not install and you will get a warning popup.

Image: R4Si3g5.png

No. Not now at least.

It's a bit different from my SoD_SP version for those used to it but should work just as well(?)
Testing done with ERA 2.9.10 with no gameplay mods.

Consider this a beta version while customizations breaking the initiative bar pile up. only took 5 months after friendly request to get it done, but here we are)
(This post was last modified: 31.12.2021 07:31 by RoseKavalier.)
16.06.2020 08:24
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Grossmaster Offline

Posts: 570
Post: #2

Это запредельно здорово!20
   Удобнее, чем другой мод Z Battle order

Image: 3ACv_0SqpoI.jpg

Новая графика для WoG
(This post was last modified: 16.06.2020 14:08 by Grossmaster.)
16.06.2020 08:46
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5422
Post: #3

119 wow, RoseKavalier, 36Dance3Gamer1132
brilliant, mega respect for your work
espacialy from my wife Rolleyes
16.06.2020 10:07
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planetavril Offline

Posts: 87
Post: #4

good work
16.06.2020 10:29
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #5

Great work
16.06.2020 10:43
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igrik Offline

Posts: 2814
Post: #6

Oh my God! Ну наконец-то! Dance3

upd: я нашел один маленький остаток от разработки:
1. Навести курсор меча на вражеский стек
2. Отвести курсор от вражеского стека на одну клетку
... в логе битвы будут отображаться цифры, а не надпись "лететь/идти сюда"

Image: 2b.jpg

game bug fixes extended.dll || My Plugins || My GitHub
16.06.2020 10:45
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Archer30 Offline

Posts: 1135
Post: #7

Hi RK, great work!

Could you please tell how I can add Chinese localization to turrets, please?

I have WoG Chn mod (caption: 追随神迹汉化, language code: Cn_Simp). Edited BattleQueue.json but didn't work :/

Latest ERA mods and scripts in development - My GitHub
(This post was last modified: 16.06.2020 16:31 by Archer30.)
16.06.2020 11:35
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #8

RoseKavalier, 132

С BattleHeroes работает нормально.
Для использования дописать BattleQueue в Mods\BattleHeroes\BattleHeroes.mods
Только состав войск обновляется, иногда с небольшой задержкой (после действия?). Не сильно критично, но хотелось бы знать, к каким событиям привязано обновление полосы.

BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
16.06.2020 11:43
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Posts: 2296
Post: #9

С ERA PLUS так же работает без глюков.

Единственное, что бросается в глаза - слишком большая задержка смены курсора при наведении на боевой отряд (на моём не шибко мощном ПК занимает больше секунды).

А так, BattleQueue - однозначно плагин года. 132
16.06.2020 13:42
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16522
Post: #10

RoseKavalier, brilliant work!
I recomment to use only translation keys in json in English.
"caption": "have a nive day"
All other translations can be released by enthusiasts as standalone mods and they will virtually overwrite your file.

Or create Lang directory in your mod with *.json,
    "ebq": {
    all key value pairs
And use

typedef char* (__stdcall *TTr) (const char* key, const char** params, int highParams);

  TTr _tr = NULL;

   * Returns translation for given complex key ('xxx.yyy.zzz') with substituted parameters.
   * Pass vector of (parameter name, parameter value) pairs to substiture named parameters.
   * Example: Mod\Lang\*.json file: { "eqs": { "greeting": "Hello, @name@" } }
   * Example: ShowMessage(tr("eqs.greeting", { "name", "igrik" }).c_str());
   * @param  key    Key to get translation for.
   * @param  params Vector of (parameter name, parameter value pairs).
   * @return        Translation string.
  std::string tr (const char *key, const std::vector<std::string> params = {}) {
    const int MAX_PARAMS = 64;
    const char* _params[MAX_PARAMS];
    int numParams = params.size() <= MAX_PARAMS ? params.size() : MAX_PARAMS;

    for (int i = 0; i < numParams; i++) {
      _params[i] = params[i].c_str();

    char* buf = _tr(key, _params, numParams - 1);

    return buf;

hEra                  = LoadLibrary("era.dll");
_tr                   = (TTr)                   GetProcAddress(hEra, "tr");

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
Поддержать проект
16.06.2020 13:47
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4338
Post: #11

Me to wanna say "Thanks!!!"
Now ERA >> HotA in battlequeue
Baratorch's variant is incorrect still102

anyway - Great Job!!!
(spellsbinding Rolleyes)

UPD: posted in discord - i am responsible for this channel, so don't worryYes

Image: widget.png?style=banner2

Новейший Heroes Launcher
16.06.2020 16:43
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RoseKavalier Offline

Posts: 118
Post: #12

Round printing was done through h3_TextBuffer, I'll change it to something else to remove interference.

At this time the plugin only has Eng/Rus and swaps between if you have Rus mod or not.
I've not worked with CN text yet while modding h3; how is it handled by the game - unicode? utf8?

Update comes after BattleAction is complete and is contingent on battle not being finished (which is why you will see stacks that are still alive at end of combat). It was the easiest solution to figure out when to stop updating.

I've never used BattleHeroes; there is a separate state considered during Tactics, maybe this is what happens here. I'll have to look at it sometimes.

Autotranslate failed to capture the exact essence of your words(
The "cursor" as in mouse cursor is being delayed?
This happens with hover on creature or panel?

I have a winXP virtual machine with limited ram/gpu, I'll have a look through that to see if anything shows up.

I'm sorry there are some things in that code snippet that don't work so I'm not sure how this works? Example in Pascal would be fine or another mod using said setup.
16.06.2020 17:08
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #13

RoseKavalier, there is no tactical phase in BattleHeroes. All player actions occur between BG1 and BG0.
If it is possible to update the queue when updating the battlefield via !!BU:R, it will be great.

BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
16.06.2020 17:41
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RoseKavalier Offline

Posts: 118
Post: #14

I'll take a look; don't know ERM-related addresses unfortunately, if anyone has a handy-list could be helpful.
16.06.2020 22:39
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4338
Post: #15

RoseKavalier, last spoiler in message, if i did understand correctly
Link on message

Image: widget.png?style=banner2

Новейший Heroes Launcher
16.06.2020 23:02
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