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Master of Puppets v. 4
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MOP Offline

Posts: 1468
Post: #135

Наваял. "Скрытие_и_показ_героя" таки пригодилась.
proc DeleteTown uses ebx esi edi, x, y, l, addrCopy
             rv esi, GetTownStrucXYL, [x], [y], [l]; получаем структуру города
        .if [addrCopy]; задано копирование
             CopyMemory esi, [addrCopy], sizeof._Town_; копируем структуру города в заданный буфер
             movsx edi, [esi + _Town_.Хозяин]
             movsx ebx, [esi + _Town_.Номер]
             mov ecx, [esi+_Town_.Номер_героя_гостя]
        .if signed ecx > -1
             GetHeroStruc ecx
             Скрытие_и_показ_героя eax, 0
             mov eax, [y]
             dec eax; удаляем город с клетки выше входа, чтобы не задеть героя, стоящего во вратах
             DeleteObject [x], eax, [l]; удалить город
             mov eax, [x]
             dec eax
             DeleteObject eax, [y], [l]; удалить возможную левую Коновязь
             mov eax, [x]
             inc eax
             DeleteObject eax, [y], [l]; удалить возможную правую Коновязь
        .if edi <> -1; не нейтральный город
             rv esi, GetPlayerStruc, edi
             dec [esi+_Player_.Количество_городов]; вычесть 1 город
           .if bl = [esi+_Player_.Номер_активного_города]
             or [esi+_Player_.Номер_активного_города], -1;
             mov al, bl
             lea edi, [esi+_Player_.Номера_городов]
             mov ecx, 48
             repne scasb
             lea eax, [edi-1]
             CopyMemory edi, eax, ecx; сдвигаем список номеров городов на 1 вперёд
             mov esi, BASE
             add esi, 21614h
             mov ecx, 48
             mov edi, [esi]; - начало структур городов
             cmp [edi + _Town_.Номер], bl
             je @f
             dec ecx
             add edi, sizeof._Town_
             jnz @b
             mov eax, [esi+4]; конец структур
             sub eax, sizeof._Town_; переместиться к началу структуры последнего города
             CopyMemory eax, edi, sizeof._Town_; копировать данные последнего города на место освободившегося
             sub dword [esi+4], sizeof._Town_; структуры - уменьшить на одну
             sub dword [esi+8], sizeof._Town_; памяти под города - на 1 меньше
             dec Количество_городов_на_карте
Вариант, может, и не окончательный, но багов пока не заметил. Герой-гость спокойно остаётся на месте. Герой внутри города исчезает и его не найти нигде в Обзоре Королевства. Однако, на следующий день, если снаружи бегают не 8 героев игрока, он спокойно появляется на месте удалённого города. Если же внешних героев 8 - пропадает неизвестно куда.
Остаётся выяснить, какие сюрпризы сулит копирование структуры удалённого города на место структуры вновь построенного.

Circle of destruction, hammer comes crushing
Powerhouse of energy
Whipping up a fury, dominating flurry
We create the battery
30.09.2023 02:49
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Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 26.02.2017, 20:31
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - solar7k - 01.06.2023, 16:58
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Elmore - 08.07.2023, 11:57
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 08.07.2023, 12:23
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Elmore - 08.07.2023, 15:42
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 15.07.2023, 12:15
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Elmore - 15.07.2023, 16:50
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 16.07.2023, 06:37
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 16.07.2023, 13:38
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 17.07.2023, 07:14
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 17.07.2023, 14:02
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 30.07.2023, 12:23
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 30.07.2023, 15:31
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - myoffice91 - 19.07.2023, 15:16
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 19.07.2023, 16:00
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 28.07.2023, 12:40
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 28.07.2023, 15:59
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 28.07.2023, 16:12
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 28.07.2023, 16:25
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 28.07.2023, 16:30
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 28.07.2023, 17:20
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - myoffice91 - 28.07.2023, 13:31
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 28.07.2023, 17:34
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 30.07.2023, 15:37
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Berserker - 04.08.2023, 17:30
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 05.08.2023, 08:56
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Elmore - 08.08.2023, 17:39
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 09.08.2023, 14:58
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 09.08.2023, 16:19
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Berserker - 10.08.2023, 07:12
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 10.08.2023, 12:19
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 13.09.2023, 15:26
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Berserker - 13.09.2023, 15:59
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 13.09.2023, 16:07
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - StasPV - 13.09.2023, 17:52
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 13.09.2023, 22:04
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 14.09.2023, 11:22
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - StasPV - 15.09.2023, 10:36
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 19.09.2023, 23:55
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - Berserker - 20.09.2023, 04:08
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 20.09.2023, 21:08
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 20.09.2023, 22:29
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 21.09.2023, 07:19
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 21.09.2023, 14:28
RE: Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 21.09.2023, 17:34
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 21.09.2023, 14:38
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 28.09.2023, 01:53
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RE: Master of Puppets 4 - MOP - 28.09.2023, 21:30
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 29.09.2023, 01:28
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 29.09.2023, 01:52
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RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - XEPOMAHT - 29.09.2023, 17:38
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 29.09.2023, 22:50
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - XEPOMAHT - 29.09.2023, 23:26
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 29.09.2023, 23:56
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 30.09.2023 02:49
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RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - StasPV - 03.10.2023, 01:45
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 03.10.2023, 02:23
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - StasPV - 03.10.2023, 02:56
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RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 03.10.2023, 23:14
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - StasPV - 04.10.2023, 00:05
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 04.10.2023, 14:25
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - StasPV - 04.10.2023, 19:56
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - Raistlin - 05.10.2023, 05:18
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - XEPOMAHT - 05.10.2023, 08:24
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - MOP - 07.10.2023, 22:54
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - Raistlin - 05.10.2023, 08:37
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - Elmore - 30.04.2024, 15:18
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - XEPOMAHT - 30.04.2024, 17:38
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - Elmore - 30.04.2024, 18:12
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - XEPOMAHT - 01.05.2024, 02:50
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - Elmore - 01.05.2024, 12:22
RE: Master of Puppets v. 4 - Elmore - 02.05.2024, 18:14
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RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 27.02.2017, 00:09
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - fireman - 27.02.2017, 00:38
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 27.02.2017, 00:43
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 27.02.2017, 00:47
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RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Ivor - 27.02.2017, 12:33
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Raystlin - 27.02.2017, 13:00
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 27.02.2017, 16:21
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 27.02.2017, 16:33
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 27.02.2017, 16:40
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RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 01.03.2017, 18:33
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - gamecreator - 01.03.2017, 19:37
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 01.03.2017, 19:45
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - feanor - 01.03.2017, 22:13
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 02.03.2017, 12:25
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 02.03.2017, 19:56
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 02.03.2017, 20:06
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 02.03.2017, 20:11
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - gamecreator - 02.03.2017, 20:58
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - XEPOMAHT - 02.03.2017, 23:49
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 03.03.2017, 08:55
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Ivor - 07.03.2017, 16:23
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - feanor - 10.04.2017, 21:35
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 28.05.2017, 11:12
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - jklmn - 10.06.2017, 22:00
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 27.06.2017, 22:54
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 28.06.2017, 00:16
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 28.06.2017, 00:21
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 28.06.2017, 00:33
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 17.07.2017, 20:47
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - StasPV - 24.07.2017, 23:19
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 04.08.2017, 15:42
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 12.08.2017, 18:14
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 29.03.2018, 20:20
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Berserker - 29.03.2018, 22:31
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 30.03.2018, 14:55
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - UrbanCAESAR - 05.04.2018, 22:26
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 06.04.2018, 14:56
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 12.04.2018, 21:19
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 13.04.2018, 10:53
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 13.04.2018, 15:54
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 22.04.2018, 14:36
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 23.04.2018, 18:25
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 23.04.2018, 19:07
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 23.04.2018, 19:46
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Keitay - 20.06.2018, 10:16
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - XEPOMAHT - 20.06.2018, 11:18
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Keitay - 27.07.2018, 19:27
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 24.08.2018, 18:54
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 24.08.2018, 21:51
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - Algor - 24.08.2018, 22:29
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - XEPOMAHT - 24.08.2018, 23:19
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 25.08.2018, 16:31
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - XEPOMAHT - 26.08.2018, 00:27
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 26.08.2018, 07:06
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - XEPOMAHT - 26.08.2018, 12:31
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 27.02.2020, 01:15
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - V_Maiko - 27.02.2020, 04:55
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 27.02.2020, 09:22
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 27.02.2020, 11:28
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - MOP - 27.02.2020, 12:08
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - XEPOMAHT - 27.02.2020, 12:10
RE: Мод "Master of puppets" - igrik - 27.02.2020, 16:10
Master of Puppets 4 - XEPOMAHT - 21.07.2021, 12:42

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