Archer30, I'll probably make 2.0 version, thanks for idea anyway.
Quote:1. All these options work for all tracks, instead of "Alterative" tracks. For examples, the same rules will apply on combat01-09 instead of differentiating them for 01-04 and 05-09.
Regular theme files are considered part of alternatives to select, right.
2. Nope. It means, that each N days next track will be selected. And playlist is ordered by default.
dirt, dirt01, dirt02, dirt03, dirt04.
Before N days pass you'll hear only "dirt", then for a few days "dirt1" and so on.
3. The option forces playlist to be shuffled each time, when we reached its end.
So we get: dirt02, dirt, dirt04, dirt01, dirt03 { here playlist is recreated/reshuffled } dirt04 dirt02 dirtdirt01
4. It's the minimal time a track will be played (in seconds) before it will be allowed to select another alternative track.
Set it to 40 and press "end of turn" a few times. You will notice, that most themes do not change. They are marked for randomization, but will not be changed/reselected until player listens to them enough.