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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3346

*тут было сообщение Valery*
Дико извиняюсь, нажал правку вместо цитаты и по привычке "цитату" стер Bad

Что-то помнится мне, что без 512 флага (заклинание урона), сферы бонуса не дают. Ты перепроверь на всякий случай.
А лучше - добавь флаг и убери мины и огнестену из скрипта вообще.
(This post was last modified: 21.05.2015 12:12 by Valery.)
21.05.2015 11:41
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #3347


BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
21.05.2015 15:18
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3348

ok, moved land mine and fire wall to damage spells, removed them from bla bla thing, updated script. Should I make ert or this is fine?
21.05.2015 17:05
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #3349

Конечно, лучше ert. Хотя и не принципиально.

И еще: правильнее было бы брать исходное описание и добавлять к нему недостающую числовую информацию в конце отдельной строкой, как это происходит с заклинаниями урона.
Так и текста меньше получится и нагляднее будет (числовой показатель в конце описания, а не в середине где-то).

BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
21.05.2015 17:57
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3350

Is not in middle of nowhere, it replaces the vague "a fixed number" for the english version. I think the description is clear now, if I add numbers after the text says "a fixed number" it will be more confuse.

>For example:

{Land Mine}

Randomly places four small areas of landmines on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. It inflicts damage to any unit walking over it.

is replaced with:

{Land Mine}

Randomly places four small areas of landmines on the battlefield which are only visible to the caster and creatures native to the terrain. It inflicts %Y11 damage to any unit walking over it.

Which is the exact original formulation but with the damage value.
21.05.2015 18:06
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3351

How the hell are those ert files working?

I added in enhanced artifacts.ert one more column (after z171025), added description, and coded in erm file


and ofc error (1-1000 z vars) but I see people do it every time. Where is my error? And how do I know that z171026 isn't used by another ert file?
(This post was last modified: 23.05.2015 15:15 by Valery.)
23.05.2015 14:41
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gamecreator Offline

Posts: 7107
Post: #3352

String variables passed to UN:A and most other name-changing functions become (permanently) bound to the corresponding ingame value. That's why it doesn't accept ert vars. Use Era 2.47 syntax for name changing instead.
To check if a ert variable is defined, you can get its value. If the value is "String was not found.", then this ert variable is not defined anywhere.

When all gods have burnt to ashes in eternity of sorrow,
Demons gonna tear your soul because there is no tomorrow.
23.05.2015 16:08
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3353

Thanks, got it.

Some user complained in HC that the two new combos (vestment of authority and Garb of the Forest Lord-enhanced artifacts.erm) don't compile as other combos. And indeed the scripter forgot (or did it on purpose) to finish the code and add the combo stack feature, which creates locked slots.

To fix this is easy so I wanted one more z var in ert as there are a lot already used in that ert script. but ok I can use a quick var too.

Bersy, should I fix this script or let it as it was? I can fix it by adding a quick z var if the combo is clicked, all it lacks is:

!#UN:A13/170/66/67/68; new combo is created from 66-68 artifacts and represented by art 170 (horn)
!#UN:A170/2/2; horn is set on shoulders

Then description if right-clicked. Should I do it?
(This post was last modified: 23.05.2015 16:34 by Valery.)
23.05.2015 16:34
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3354

Never heard of this combos. Yes, you can.
23.05.2015 23:29
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3355

Ok I just checked and GoW (Hero of light mod) uses all 161-170 artifacts for new combos visuals, so this lets me 0 choices for new combos + compatibility. And if I use any of those, then his mod will become not compatible with wog mod. So better I don't touch.

Hard to fix anything in WoG mod when so many other mods depend on.
24.05.2015 15:18
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #3356

Right you are. But you may release WoG Revised and get rid of that "compatibility". Or better WoG Alt, based on WoG.
25.05.2015 22:02
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #3357

Not worth the time spent. It is not even an error, so I won't invent the wheel again just to satisfy one user. If it was a fast possibility, okay; but like that, no.
25.05.2015 22:52
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MegaPeasant Offline

Posts: 19
Post: #3358

Всем здравствуйте! Я только учусь писать ERM, и у меня тут вышла небольшая заминочка: Вот я написал маленький скриптик, на то что - когда герой входит в координаты 138/142/0 то активируется этот скрипт! Вроде всё хорошо, но! Этот скрипт активируется КАЖДЫЙ РАЗ когда герой входит в эти координаты, как сделать чтобы скрипт срабатывал только один раз? (Если что могу кинуть скрипт)
03.07.2015 16:54
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5459
Post: #3359

MegaPeasant,используйте флаг для дезактивации действия при повторном посещении.
я бы вам дал пример, но для начала лучше укажите в какой версии игры вы используете скрипт? wog3.58f,era2?
03.07.2015 17:55
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MegaPeasant Offline

Posts: 19
Post: #3360

Bes, я незнаю как проверить мою версию 96-copy, но если у меня старая вы бы могли мне дать ссылку на скачивание героев 3.58wog! А что такое era2 я вообще незнаю Sm. Но вроде у меня 58!
03.07.2015 19:20
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