(15.02.2020 04:16)Berserker Wrote: RoseKavalier, right, I could include editor in WoG mod with dll in EraEditor and the contents of unleashed.lod in unleashed.pac or even hmm35wog.pac, does not matter if you load resources via native functions like LoadTxtFromLod or LoadDefFromLod without specifying concrete lod. All you need would be to check via GetModuleHandle if era is loaded and disable a few patches/hooks, that may have conflicts.
In fact, you can take any Era package even now, create a mod and put .pac file in mod data and dll in EraEditor.
Mostly ready now.
There remains a modification, use of manifest to modify appearance, that I do not know how to perform without modification of the exe, maybe you have a clue or would agree to provide a modded exe.
For Unleashed I simply inserted it with Resource Hacker as such:
The reason I ask is for the modification of toolbar images which are 32bit ... they will not look good otherwise.
If course there's an option to not replace toolbars within Unleashed.ini but to me it feels like it's time to update)
If not, I might simply disable toolbar replacement if Manifest doesn't exist. Since system settings will affect toolbars, there's no good way to achieve this replacement without 32bits.
Bonus, manifest is compatible with winXP...
I understand some people might prefer the older scheme (or are there?) so if there's a way to achieve this without hex modification, it would be ideal I think.