Posts: 1054
Самая актуальная версия для использования сейчас какая?
(А то я тут Write по адресу 0x0 получаю при попытке начать в Battle Heroes)
(This post was last modified: 29.04.2015 18:51 by SyDr.)
29.04.2015 18:49 |
Posts: 16720
29.04.2015 20:35 |
Posts: 7107
29.04.2015 23:42 |
Posts: 2196
Ok, so I am playing all sod and ab campaigns with new era. Everything fine, until now, when playing Hack's campaign, this battle vs thant makes me cry, some evil entity is removing my mass slow, same round I cast.
Could be this be a bug related to new version? Should I upload the save? No mods except interface are being used.
Further tests show that when skels move, any mass spell is being removed from thant, even those he casts himself (mass shield). If I cast mass haste on my army, it stays.
ok, tested on era 2.46, same thing. Gave thant to blue player then tested with him on my side, it doesn't happen. Tested same scenario in pure sod, no bug. So is wog bug but no scripts are activated.
(This post was last modified: 30.04.2015 02:32 by Valery.)
29.04.2015 23:45 |
Posts: 1
А можно узнать, если кто в курсе, когда будет вылечен баг с показом повозок вместо различных монстров и несоответствие некоторым монстром првеьюшек (например волшебницы показываются как бесы, а громовержцы как пикинеры.)?
И на поздних стадиях игры, очень часто комп заходит к себе в замок и игра уходит в бесконечные думки. Обидно после нескольких часов игры попадать на такое.
30.04.2015 23:16 |
Posts: 7107
01.05.2015 00:07 |
Posts: 16720
01.05.2015 01:03 |
Posts: 1054
Несовместимость с HD - очень... печально... Без него играть на Full-HD мониторе то ещё извращение.
01.05.2015 10:03 |
Posts: 2196
Is it possible to integrate in era the new QU/PA receivers + all the stuff it comes with? I see the help is complete, I opened the erm help index with Komposer, can't figure how to add a new icon QU, icons are not editable in composer or I didn't yet find the option.
(This post was last modified: 01.05.2015 14:23 by Valery.)
01.05.2015 14:22 |
Posts: 7107
01.05.2015 15:14 |
Posts: 2196
ok I am still very annoyed about this strange spells dispel in campaigns. I tested under same conditions in custom map, but doesn't occur. But in campaign I already had it several times. I made a custom campaign to see and no bug. Any mass spell is removed as soon as the enemy moves.
btw, you need to place zcmpedtr.txt and zcmpmus.txt in Heroes 3/data to be able to open campaign editor. The campaign editor doesn't read from mods right now.
(This post was last modified: 01.05.2015 19:21 by Valery.)
01.05.2015 19:20 |
Posts: 16720
02.05.2015 01:37 |
Posts: 2196
ok, thanks. But what Era I am testing, the one which makes campaigns ok? 2.47 or 2.55?
For pandora and seer huts, all it needs is adding the receivers plugins or more work?
02.05.2015 13:57 |