The problem with GnollKing patch is that it is his first attempt to create objects, thus his patch is not 100% clean and quality. Most codes in ZEOBJTS.txt are weird, and he extracted frames by screenshoots then resize, and the quality is low. His mountains have wrong palette and display weird in game. So I am not sure it can go in archive unless someone is doing a clean up inside. By the time he was working on his patch, I uploaded many terrains to HC just for testing colors, and he included them in his patch without asking. Those terrains were only for testing, no one needs them in the editor.
Animated fountain from my patch (resized with extractor):
Animated fountain (resized after extract) by Gnoll King:
Hardly we can say it is water while in game because very close to cyan, so transparent.
His trees have wrong passability too:
The mountains he made just can't fit on any terrain, impossible to use them. They are nice and I am using them in Atlantis but I had to make 2 special terrains to get them working:
Gnollking original mountains (bad connection with ground):
Gnollking mountains on my two terrains:
So, before uploading it to an archive, it needs many fixes in my opinion.