Quote:Should I fix objType and objSubtype parameters for OnAdvMapTileHint
Object type (x4) should always be returned as a hero if there is a hero at the real coordinates. This is not simply via erm since OB:T will return the object type underneath if the hero at the position is the current hero.
I don't think the original x4/x5 (object type/subtype underneath the hero at the entrance) would be of great use since usually OnAdvMapTileHint is used for setting hints, and this type/subtype is not what we would use in the native mechanism.
Quote:SN:H uses WoG hint trigger
Well, I am not quite sure how it internally works. But the request is similar - the game should not show the SN:H^object^/HT hint when I hover over a hero visiting an object set with SN:H^object^/HT, it should show the hint of the hero instead. Same as RMB pop-ups.
Btw, is there a chance to have a pop-up trigger similar to OnAdvMapTileHint for the hint, which changes the native msg and can be disabled by CM:R0?
CM:R0+IF:M works great for setting pop-ups. Yet when you have several right-clicking features, it starts to become a problem since CM:R0 cannot disable IF:M msg.
For example: I wrote an enhanced pop-up for Commander Witch Huts, now when you right-click on huts, it shows both the skills taught to my hero and my commander.
And I have Mithril. When I right-click on the huts, it would ask me whether to change the skill teaching.
Now ideally when I right-click on the huts, I want only the Mithril question shown and the enhanced commander witch huts pop-up should be disabled. But since the enhanced pop-up is realised by IF:M, nothing can be done unless playing with some global variables.