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Third Upgrade Mod [Amethyst Edition] v2.18.2
» Third Upgrade creatures, additional units in town and lots of additional content.
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #271

(10.06.2021 07:31)Nevemor Wrote:  ARE YOU kidding me?:DD I just completed translation for 2.9.5 a few minutes ago, and you publish a new version ahaha. Btw, good work!!Sm

That exactly happened to a translator of my mod in the Chinese community when I released version 2.9.5 96

I hope you enjoyed, I tried hard.
10.06.2021 07:45
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Nevemor Offline

Posts: 49
Post: #272

Перевод для Third Upgrade Mod 2.10.0
О любых недочётах/багах, прошу уведомлять меня об этом.


И снова просьба, разместите в главном постуSm
(This post was last modified: 11.06.2021 06:36 by Nevemor.)
11.06.2021 06:34
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #273

Nevemor, Done! Thank you so much 132
11.06.2021 07:10
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #274

Update v2.10.5

-Removed 8th slot dwelling due to instability and difficult maintenance. Possibly reintegration in the future.
-Fixed the mental immunity bug of some skeletons.
-Redesigned Centaur General (By FirePaladin).
-Fixed Antichrist sound when teleporting.
-Antichrist now recovers "No enemy retaliation".
-Fixed the stats of Santa Gremlin and other creatures according to the current ERA 3.
-Sacred War Hammer balanced, cast Destroy Undead removed.
-Added new special artifacts with new effects (credit to Kongsuni for scripting).
-Now that error message will no longer appear when you want to play without emerald.
-For testing: Added a script that allows instant victory in battles by pressing the "M" button, thanks to Archer30.
07.07.2021 22:29
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #275

Update to v2.11.5

Changelog since 2.11.1 to 2.11.5


-ID 270-284 were reorganized.
-Returned 8th dwelling, fixed the issue of some creatures appearing upgraded from the Dungeon faction.
-Fixed 8th dwellings bug that consumed all wood and left you with -10.
-Now 8th creatures have normal growth as originally intended.
-Changed the location of the "8th units" button, it is now down for more convenience (don't worry, anyway in HD mod it didn't show the available numerical amount of creatures).
-The prerequisites and costs to build the 8th dwellings have been changed, now it is more flexible and fair.
-Citadel and Castle building now increases creature growth in 8th dwellings.
-Fixed a minor bug fix regarding to staff of doom (crashes in siege).
-Removed "Protection by all units in battle.erm"
-Removed "option 730-single-slot composite artifacts.erm"
-Added functionality to a couple of artifacts. (scripting by Kongsuni)
-A new artifact combo has been added.
-Emerald Tower has been fixed and adapted for TUM. Thanks to Archer30
-Fixed and adapted to TUM "Monstes are half price on 7th day of the week" script. Thanks to Archer.
-Fixed the names of Tides of War creatures when improve in Emerald Tower.


-CB scripts updated, now the AI will be able to equip the new artifacts of the mod if they earn it as a reward.
-Reclassified original combo artifacts, they should no longer appear on the map or as a reward in Creature Banks.
-Special WoG artifacts have been unlocked. (Magic Wand, Golden Tower Arrow, etc).


-Fixed the description of Compendium of Magic and Chaos Orb.
-Fixed Treehouse dwelling on the map, now it will no longer have a problem with resources during its replacement.
-Improved 8th units feature, added Enlarged clickable area of ​​the 8th creature button.
-Removed 8thCreatures.bin, no longer required.
-Improvements in Third Upgrade mod.erm, unblocked one slot combo artifacts and Enhanced Artifacts script options.
-The Portal of Summoning feature was replaced by Banner Workshop, you can now buy banners in Dungeon.
-Fixed demolishing town mistakenly disabled by Mysterious Cave.erm.
-Now the dwelling replacers scripts no longer appear in random map (they are generated naturally).
-Fixed immune from some artifacts.
-Fix Ring of Elements not allowing summoning different elementals in the battle.
-Added "-1000 tum Archer.erm" adds support for various constants, and now there is no problem running ERA 3.8.0
-Fix encountering pandora battle outside of Pandora with battle save from new pandora script.
-Art combo table was implemented, right clicking on the backpack button will open a dialog to see the list of combos artifacts currently available in TUM.
-Updated amethyst, Ballista shoots crashing.
-Updated emerald, experience no longer overflows.
(This post was last modified: 27.07.2021 03:25 by V_Maiko.)
27.07.2021 03:24
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16730
Post: #276

Thanks for updates!

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
Поддержать проект
27.07.2021 06:40
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Nevemor Offline

Posts: 49
Post: #277

Thank you for changelogSm
27.07.2021 07:02
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Artyr1995ua Offline

Posts: 205
Post: #278

Nevemor, кинь ссылку на скачивание пж
30.07.2021 16:53
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Nevemor Offline

Posts: 49
Post: #279

(30.07.2021 16:53)Artyr1995ua Wrote:  Nevemor, кинь ссылку на скачивание пж

Перевода актуальной версии еще нет, в процессе.
30.07.2021 16:54
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Artyr1995ua Offline

Posts: 205
Post: #280

Nevemor, можеш сказать когда будет
01.08.2021 05:55
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Nevemor Offline

Posts: 49
Post: #281

(01.08.2021 05:55)Artyr1995ua Wrote:  Nevemor, можеш сказать когда будет

К сожалению нет. Но не переживайте, автор вполне вероятно новую версию выкатит в скором времени) будет еще более актуальный перевод.
01.08.2021 08:21
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Artyr1995ua Offline

Posts: 205
Post: #282

Nevemor, спасибо за ответ)
01.08.2021 11:31
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Serg Offline

Posts: 23
Post: #283

Здравствуйте! Подскажите кто знает на что Third Upgrade Mod устанавливать? И в какую папку? Heroes III + WoG 3.58f + ERA3.8.7 + Third Upgrade Mod мод в папку Heroes III всё? И с какого ярлыка запуск? Спасибо.
05.08.2021 02:27
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Goponfs Offline

Posts: 21
Post: #284

(05.08.2021 02:27)Serg Wrote:  Здравствуйте! Подскажите кто знает на что Third Upgrade Mod устанавливать? И в какую папку? Heroes III + WoG 3.58f + ERA3.8.7 + Third Upgrade Mod мод в папку Heroes III всё? И с какого ярлыка запуск? Спасибо.

Make a clean ERA install directly from era launcher, after this you can install third upgrade mod directly in the root directory and you can enable the mod via mod manager from the launcher. After this you just push the play button from the launcher, no need any shorcuts.
(This post was last modified: 06.08.2021 01:50 by Goponfs.)
06.08.2021 01:44
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Serg Offline

Posts: 23
Post: #285

Установил сборку через launcher.exe, обновил патч 2.17 через настройки игры. Установил Third Upgrade Mod v2.11.5. В менеджере модов все включено, что в нем есть, кроме Advanced Classes Mod 1.07, Henchman Mod, TrainerX, Mod 16-2way teleports. Вылезает Image: 15d69280b785142e73cbdc735c19a222-full.png загрузить фото. Что у меня неправильно сделано?
(This post was last modified: 07.08.2021 15:14 by Serg.)
07.08.2021 15:04
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