Posts: 16719
Valery, because of many things:
1) If I do so, WoG Scripts development will be frozen. Currently it's active. People release updates and I don't handle bug reports and everything else. I just physically cannot handle all that 18 years old code. So I don't provide updates, people are complaining. I extracted mod, now it has updates. Everything player needs is two mods installation (core + specific scripts package), but it's not a hard task for PC user.
2) Current WoG Scripts by Algor/igrik and other guys mod differs greatly in sources from original 3.58f. They use new commands, change behavior, probably introduce new bugs. To play Phoenix Mod I would use older WoG Scripts mod (hosted on, because I included only most obvious fixes in it from Algors's Era Scripts Rus.
It's my task to remove 3.58 dependencies from Phoenix Mod or demand exactly this/that mod to be used.
I think we will port your mods (and many of them work on Era 3 with small corrections), but it's much easier for your to
A) Host link to ERA 2.46.exe and specify, that all it's scripts/contents is a required dependency.
B) Optionally continue testings ERA 2.9.14 + WoG Scripts by (em, igrik & Algor, most modern?). Then most players will know, that both 2.46 and 2.9.14 + WoG Scripts will fit their needs.
But please, don't delete anything. Your works are masterpieces and Heroes 3 heritage.
Bes, изменения в движке не было кардинальными. Адаптация скриптов была минимальной. Мажорную версию просто так не увеличивают. От скриптов WoG 3.58 я хотел избавиться очень давно, изначально выступая за максимальную модульность.
Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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18.06.2020 00:22 |
Posts: 2196
Look, there is no emotion. I just think this is beyond me and have no desire of participating any longer in. I see emails from players coming daily and asking me why this doesn't work. That annoys me because I produced tested work time ago and now I don't feel like having the desire to debug, ask for solutions or test or whatever. So its ok, good luck with Era 3, this is great asset for Homm3.
18.06.2020 00:49 |
Posts: 460
Apps on my mobile phone stop working when my operating system gets updated. If nobody takes care of these programs they start to die. Not saying that it's good, but that's just how it is. You cannot take all responsibility away from the user. If they are able to update their Heroes/ERA to use the newest mods they should also be able to inform themselves about possible conflicts or ways to solve it. If people would post more of these conflicts on heroes community or on heroes3.5 we could take care of, but I don't see many complaints.
Idea: forward these issues to us on Discord, that will probably speed up the process.
Second: In a year from now. People will be using ERA 3. And they will still download these mods and complain.
Conclusion: If the old mods don't get updated the situation will not change.
Third: I think the fixing of these mods is not so hard. Mostly it will be a little correction and everything will work.
If we start the process of fixing now or on 6 months doesn't matter. In my opinion, these fixes should be made on the base of ERA 3, everything else will just delay the core problem. Starting to deliver ERA 2.46 to play older mods might be a temporary solution, but it will just get worse in the future.
We can create a forum entry where mods are listed that lost compatibility due to the new ERA, together with the specific reports. The list will not be endless. Everybody who is in the mood can work on it. After some time we should be able the have all mods that Sal has on its google drive link are updated, or at least the ones which are worth it.
(This post was last modified: 18.06.2020 02:04 by PerryR.)
18.06.2020 01:23 |
Posts: 2196
As I said I fully understand this, but I still think it should remain individual choice to follow those changes or not.
The problem is that I did a few dozens of mods, some with era.hooker, with pandora api, then Era later versions requested those to be removed, then I did so then re-uploaded them. Then now the last Era does not work with my mods - it clearly needs hours of testing, so I must go back to 2.46 but before I have to reinstall era.hooker and I don't remember which mod had them. Then, as you said, people will keep installing Era 3 or Era 7, believing it will work with anything done before, then will spam me and others with angry comments.
See? I am done with this shit. No patience and motivation to do so. I am no longer interested into Heroes, so let's close the chapter and don't worry about me.
(This post was last modified: 18.06.2020 11:27 by Valery.)
18.06.2020 11:18 |
Posts: 16719
18.06.2020 16:23 |
Posts: 16719
18.06.2020 16:41 |
Posts: 2819
18.06.2020 17:06 |
Posts: 16719
18.06.2020 20:22 |
Posts: 11
(This post was last modified: 18.06.2020 21:24 by Ma_zut.)
18.06.2020 21:24 |
Posts: 16719
18.06.2020 22:35 |