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Era II Mods/Maps
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #31

Upload one to see.
29.07.2012 19:33
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Heroesmaster Offline

Posts: 17
Post: #32


I made like 500 of these and I´m afraid I have to change them all manually, pixel by pixel.
(This post was last modified: 29.07.2012 20:06 by Heroesmaster.)
29.07.2012 20:04
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #33

Let me guess, you set cyan background then resized the frames, thus transparency is corrupted. I am afraid you have to process each one manually now, they are all bad. If you still have the sources, it is faster to redo them from scratch.

Tip: when experimenting something new it would be a good idea to test first, not make 500 before testing. Sorry for you, had same issues years ago and suffered.115
(This post was last modified: 29.07.2012 22:09 by Valery.)
29.07.2012 22:08
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5459
Post: #34

(27.07.2012 22:25)Berserker Wrote:  Added:
HoL v3.2: Tales of Amadar Expansion (49.3 MB)
(Author: Hero_of_Light. New creatures, artifacts, rebalanced towns, heroes specialties, etc.)
this version Requires New Objects Patch also?
29.07.2012 23:53
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #35


Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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30.07.2012 01:57
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Heroesmaster Offline

Posts: 17
Post: #36

Thanks, gonna do them from scratch again.
30.07.2012 08:04
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #37

New Upgrades
(Fixed porting bug)

Grove (9.07 MB)
(Author: Grove team. Introduces new town with unique creatures, heroes and abilities. Replaces Fortress.)

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31.07.2012 17:38
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UksusoFF Offline

Posts: 562
Post: #38

а можно этот фордж в качестве мода собрать?

Image: 0_38e1a_676166ca_L.jpg
08.08.2012 19:04
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #39


Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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08.08.2012 19:06
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #40

WoG Revised (211 KB)
(Authors: Valery & Berserker. Buggy 3.58f scripts removed or fixed, introduced useful hints and notes, added new interesting scripts)

This mod removes or fixes all bugged scripts from WoG mod and replaces them with other options. A few ones were replaced because (IMO) they were decorative only and without any improvement to the game-play. Four new options were added to custom scripts.

Changes in WoG 3.58 scripts:

[+] Henchman was modified by Berserker.
[+] First money script fixed (redraw status bar)
[+] Artificer will also purchase your artefacts for either mithril or gold.
[+] Fnord 3.59 script "Monsters will drop resources when defeated"
[+] Fnord 3.59 script "Monsters will drop artefacts"
[+] Secondary skills script was fixed (tactics again) BR->BF
[+] "Disable autosave" was replaced by Fnord 3.59 script "Swap troops between Heroes"
[+] Hints added to scripts which may not be compatible between or create impossible gameplay, ie random hero + enhanced warmachines + karmic battles, good luck
[+] Mithril enhancements fixed (AI will not receive negative gold after mithril conversion)
[+] Swap Troops between Heroes by Fnord
[+] Call to Arms by Berserker
[+] Town Treasuries by Fnord
[-] Sabotage buildings was removed from Espionage III script.
[-] "Passable terrain" removed
[-] "Split decision" removed

Custom Scripts added
(Author: Berserker)

[+] Fast troops placement
[+] Gnolls marauders first strike
[+] Ranged Death Stare
[+] The grand manoeuvre

Changes in henchman script:
  • Henchman obtains levels fluently. It means that fractional level value is used when calculating henchman parameters. For instance, level "2.34".
  • Henchman has experience: hero level * 10 + current day ordinal number + battle experience.
  • Battle experience: 6..10 points per each battle.
  • Every 250 exp points give +1 to basic defense and attack.
  • Every 25 exp points give +1% to basic defense and attack after applying the previous bonus.
  • Every 1000 exp points give +1 to speed.
  • Every 100 exp points give +1% to basic speed after applying the previous bonus.
  • Leveling-up speed (next level status) is inversely as henchman fight value. It means that lower level and weaker creatures level-up faster than the high level ones.
  • Health and damage grows proportionally to fractional level value.

New scripts:

Swap troops between Heroes
You can swap or transfer troops when left-clicking on the upper middle arrow in heroes meeting screen.

Monsters drop resources
All monster stacks on the map have gold and possibly either wood or ore or a precious resource (or sometimes wood/ore + a precious resource) that you can claim if you defeat them in combat.

Gathering up the resources uses 500 movement points, or the hero's remaining movement, whichever is less.
Crystal Dragons have extra crystal, Red, Black, Darkness and Rust Dragons have extra Sulfur, Diamond Golems and Diamond Dragons have extra gems,
Stone and Iron Golems have extra ore, Dwarves, Gold Golems and all Dragons have extra gold, Dendroids have extra Wood, Magi, Arch Magi, Genies, Master Genies, Enchanters, Sorceresses, Faerie Dragons, Psychic and Magic Elementals have extra Mithril, Efreet, Efreet Sultans, Firebirds, Phoenix and Sacred Phoenix have extra Mercury. Monsters that have more of a resource always have that resource.
Resource specialist heroes have a 70% chance of getting their specialist resource unless the monster has its own specialty. If a resource specialist does get their specialty resource, they get one additional resource +20% (rounded down). Gold specialist heroes always get 1/3 more gold.
   If the monsters flee, you get half the treasure (they only have time to flee with half of it).
   If a monster stack has an artifact, it won't have any resources.

Monsters drop artefacts
Approximately 25% of Monster Stacks will have artifacts unless the stack is set to always join or already has an artifact. The artifact class depends on the initial gold value of the stack as follows:

    »under 1000 = none

    »1000-2999 = Treasure

    »3000-11999 = Minor

    »12000-39999 = Major

    »40000+ = Relic

Only enabled artifacts will be given (meaning no assembled combos unless specifically enabled) and WoG Artifacts may be given if they're not banned.
Boots of Speed, Equestrian Gloves, Boosts of Levitation and Angel Wings will never be given, even if not banned.

Town Treasuries
When you capture another player's town, you gain a portion of that player's resources, including gold (or all resources if you capture their last town).

   The percentage of resources depends on the level of town hall in the captured town and the total number of towns (and their town hall levels) owned by the same player as follows:
Capitol = 4 shares

City Hall = 3 shares

Town Hall = 2 shares

Village Hall = 1 share

Example: the Blue player has 3 towns with Village Halls, 2 towns with Town Halls, 2 towns with City Halls and 1 town with a Capitol. This is a total of 17 shares.

Each resource would be divided by 17 and then multiplied by the number of shares for the town captured. If the Red player captures a town with a City Hall, each of Blue's resources would be divided by 17 and then multiplied by 3. This amount would be subtracted from the Blue player's resources and added to the Red player's, e.g., 15000 gold divided by 17 equals 882 (fractions are dropped), multiplied by 3 equals 2646 gold.


Option 997 by Berserker (bers pack.erm)

Grand Elves can now carry out a manoeuvre: make a 1 hex move and then shoot with a singular shot.


Option 998 by Berserker (bers pack.erm)

Allows to instantly place troops with mouse in tactics phase. Left-click on friendly stack to select it. Left-click on empty hex to place it.


Option 996 by Berserker (bers pack.erm)

Gnolls marauders block the incoming attack, retaliate and receive damage from remaining enemies only.


Option 995 by Berserker (bers pack.erm)

Use ESC to switch between ordinary and ranged attack.
Distant attack has Gorgons' speed range.
Gorgons kill 3.6/2.2/1.1/0.8/0.6/0.4/0.2 * Gorgons number, depending on target level.
Death Stare does not affect undead and war machines.

Note: Human only.


Option 994 by Berserker (bers pack.erm)

Allows to instantly hire creatures from dwellings into town garrison.
Press 1..7 to hire creatures of specified level and current town type.
For instance, pressing 1 in Castle will collect all pikemen/halberdiers.
If player has not enough gold/resources, some creature remain not collected.

The Empire of the World III (5.70 MB)
(Author: Valery. Big big battles, as we like them)

XXL (95.8 KB)
(Author: AlexSpl & Algor. Adds XXL maps support)
Algor added many XXL templates. Have a fun.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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28.09.2012 23:16
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UksusoFF Offline

Posts: 562
Post: #41

фиксы будут на русском?

Image: 0_38e1a_676166ca_L.jpg
30.09.2012 00:53
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #42


Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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30.09.2012 01:26
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UksusoFF Offline

Posts: 562
Post: #43

(30.09.2012 01:26)Berserker Wrote:  No.
why not?

Image: 0_38e1a_676166ca_L.jpg
02.10.2012 22:04
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #44

By obvious reasons. Someone has to translate them.

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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02.10.2012 22:23
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Berserker Offline

Posts: 16731
Post: #45

Bubble Arrows (90.8 KB)
(Author: FallenAngel. New-style movement arrows)

Find me! (94.2 KB)
(Author: Valery. Uses advanced Era satelitte to find any object on map)

Fast AI (90.5 KB)
(Author: Valery. Several bonuses awarded to AI for better challenge)

Скачать Герои 3 Эра и всё, что с ней связано / ERA 2.46f для старых модов
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09.10.2012 01:20
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