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» WoG Era 2: Русская и Английская версии
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V_Maiko Offline

Posts: 610
Post: #4321

Berserker, Really? How? How is that possible? 105

Image: Screenshot-1.png

(This is Seers Uncovered Mod)
28.03.2020 07:16
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4322

V_Maiko, delete EraPlugins directory from the mod, you installed.

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28.03.2020 14:43
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4323

Для Эры 3.0.0 пишется документация в виде любимого всеми списка изменений. Остальное более-менее готово.

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29.03.2020 05:54
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daemon_n Offline

Posts: 4348
Post: #4324

Berserker, новость потрясающая! Спасибо большое!
А я на сервере высказался, мол, месяц у меня минимум есть, чтобы сборку обновить ещё на 2.9.12Rolleyes

Image: widget.png?style=banner2

Новейший Heroes Launcher
29.03.2020 14:20
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4325

Не переживай, чаще всего при первом выпуске всплывают неучтённые нюансы, так что за 3.0.0 может последовать 3.0.1 )

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29.03.2020 17:10
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4326

[+] Introduced advanced ERM precompilation mode, called ERM 2.0 and activated via "ZVSE2" first line signature.
  Main features:
    - Named local variables to write human readable code instead of cryptic one.
      Example: !!HE-1:C0/0/?(monType:y)/?(monNum:y) instead of !!HE-1:C0/0/?y23/?y24;
    - Global named constants instead of magic numbers to write self-explaining code:
      Example: !?FU(OnKeyPressed)&x1=(KEY_1) instead of !?FU(OnKeyPressed)&x1=49; what is 49???
    - Strict distinguishing naming for functions, local variables and constants. No way to mix up.
      Example: thisIsVariable, THIS_IS_CONSTANT, ThisIsFunction and era_ThisIsFunctionAgain.

  ==== Named local variables ====
  Each ERM trigger (!?XX before next !?XX) can now declare and use own named local variables, allocated from
  x1..x16, y1..y100, z-1..z-10, e1..e100, v2..v9 sets.
  Named variables are replaced with regular variables during scripts compilation and do not influence the performance at all.
  Example: (day) may be compiled to y5;

  --- Naming ---
  Names of variables must be in so called "camelCase" and contain only [a-zA-Z0-9] characters. They must be wrapped
  in parantheses the same way, as function names are wrapped.
  Example of valid variables: (hero), (monNum), (isAutocombatMode), (specialObject7).

  --- Declaration ---
  Variables must be declared on the first usage: i.e their type (x, y, z, e, v) and array length (for arrays) must be specified.
  If you write '[some number]' after variable name, variable will become an array (sequence of variables) with specified length.
  If you write ':e' after variable name or array length, it will mean, that variable type is "e" (floating point numbers).

  !!HE-1:N?(hero:y); give some y-variable name "hero" and write current hero ID to it
  !#VA(arts[4]:y);   allocate 4 y-variables with sequential indexes and name the array "arts"

  !#VA instruction is pseudo-command, that is dropped from final compiled code and that can be used to hold variables declarations.
  ; The function calculates sum of two numbers
  !#VA(first:x) (second:x) (result:x); [bind "first" to x1, "second" to x2, "result" to x3]
  !!VR(result):S(first) +(second);     [calculate result]

  --- Usage ---
  It's allowed to specify the same type and array length for variables in every variable usage place, but it's not necessary.
  After you declared variable, there is no more any need to write its type/length.
  !!HE(hero):K1; kill hero with ID in (hero) variable.

  will be compiled to something like that:

  --- Arrays ---
  If you need not a single variable, but sequence of variables, for instance to hold [x, y, l] coordinates of objects,
  then you need an array. Specify array length in square brackets right after variable name during declaration.
  !#VA(coords[3]:y); allocate 3 y-variables named 'coords'

  Items or elements of arrays are zero-indexed and can be accessed by direct index.
  For 3-items array possible indexes are 0, 1, 2.

  will be compiled to something like that:

  If you don't specify array index, the first array element will be used. It means that
  (test) and (test[0]) have the same sense. Regular variables are considered arrays of length 1.

  --- Negative array indexes ---
  Negative array index means n-th item from the end. -1 will point to the last item, -2 to the one before the last one and so on.
  ; allocate array of 10 y-variables and assign the last one value 2000

  will be compiled to something like that:
  ; allocate y1..y10

  --- Releasing local variables ---
  If you don't need large variable array anymore, but want to declare another big array, then free the previous one.
  Syntax: !#VA(-variableName); will forget about specified variableName, allowing to reuse indexes, allocated for that variable.

  !#VA(myArts[100]:y); allocate y1..y100 to hold artifact IDs
  ...;                 use them
  !#VA(-myArts);       release 'myArts' name and y1..y100 indexes.
  !#VA(coords[3]:y);   allocate y1..y3 as 'coords' variable

  --- Getting variable address (real index) ---
  It's often necessary to get real index of variable or even array element. When you want to output "2" instead of
  v2, use address operator '@'.
  !!CM:P?(coords[0])/?(coords[1])/?(coords[2]); [write click coordinates into "coords" array]
  !!OB(@coords):T?(objType:y);                  [get object type under cursor]

  will be compiled to something like that:

  Address operator "@" compiles to real (final) variable index. For instance, for array "test[10]:y" mapped to y50..y59
  (@test[1]) will compile to "51".

  Example of declaring array of 10 y-variables and initializing all of them with -1.

  !!re i/(@monTypes)/(@monTypes[-1]):; repeat from i = first array index to i = last array index
    !!VRyi:S-1; set -1 for current array item

  In other programming languages variables, holding other variables addresses/indexes are usually called "pointers"
  and abbreviated as "ptr" or "Ptr". We will rewrite the previous example with named variable in place of quick "i" var
  just for learning purposes.

  !!re (monTypePtr:y)/(@monTypes)/(@monTypes[-1]):; repeat from (monTypePtr) = first array index to (monTypePtr) = last array index
    !!VRy(monTypePtr):S-1; set -1 for current array item

  --- Naming function arguments ---
  Indexes for named local variables are allocated starting from the smallest possible value.
  It means, that we can name even function arguments if we declare them in the same order, as arguments will be passed.

  !#VA(hero:x) (skill:x) (result:x); now hero = x1, skill = x2, result = x3

  !?FU(...); some event
  !!FU(bh_GetHeroSecSkill)/155/27/?(xeronFirstAidLevel:y); so what's the level of First Aid skill Xeron has? )

  --- Redeclaration ---
  If you need to declare variable in both branches of if-then block, specify type/length in both of them.

    !!VR(price:y):S(day) *100;
    !!VR(price:y):S(day) *(difficultyLevel) +300;

  --- Reusing same name in other trigger ---
  Variable names are local to nearest trigger only. New trigger starts with no declared variables.

  !!CM:F?(flags:y); flags = y1

  !#VA(flags[23]:e); flags is array, binded to e1..e23

  --- Interpolation ---
  To substitute local variables in string literals use $(varName) syntax. Example:
  !!VR(heroName:z):S^Robin Hood^;
  !!IF:Q2/^Would you like to hire $(heroName) for $(price) gold only?^;

  ==== Named global constants ====
  Constant is named value, that is defined once and never changes. Like 13 (Archangel monster type).
  Constant can be used anywere, where numbers can be used. Era currently supports only integer numeric
  constants, written in all capitals: (MON_ARCHANGEL), (OBJ_MINE), (PLAYER_RED).
  Allowed characters are: [A-Z0-9_].
  To define a constant use the following instruction !#DC(CONSTANT_NAME) = 777; where 777 is arbitrary number.
  !#DC(PLAYER_BLUE)     = 1;

  To use a constant simply write its name in parentheses:
  !!OW:R(CURRENT_PLAYER)/(RES_GOLD)/d1000; give 1000 gold to current player

  will be compiled to

  !!OW:R-1/6/d1000; give 1000 gold to current player

  --- Naming ---
  Scripts writers must use unique prefix before constant names to prevent names collisions. Any constants without prefix
  may be added to ERA in the future and break your script.
  ; for mod Battle Heroes let's use prefix "BH_"
  !#DC(BH_CLASS_MAGE)    = 2;

  --- Globality ---
  Constants are global. It means, that one script can use constants of another script. To ensure, that your constants
  are always loaded before other scripts, place them in the script with high priority (ex. "1000 - phoenix consts.erm").
  --- Standard constants ---
  ERA provides file "1000 - era consts.erm" with many predefined constants, covering most values, mentioned in ERM help.
  Look through it before defining your own constant for secondary skill, monster or player color.

  ==== Named functions ====
  Function names must consist of [A-Za-z0-9_] characters only, start with letter and contain at least
  single lower case letter (a-z).
  There are two allowed naming methods:
  1) Start function with capital letter. (CalcHeroArmyPower), (ShowUpgradeDialog).
  ERA reserves right to declare prefixless functions, starting with "On" for events. This method is not
  recommended, due to possible names collisions in different mods. Two mods may declare functions
  will the same names and thus produce hard to debug bugs.

  2) Start function with any case unique prefix with '_' character. Prefix is usually mod abbreviation.
  For instance, for "Dwellings Extended" mod the following functions are used:

  --- Generating new events ---
  You can call function, even if it has no handlers. For instance, in Upgrade All Creatures mod you
  want to allow other scripts to be able to notify, what monster can be upgraded to in particular town.
  Just call not existing function like !!FU(auc_OnDetermineMonsterUpgrade):P... in your script with all
  necessary parameters and other scripts will be able to write new event handlers like:


  --- Passing function as handlers or callbacks ---
  You can use function as ordinary constant, compiled to number. You can assign it to variable or pass to
  another function.

  will compile in something like that


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30.03.2020 05:50
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #4327

Berserker, здорово, но я бы все-таки убрал v-переменные из пула именованных локальных. Чесслово, это потенциальная мина - ты никогда не сможешь их использовать с полной уверенностью, что что-то где-то в соседнем коде не сломал.
30.03.2020 07:02
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4328

Algor, подскажи, как без них !!UN:U использовать, например.
Или, думаешь, лучше исправить ЕРМ команды, требующие v-переменных, чтобы работали и с y-ми? Если да, то кроме !!UN:U есть ещё завязки на v?

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30.03.2020 07:49
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #4329

Не-не, я только про то, чтобы нельзя было выделять именованные v-переменные. Это же механизм изначально для локальных переменных, а не для v
30.03.2020 13:31
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5454
Post: #4330

Algor, а как тоггда использовать сами v-переменные, если всё-равно придёться их как-то в код заводить с именем, нежели помнить её номер.
я уверен, что нельзя предугадать, будет ли кто-то ещё брать такое же имя, но для другой переменной.
у тебя будет v5000=(
а у меня v5500=(
да, процент мал что мы одинаково назовём разные переменные, но вероятность имеет место быть.

вариант проверять есть ли одинаковые имена в разных скриптах для разныех индексов однотипных переменных утопична, скорость по-любому упадёт подгрузки игры...
30.03.2020 16:01
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #4331

Bes, для именованных локальных переменных выделяется очень узкий диапазон - v2-v9. Ни о каких других случаях речь не идет. Вот я и спрашиваю, нафига оно сдалось, если v-переменные - не локальные. Со всеми вытекающими.

BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
30.03.2020 16:06
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4332

Хорошо, я переформулирую вопрос. Есть ли где-нибудь 100%-ая необходимость вообще использовать v-переменные вместо SN:W, кроме как в команда UN:U?

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30.03.2020 17:01
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Bes Offline

Posts: 5454
Post: #4333

Berserker, что щас (прости, не сильно слежу за ньюансами) насчёт !!VRvy1... !!VRvv333... и т.п. манипуляций в ERA2/3 ?
вижу смысл только для такого, ну и конечно для обратной поддержки старых модов/скриптов
есть конечно ещё и субъективный резон, кто-то просто любит больше староверную v нежели эту заморскую SN:W
30.03.2020 17:12
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Berserker Online

Posts: 16720
Post: #4334

А смысл? Есть SN:M массивы и SN:W переменные.
Косвенная индексация а-ля yx5 работает, как и раньше. v-переменные вообще не нужны, если не считать некоторых команд, которые к ним цепями привязаны.

Зацени заморскую:

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30.03.2020 17:31
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wessonsm Offline

Posts: 814
Post: #4335

Тяжело отказываться от того, к чему привык...
Для меня v-переменные удобны, например для использования в качестве временных (в пределах одного триггера). Код с ними получается компактнее, чем при использовании SN:W и SN:M.
Для долговременного хранения и для работы с большими объемами данных последние подходят лучше, конечно.
30.03.2020 18:49
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