I spent a whole week to figure why AI does not listen always to the !!AI command as I need 52 AI to move where I set them in the new map.
Some were moving, others not, some dissipated etc.
There is a command which solved everything, although I wasn't paying attention to it before, and I was wrong.
!#UN:J4/32000; Control AI "thinking" radius
Now there is also a difficulty chosen issue. If player choose %60 to %100 then AI will have very different moves, even if you script it. So I suggest for maps having the AI moves scripted to have a "check difficulty" on first day and exit game if player choose <%160 or %200.
Here is the script (for WoG beginners)
Here is how I use it in !?PI instructions (the event has to be top on events list)
!!UN:J2/?v614; [Get player difficulty: v614]
!!IF&v614<4:M^Please restart on impossible difficulty^;
Then in a TM trigger on day one:
!#TM70:S1/999/1/4; tan player, check every day
!!UN&v614<4:Q0/1; lose game if player choose less than 200%