!?LE20/7/0; same event but with !!HE:P additional command
!!HE144:P21/1/0; ** it works but remain stuck there
!!AI:S144/7/1/23/0/0/5000000/1; **hero will not move
!!AI:S144/7/2/22/3/0/5000000/0; **idem
!!AI:S144/7/3/19/1/0/5000000/2; **idem
THIS is working, but you notice that I set last destination with 1 at the end
(means start with this position). It contradicts ERM but it is the only way I
could get it working. If the first destination is set with 1 (starts with this)
then he will not move...well, I got it working, but no idea how.
Playing with the last value gave very weird results.
If first destination is 1 (starts with this), second is 0 or 2, third is 0 or 2,
then once mullich reached the second, it returns to the first and ignores the
third, although it is a NICE and free castle.
So the last destination has to be the "first"(1 at the end) in the code.
(This post was last modified: 30.04.2009 20:25 by Valery.)