Thanks. I may have another question: Is there any way to enable !!SN inside a time trigger?
!!SN:Pz10; Play it
!!SN:Pz11; Play it
!!SN:Pz10; Play it
It does not play. I checked the wav and they work if triggered by event. I can't find a way to make them work in a TM. What would be a solution?
Also I never found a way to make avi playing in ERM. The commands may be correct but I always have an blue screen error message (can't read/open the file). All the avi we can find on the net are somehow compressed and ERM says they have to be uncompressed.
Did anyone succed in playing a short avi in WoG?
(This post was last modified: 29.04.2009 07:12 by Valery.)