(17.04.2009 00:15)Corwin Wrote: Respect to you, Valery
However, there is still a lot of features, that can, we believe, extremely improve the game process and WOG tool :), and we work on some such ideas.
But you are right, even now WOG is almost infinite source for modeling your own world. :astronomer1:
I am sure you will, and I will enjoy them. But there will still be people who will find you did not do enough. And continuously ask for again and again. They have to understand that you provide a tool, and that those adds can be modeled by each one to create his world.
For example, there is one thing WoG team may want to include in the code of 3.59., as this created to me a lot of problems.
There is an awful bug which occurs when a very huge battle is done, and the experience received by the creatures is overflowing the maximum allowed. So your experience will go into negative values, even VERY negative.
This is the script which will correct the bug:
** script to prevent creature experience reduction due to overflow. JHV,
** uses v7090-v7103 to store troop ranks @ start of battle
** uses FU459-FU462
!?BA0&1000; start of (human) battle
!!BA:H0/?v1; get attacker hero #
!!BA:H1/?v2; get defender hero # (if any)
!!DO459/0/6/1&v1>-1/v1<156:Pv1; check stacks 0-6 for attacker
!!DO460/0/6/1&v2>-1/v2<156:Pv2; check stacks 0-6 for defender
!?FU459; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, store in v[7090+x16]
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!?FU460; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, store in v[7097+x16]
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!?BA1&1000; end of (human) battle
!!BA:H0/?v1; get attacker hero #
!!BA:H1/?v2; get defender hero # (if any)
!!VRv3:C-1/-1; set v3 & v4 to -1
!!HEv1&v1>-1/v1<156:O?v3; get attacker's Owner - will be 0-7 if attacker won
!!HEv2&v2>-1/v2<156:O?v4; get defender's Owner - will be 0-7 if defender won
!!DO461/0/6/1&v3>-1/v3<8:Pv1; check stacks 0-6 for attacker
!!DO462/0/6/1&v4>-1/v4<8:Pv2; check stacks 0-6 for defender
!?FU461; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, vs. v[7090+x16]
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!!FU&y2<1:E; quit if no troops left in slot
!!HEx1&y4>y3:C0/x16/d/d/11/12; set rank to 11 if negative experience was
gained (overflow occurred)
!?FU462; get exp. rank of troop in slot x16 of hero x1, vs. v[7097+x16]
!!HEx1:C0/x16/?y1/?y2/?y3/2; y1=type, y2=no., y3=experience
!!FU&y2<1:E; quit if no troops left in slot
!!HEx1&y4>y3:C0/x16/d/d/11/12; set rank to 11 if negative experience was
gained (overflow occurred)
(This post was last modified: 17.04.2009 15:51 by Valery.)