Version 3.0.5 (09/2020)
[+] Updated "wog native dialogs" plugin. All localized string were moved to json file.
Added possibility to tune fonts, used in different dialogs. Credits: igrik.
[+] Updated "skeleton transformer fix.bin" patch. Hell Hydra is transformed into Bone Dragon.
Returned original transformation for mummies. Credits: Bes.
[+] SN:V now supports negative indexes, meaning n-th from end, the same as SN:M.
[+] Added possibility to query SN:M arrays information.
#1 - array ID
$2 - items count
$3 - items type (0 - integers, 1 - strings)
$4 - items storage type (-1 - trigger local, 0 - temporary, 1 - with savegame stored contents)
$5 - unsafe temporary address of array first item in memory
At least single #2..#4 parameter should use GET syntax. SET-syntax parameters are ignored in this case.
!!SN:M(array)/d/?(itemsType:y)/d; check if it's array of integers or strings
!!if&(itemsType)=(M_INT):; ...
[+] Added new constants to "Era Erm Framework" mod:
- TOWN_XXX constants for each town type in the game.
- CALLCONV_XXX constants for possible SN:E calling conventions.
- BATTLE_XXX constants for battle sides and stack limits.
- FLOAT_INF and FLOAT_NEG_INF, representing infinity values for float numbers.
!!VR(inf:e):C(FLOAT_INF); Assign positive infinity to (inf) variable without type conversion
!!IF&(someValue)=(inf):M^Value is too big^; Check some e-var for positive infinity
[+] Extended OnEveryDay trigger in "Era Erm Framework" mod. The following global variables are automatically set:
- i^timerDay^: 1..+inf
- i^timerWeekDay^: 1..7
- i^timerMonthDay^: 1..28
- i^timerWeek^: 1..+inf
- i^timerMonthWeek^: 1..4
- i^timerMonth^: 1..+inf
- i^timerOnce^: 0..1
- i^timerOwner^: 0..7
- i^timerIsAi^: 0..1
- i^timerIsHuman^: 0..1
[+] Added mathemetical functions to "Era Erm Framework" mod.
; Raises value to specified power. All arguments and result are floats.
; Example: 2^3 = 8, i.e. 2 * 2 * 2 = 8
!#VA(base:x) (power:x) (result:x);
; Returns value square root. All arguments and result are floats.
!#VA(value:x) (result:x);
; Returns Ceil(Log2(N)) or 0 for invalid values (<= 0).
!!IF:M^%(res)^; displays 7, because 2^7 = 128 and 2^6 = 64
; It means that 7 bits are necessary to hold data with 100 possible values.
; It also means, that if one value is 100x greater than the other one, then
; it would take 7 multiplications by 2 before the second value will become >= the first one.
!!VR(base:e):S123 :10; base = 12.3
!!VR(power:e):S35 :10; power = 3.5
!!IF:M^%(float)^; 12.3 ^ 3.5 = 6526.31287
!!VR(value:e):S123 :10;
!!IF:M^%(float)^; 12.3 ^ 0.5 = 3.507. I.e. 3.507 * 3.507 = 12.3
[+] Added functions for SN:M arrays handling to "Era Erm Framework" mod.
; Concatenates array items into single string, using passed glue string. Works with both numeric and string arrays.
; Example: ['one', 'two', 'three'] with glue ' --- ' become 'one --- two --- three'.
; Returns s^result^
; Uses s^_^
!#VA(list:x); Array ID.
!#VA(gluePtr:x); Optional. Glue string. Default: ''.
; Create list with names of the first 10 heroes
!!re i/0/10/1/-1:;
; Display joined list items
; Sorts array items in ascending order. Allows to sort specific array subrange.
!#VA(list:x); Array ID.
!#VA(startInd:x); Optional Start index of array subrange to sort. Default: 0.
!#VA(endInd:x); Optional End index of array subrange to sort. Default: numItems - 1.
; Let (names) variable hold SN:M array ID with heroes names (see example with Join function)
!!FU(Array_Sort):P(names); will sort it
; Sorts array items in ascending order user custom comparator function. Allows to sort specific array subrange.
; It's possible to perform any complex sorting in any direction and by unlimited number of criteria, using this method.
; It's a stable sorting method, i.e. items, which we be reported as equal, will retain their relative position to each other.
; For example, if sorting 'Ann', 'David' and 'Ken' by name length, the result will be 'Ann', 'Ken', 'David' and not 'Ken', 'Ann', 'David'.
; When sorting string array, comparator function will receive z-indexes of strings as arguments.
!#VA(list:x); Array ID.
!#VA(compareFunc:x); Comparison ERM function ID. It will be called multiple times with the following arguments:
; (value1, value2, state), where 'state' is any custom value, you specify on call to Array_CustomSort.
; Usually state is some array ID or external structure address, that client use to compare items.
; The function must return value:
; < 0 if value1-item should be placed before value2-item
; > 0 if value1-item should be placed after value2-item
; 0 if the ordering between two items should be left as is.
!#VA(state:x); Optional. Custom value to be always passed to comparison function as the third argument. Default: 0.
!#VA(startInd:x); Optional. Start index of array subrange to sort. Default: 0.
!#VA(endInd:x); Optional. End index of array subrange to sort. Default: numItems - 1.
Example 1. Sorting monsters IDs array by HP of each monster
!!FU(Array_Join):P(mons)/^ ^;
!!IF:M^Monster IDs: %s(result)^;
!#VA(mon1:x) (mon2:x) (state:x) (result:x);
Example 2. Sorting visitor names by name length
!!FU(Array_Join):P(visitors)/^ ^;
!!IF:M^Visitors: %s(result)^;
!#VA(str1Ptr:x) (str2Ptr:x) (state:x) (result:x);
!!VR(result):S(str1Len) -(str2Len);
; Reverts order of itmes in the array. Allows to reverse the order of specific array subrange only.
!#VA(list:x); Array ID.
!#VA(startInd:x); Optional Start index of array subrange. Default: 0.
!#VA(endInd:x); Optional End index of array subrange. Default: numItems - 1.
; Let (names) variable hold SN:M array ID with heroes names (see example with Join function)
!!FU(Array_Revert):P(names); will revert items order
; Fills array or arrays subrange with incrementing/decrementing values.
; Example: FU(Array_Fill):P(array)/100/2; Will fill items with 100, 102, 104, 106...
!#VA(list:x); Array ID.
!#VA(startValue:x); Starting value to fill with.
!#VA(step:x); Value to add to increase filler on each step. Default: 0.
!#VA(startInd:x); Optional. Start index of array subrange. Default: 0.
!#VA(endInd:x); Optional. End index of array subrange. Default: numItems - 1.
; Let (array) is some array of integer numbers. Let's fill it with 100, 98, 96...
[*] Creating array using SN:M with 5 parameters does not change v1 anymore.
[*] Extracted all Era supplied ERM scripts into "Era Erm Framework" mod.
[*] Extracted ERM testing code into separate mod "Era Erm Tests".
[*] Updated ERM editor snippets and autocompletion files. Added fast 'ifm', 'ifl' and 'snm' snippets.
[-] Applied fixes to ERM constants (Era Erm Framework mod):
Fixed constant MON_LAST_WOG => 196 instead of 197. Credits: igrik.
Fixed primary skills constants. Credits: Algor.
[-] Fixed crash on !#VA(-varName) syntax usage.
[-] Fixed ERM memory dump generation: slots reporting use to contain information about reserved items.
[-] Fixed x-variables reporting in ERM tracking module. Previosly garbage x0 value was output as the first one.
[-] Fixed Nagash portrait name in game and map editor executables. No more "missing hpsz001.pcx" error.