- функции стали именованными
- освобождены все z переменные в скрипте:
z45-46, z74-77, z91-99, z110-118, z144-158, z270-279, z310-311, z318-319, z390-391, z410-z428, z710-721, z726-z728, z732-744, z747-752, z793-z798, z904-z907, z920-z937
Igrik thank you very much for this work! When I started modding it was a pain to find free z-vars, ...searching through the whole Mod folder to find any that I might use.
It will be much better now
(03.07.2020 11:52)igrik Wrote: PerryR, note that vars z1-z150 must remain temporary!
ok ok :D
(This post was last modified: 03.07.2020 12:06 by PerryR.)