I have a question regarding WoG/ERA. Probably it is already known but maybe someone can point me towards the solution.
When in battle and giving a creature HP with !!BM:H command in !?BF trigger. So this "extra" HP vanishes/resets when I afterward use the !!EA receiver to give abilities to this stack, so do all other bonuses, also a defense boost from the Stoneskin spell will vanish after using !!EA receiver.
What do you usually do to avoid this? Because there arise several problems with scripts like "21 wog - neutral units.erm"
Edit: Okay one solution is to just do it the other way round obviously, like use !?BA for !!EA manipulation and afterwards !?BF for !!BM, but that's just a workaround...
(This post was last modified: 28.04.2019 17:38 by PerryR.)