(from readme.txt)
Mod for Era.
Author: Valery
This mod will allow to avoid two of most annoying bugs in H3: stats overflow and creatures experience overflow.
An army slot will be automatically (when you open hero screen) set to rank 10 if the program detects negative experience, then you will receive a confirming message.
You will also be able to switch stats values if any of them is higher than 110. Every primary skill can be decreased until 110, then the value stored can be used to increase another primary skill, up to 125 value.
This mod IS NOT a portable arcane tower and will not allow major cheating by switching your primary stats values as you enjoy. They can be manipulated only within the 110-125 range.
If you want to use this mod with other mods prohibiting external mods (which have "load only these scripts.txt" file in Data/s folder), open the text file, add inside mod erm ID (Overflow_fix.erm), then save. If reloading a save, press F12 to activate new erm configuration.
![Image: Zen8Z0.jpg](https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/745/Zen8Z0.jpg)