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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2851

Can't be laggy if no ert/ers files, that is a short script, does not matter.

Well, you can do many things, but there is no universal solution. Each script requires compiling various commands so you must have some experience at erm.

For example, build a mine after x battles:
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 00:34 by Valery.)
22.07.2014 00:33
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Katarina Offline

Posts: 37
Post: #2852

About ers/ert I was just quoting the guy from this message :P
So the script is practically fine "as is" if we want it to work just like building dwellings?
22.07.2014 01:00
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2853

A 50 lines script without any loop should not be laggy, I think is fine.

If it works.
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 01:03 by Valery.)
22.07.2014 01:02
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Katarina Offline

Posts: 37
Post: #2854

They say it has conflicts with other resources, seems like. I.e. the same button builds external dwellings in other script, also there are variables which were in use.
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 01:34 by Katarina.)
22.07.2014 01:31
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gamecreator Offline

Posts: 7107
Post: #2855

Это баги, а не лаги. Лаг - это задержка, т.е. когда зависает или тормозит. Описание из архива к скрипту вообще мало относится. Просто скрипт недоделанный (ну и как сам Снорт сказал, проще написать с нуля).

When all gods have burnt to ashes in eternity of sorrow,
Demons gonna tear your soul because there is no tomorrow.
22.07.2014 03:19
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Katarina Offline

Posts: 37
Post: #2856

I know it sounds not very nice but can somebody do it? : D Script is looking so tasty so I have a huge wish to try it together with building dwellings in our hot seat parties. If I would have enough scripting skills I would already be on it.
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 03:27 by Katarina.)
22.07.2014 03:27
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2857

You should keep posting in russian, I have automatized firefox translator. so for me is not a problem. There are way more russian scripters here than english ones, and this is russian section anyway.

The problem when asking full scripts is that they may take some time and then, when ready, they will not be exactly what you wanted. So make a post with ALL the details you wish, how many battles before mine creation, are battles number related to one single hero or ALL your faction's heroe and such. 141

Also, there will be a graphical problem when creating mines, they will probably not fit to terrains. Towns are universal graphics, mines not.
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 07:36 by Valery.)
22.07.2014 07:28
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Katarina Offline

Posts: 37
Post: #2858

(22.07.2014 07:28)Valery Wrote:  You should keep posting in russian, I have automatized firefox translator. so for me is not a problem. There are way more russian scripters here than english ones, and this is russian section anyway.

The problem when asking full scripts is that they may take some time and then, when ready, they will not be exactly what you wanted. So make a post with ALL the details you wish, how many battles before mine creation, are battles number related to one single hero or ALL your faction's heroe and such. 141

Also, there will be a graphical problem when creating mines, they will probably not fit to terrains. Towns are universal graphics, mines not.
It can be a problem for me too - I still don't know how to say "dwelling" in russian, for example, so I'd rather continue with describing important things in english as it may vary a lot if I start doing it in russian., if I ignore the fact that I hate asking people but already did it here several times, I think the best way would be to keep both scripts (building dwellings + building mines) able to work together without any conflicts. Dwellings building script is here:

But practically, all I meant is the same as building towns from Conquistador script of you: giving ability to build one mine for selected amount of faction battle wins which can be set before the start. It would limit players from having a lot of mines on start, if you know what I mean.

And yes, I did not think of it @ graphics issues. But I believe, if the script is done but mines are appearing incorrect from time to time, most of us will just deal with it 119
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 08:34 by Katarina.)
22.07.2014 08:33
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2859

ok, I took a look into both scripts and they are weird. Either they were made for some 2.40 Wog version but in wog 3.58/Era they will not work

Such scripts may take hours to make, and convert conquistador to build mines instead of towns is not easy, as conquistador uses special dialog with custom graphics, thus should be redone from scratch.

If I get the time, I may make a script giving free mines upon x battle victories, but while waiting is better that you start with easy examples, show your scripts then get corrections by people here. Spiteful

Although the idea of creating dwellings and mines does not sound very interesting to me, because :

a) a dwelling created after map generation will not be recognized by towns growth, and

b) a player needs resources first/second week. If he builds a mine after 20-30 battles, this will be 2-3rd week so completely useless.
(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 15:03 by Valery.)
22.07.2014 10:31
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Katarina Offline

Posts: 37
Post: #2860

Hmm, script of dwellings building works well in ERA 2.3 I play now. Did not test mines building because it would use same button. I'm afraid I can't even recognize what is the code of script about.

Yea I understand I should not have asked : P
22.07.2014 15:33
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2861

(22.07.2014 15:33)Katarina Wrote:     I'm afraid I can't even recognize what is the code of script about.

Well, the path of true warrior starts with knowledge about y vars:

(This post was last modified: 22.07.2014 21:03 by Valery.)
22.07.2014 21:02
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gamecreator Offline

Posts: 7107
Post: #2862

I have a question for a true varrior:
Would this code display 99? What if I change y15 to y-15?

When all gods have burnt to ashes in eternity of sorrow,
Demons gonna tear your soul because there is no tomorrow.
22.07.2014 21:33
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Valery Offline

Posts: 2196
Post: #2863

Of course y15 retains its value, as it is function local based var. Not y-15, which will be different at each trigger.

Snort script uses y15 for all further settings, while his y15 value will be always 0. Can't work.

True warrior answeredBeee
22.07.2014 21:41
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Katarina Offline

Posts: 37
Post: #2864

I'll sit in the corner and pretend I understood something.
22.07.2014 23:25
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Algor Away

Posts: 3881
Post: #2865

(22.07.2014 21:41)Valery Wrote:  Of course y15 retains its value, as it is function local based var. Not y-15, which will be different at each trigger.
True warrior answeredBeee

Exactly the opposite, true warrior Beee

BattleHeroes Rus/Eng | ERA scripts (+ReMagic) Rus/Eng
23.07.2014 00:04
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