Of course not, I made it short for example.
(I have 27 AI heros scripted)
I tried different:
The obvious:
!!AI:S50/-1/1/y1/y2/y3/5000000/3; **Marius instructions
then this one to avoid loop:
!!AI:S140/-1/1/y1/y2/y3/5000000/3; **Inteus instructions
!!HE122:O0; red player
!!AI:S122/-1/1/59/40/0/5000000/3; send Voy to remove assasins
!!UN:I61/12/0/79/6; place gold to lure Voy
!!HE122:G20000; Set Voy movement
When testing it works perfectly. But in map after a few months, they are surprising me, not listening to commands. Unable to turn around objects, stuck etc...I would say 1/4 times they fail. Very hard to control them at 100%. In general I noticed that when they are set to hunt main hero, it is very important to be on a specific square, and not random. One square to the left, they can't "see" me, so all the surrounding positions have to be checked. The best result is to stop main hero with W0, then script fixed location.